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Everything posted by SchalkeUK

  1. Matondo! Young Manchester City kid is daft enough to sign for Tedesco. He credentials and what experience he has so far is better than practically every other player at 04 at present, but as a winger he will be blamed for not providing goals when all he has to aim at is rubbish in the centre and the striker kids are being messed about as is normal at this time in Gelsenkirchen. No Embolo or Harit at the moment and if Burgstaller or Di Santo comes back, he will be blamed for not giving them the ball when they will never be where they should be - normal game for them lately! He deserves better, wish him well, but he will struggle until the Management is sorted out! If he doubts the above - just talk to Konoplyanka!
  2. The English brilliant Comedy Duo, Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise used this form a quiz as a Comedy version of Mastermind in the 60s and 70s. Try it and you will find it's not as simple as it seems. Kloppo was as good as it gets and with the right questions getting the answers from the previous one it can be very, very funny!
  3. Nice one - and Kloppo was a good looking young guy then - not sure what happened after that! I suppose the ability to be able to answer the questions correctly but after the next one is asked is a good qualification for after-match interviews and the quiz was good practice!
  4. Sorry DDW, but that - in English - is defined as an oxymoron edit! Here's a better example: I have always respected great football managers - Tedesco has my support! Soll dass Widerspruch sein?
  5. I stayed in Estoril for some time in the 60s and have been back to there and to Cascais a few times since. Lucky enough to see the great Eusebio once or twice at his best! The Train from Lisbon is cheap and a very easy way to get down the coast - I even remember getting a bunch of Carnations during the 'revolution' as I got on the train. For me the Portuguese are on a par with my German friends - some of the nicest folks I know and wifey and I will be back again this year - probably anywhere between Faro and the bridge on the border with Spain - it's all worth a visit and much cheaper than most other European places. Hope to get there in March and avoid having to go to the Etihad and watch my guys being humiliated by Leroy, Ilkay and Kevin just to prove to the present loonies in charge how bad they really are this season! Schade! The missus has booked us on to a boat from Montreal to NYC in August - a week of nothing to do other than eat, drink and watch the BL games in the morning
  6. How about moie nie johr which I got yesterday from a little guy with a lot of hair in Manchester!
  7. Happy new year to all - and with it Tedesco has achieved another brilliant piece of strategy - the only decent defender we had left has left - Naldo belongs Monaco. If they think he can play until 2020 why is he not staying with us? Mendyl - one of the better signings is out probably for the rest of the season so what will the back line be? Having tried Schopf everywhere else perhaps he is the answer alongside McKennie but of course Burgstaller could play there - he isn't going to be any use up front so why not? At least playing in defence he will not be offside as often as he normally is
  8. I'm not an over-religious person, but spent part of the night with 'nudge' in mind and hoping that the Tsunami in her part of the world was not really in her part of the world. Wake up young lady and tell us all that you are OK!
  9. Just read the 04 news page from last night. I cannot believe what is on there. Total complacency and an unwillingness to accept the errors which again caused the defeat. We have a number of injuries to cope with, but Burgstaller and Di Santo have been inept so they cannot be missed. Embolo's loss is a problem, but he might not have been selected as normal anyway, Tedesco has failed totally to sort out Harit's game-playing problem - a job for a proper man-manager, and to use Wright who was the main problem for Leverkusen was a good idea - so the idiot substitutes him and bringing on the ex Union guy was fine but then he had only a midfielder playing out of position (normal tactics these days) but one who is so small as to be insignificant at times and no real threat in the penalty area. The fact that he had the best chances sums up the garbage around him and his efforts were admirable against the rest of the dross. So Tedesco and Fahrman blame what - guess what - our bad luck. The pre match tributes were great, pity the Knappen didn't dig another hole for Tedesco!
  10. Come on Tommy! That's like saying that the midfield trio should not swap places at times when the opposition weaknesses were identified or telling Leroy and Julien to stay on the right or left side as they started (Pep allows that often). During his time at Leicester, Stan will tell you that Christian has been often the best winger on the park and his crosses from wide out have been as good as his attacks through the middle -Sead does the same so they will swap places and cover each other. You should know how that works - if it didn't you would still be wearing a yellow shirt - choose your place and stick to it - rigidly - a bit like Mrs May's daft Brexit idea - and look where its getting her! Respect the guys who play for you and give them the sort of freedom Pep applies at Man City - the special one does not do that and Man U are suffering from a rigid sort of set-up which isn't working. What position was young Sancho in on Saturday and where was Kimmich when he scored? Great players do not need numbers, just support and I know they get that as much from you as from me! Strange how supporters around the world fall out with Managers and Coaches long before they blame incompetent players!
  11. Not much of a positive nature to post on here since October, but with Christmas coming up please accept the best wishes from me and the 04 gang for a great holiday. Just as a weird idea to recreate greatness, try and find a team from your ex players who are still playing - and playing well elsewhere - Nuri was good yesterday and would still fit into the present BVB squad and our ex Finnish forward is playing well in Norwich. I would find it difficult to beat my selection of 04 'cast-offs' Neuer Kehrer Howedes Fuchs Kolasinac Meyer Ozil Rakitic Draxler Pukki Sane Plus a load more to choose from as subs! - Rafinha, Matip Goretzka Szalai Huntelaar it goes on and on....... How's your ex squad looking?
  12. Aw come on Inga - I'm sure you can find something worse if you try - 5 letter word beginning with T and ending in p? Or even a 6 letter word beginning with B ending in t and causing total chaos for most of us in the UK!
  13. A bit like denying anyone could be equal second with him - or anywhere near equal anything with him! Reminds me of the young atheist who suffered from dyslexia and went round telling everyone that he didn't believe in dog!
  14. Need to keep this thread alive, but at the moment not a positive thought to offer anyone!
  15. Sad that! Can we have the real Tommy back - the one I used to know and luv!
  16. Anyone wondering how young Sheldon will cope with his new 'friend '- particularly as she seems to have taken over 'his' seat. Series 2 is promising to be as good as series 1 was, or I am getting too old and still longing for the return of 60's education?.
  17. Fans of young Mckennie will note that he was almost invisible for half an hour in the game against Brazil. He had then one or two chances - missed a wide open goal, fouled a few more than others and finally was subbed on 84 minutes - no sure if there is any better player available, but anywhere else he would fade into obscurity. Pity he can't do that in Gelsenkirchen!
  18. When you perform a piece of music - ie a Pop song - you play it all the way through and then repeat part - usually the middle 8 to the end - and that instruction is on the sheet Da Coda al fine - sort of repeat from here to the end. In it's other form its Washington (DC) to the conclusion of a presidential term! which is the nice way of defining fine - your choice!
  19. OK So that's one definition - now rehash the Music term DC al fine without reference to Washington or Trump!
  20. fine is nice - unless you are in Italy and not feeling very well!
  21. Not me silly - it was Tommy who went off and the quote was for him rather than his first remark back home 'what the fxxxx etc" Me, I'm away to North Carolina at the end of the month to see No 1 daughter.
  22. Now that has to be the strangest way of saying @Hi everyone, I'm back from sunny Mallorca where I had a great time' Welcome home
  23. I saw his first game for BVB against 04 years ago and we got together occasionally whilst my daughter was at Uni in Liverpool. He is still part of my BL Fantasy team but no points recently so now there is a chance to start and get some more. We all know what happened to Mesut when he trusted his game to Werder so here's hoping for a repeat but finding another Diego will be hard!!!! Good luck to him and nudge!
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