Bought some Dutch political books:
- De empathische samenleving (The Empathetic Society) by Jesse Klaver, leader of the Dutch Greens. Read it in a day and it's simplistic trash without a hint of intellectual depth. No wonder his party wants to lower the voting age, because children are the only ones who will be able to relate to this.
- De aanval op de natiestaat (published in English as The Significance of Borders. Why representative government and rule of law require nation-states) by Thierry Baudet, Dutch MP. Currently working my way through it, and so far it presents a very thorough argument against supranational organisations such as the EU and the UN through a multidisciplinary analysis of the history of states, nations, law and government.
- Minderheid in eigen land (Minority in One's Own Country) by Martin Bosma, Freedom Party MP and former Speaker of the House of Representatives. A critical look at the crimes of the ANC and its enablers in the Dutch media. Have yet to read.