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Everything posted by SchalkeUK

  1. Hey nudge you are turning into a Yankie - the only times I have ever heard the word coworkers has been from young American Students who seem to think that colleagues is not a word in their vocabulary.
  2. Totally misunderstood what I was trying to say - My intention was totally to support what you are having to do against the outside adults who are probably causing you more problems than the kids. The assessment idea is only new to those who have never had to do it or consider writing an end of term report. Apologies if it was my old-fashioned logic which gave you the wrong impression - sometimes even us wrinklies can get frustrated at what Councils and politicians are doing to interfere with education rather than just shutting up and supporting those at the sharp end! The best head I ever worked under had two bins in his office - one was for all the stuff the local authority sent him and which normally was full of unopened envelopes. Times, I assume, have not really changed since then!
  3. There were times in the 60's when we had to assess pupils' work rather than have formal exams and most teachers were able to do the task with total fairness and positivity. When the kids finally took the exams the results and assessments were almost identical so if that information is given to your present day students they will probably be less anxious - particularly as we sometimes had to assess before the full curriculum had been finished - judgement was made on the up-to-date position so no penalties were imposed as a result of early termination of a term's schedule. I know there are sceptics, but most educationalists are somewhat 'Spockian' in their logical approach to problems and it is normally all that is needed. Meanwhile calm amongst the older members of society will help the younger ones - silly panic and stupid unreasonable comments will only cause the kids problems as they can always seem to 'suss out' when they are being told porkies! A long school holiday now will probably make them realise it's not the best idea and pressure for more later will be eased a lot! If they think they get bored in school the just tell them to wait and see if they still believe that in two months time!
  4. Even at my age I have been asked to get my clearances up to date in case I am asked to go in and help out in the local schools. What worries me is that too many fit and younger people are 'stressing' rather than just taking care and being 'anxious' as their action are frightening others by seeming to be the sort of idiots that buy 7 packs of toilet rolls just because they can - this morning older folk who were told that Supermarkets were allowing them in early to shop have been unable to get in as no security was there to stop young folk pushing in first. Probably the interlopers were all stressing! I can remember the mid 1940's when we were kids and the adults were all trying to keep calm so that the kids were feeling safe - now many of them are being frightened by what the older idiots are doing. Not sure now you sort that out!
  5. Groups in Brothels - now that sound a little strange...... Just got back from dinner where the place was half full - or half empty if you wish, which meant there was plenty of space between diners. Strange thing that the Polish guy who served us says his family goes to the local Catholic Church in Warsaw which the Lewandowski family used when Robert was a kid! Irrespective of that the food was great and my next outing has now to wait until Mothers day - if they are still open then. There seems to be no panic here (other than the local Tesco Loo Roll Counter) but everyone is using the gel on offer and acting like grown-ups! Somehow I get the impression that we are going to get through this!
  6. With every country in Europe and beyond imposing - or recommending - sanctions on public gatherings, social events - even religious services, I thought that as all of us will be spending far more time at home - even if that is for work, we should use this forum for continuing contact with friends (and foes) to enable us to try and keep sane whilst our favourite pastime (footy that is) is on hold. Particularly as the Euro0 2020 has been pushed a year into the future. I know Tommy likes to comment on parts of his social like (darts and drink) in Dusseldorf and Inga may have to stay in Germany longer than she intended. Chadwell in probably locked down in the US and Relling's area has been quiet so far - so what is happening where you are and how is it affecting you? I have had to cancel all my plans for next week's holiday and my Summer German class is now put off until September. My Saturday kid's Lego group is also ended abruptly - not sure what they are going to do instead but hopefully we will be able to get back together in the Summer. It's almost the same as being told to stay inside because there isn't anything to go out for - other than the fresh air - assuming that it stays fresh!!! So what's life like where you are. I am out for probably my last Dinner for some time tonight, but I know that in parts of Europe there would not be anywhere open to do that! Don't let this present situation stop our interaction - I know we are all better than that! Stay nice, keep well and please - despite what we sometimes think to the contrary -don't shut up! Wenn du denkst du bist allein.....
  7. You may be right anyway as now the outward flight has been cancelled. It looks like a delay in everything and at this time our 'leaders' are even thinking of telling over 70's to stay inside for a long period so we may not have any choice anyway!
  8. Hey, don't get me wrong. If I thought for one moment that what I was doing would cause others a problem then it would be a non-starter. If at any moment I have an idea things might not be correct, I will follow whatever advice I am given. Doing that up to now (viz: exactly listening to and following my doc's comments) has got me to where I am now and I see no reason to ignore similar experienced and proper advice from those who might be younger, but whose knowledge is far greater than mine! If I planned to fly to Dusseldorf next week and Tommy said 'no' - his local knowledge and advice would over-ride any other wishes I would have. I wouldn't even ask 'why not' Further to that, this morning I discussed with the folk running the organisation where I spend time with the kids as to which way we were going to act in the present situation. Their advice was to carry on unless we were going into some for of lockdown or school closure on advice from the experts. All the parents agreed. Same sort of thing really.
  9. Sorry guys but my health is as good as any person 40 or more years younger. I (we) have always travelled and enjoy being in different parts of the world - sometimes together, sometime on our own. My trips to the Veltins have been four this season so far and I was looking forward to at least one more this season to meet up with the guys again. I still keep up my time with the kids (35 of them this morning's session) and having spent a lifetime looking after others my finances are good enough to allow me to enjoy this time so why not take advantage of it. The virus is no problem to the kids and to fit older folk similarly can be managed. Sitting in the house and watching the world go by is the pits and if I get to a stage where I can't manage not to do that then I will accept the situation, but too many people - young and old - use the word 'stress' as an excuse to say no and hide from either responsibility or tough decisions. I was well into my 70's when I first met some of the guys (and gal) on here and I wouldn't have missed that for anything. Thelast thing I ever want to do is look back on a missed opportunity when I can no longer take it and think 'I should have done that'. Meeting guys like Tommy and watching Manuel, Mesut and others grow up and become the guys they are has a real feeling of satisfaction and I would not have missed that for anything. Only when I have to admit and accept that 'I can't do that' will I stop.
  10. Now here's one for a big Aaaah On 25 March we are due to fly to Las Palmas for our 50th Wedding anniversary holiday and My (and Manuel's and Isuto's) birthday. We fly out with Easy Jet (still flying as at now) and Back on 1st April with Jet2 (cancelled all Spain flights today for a period not specified - including Balearics and Canaries) our hotel is (online) not now taking any bookings for the period we are due to stay there so not sure if they are staying open or not. Looks as if we might have to stay in miserably cold UK unless we are told otherwise - watch this space...
  11. Difficult whether to blame Alex or DW. His head is not in the right place at the moment and playing him when there are other things testing his confidence - in his decisions and his actions - is not the correct thing to do. This has been obvious since he was dropped and then had to come back after the injury to young Schubert. If he was watching the Manchester Derby he would have been lifted when he sees other, more experienced guys having similar problems. Bayern still have the confidence to continue with his contract so whilst I have problems with guys like Burgstaller, I would never 'diss' him whilst he is on the field - he doesn't pick himself and when he is going through a bad patch he needs help to sort it - maybe at a different level for a game or two, but real fans will still get behind the team even though things are not good at the moment - that has been obvious even during recent games. Recent Norwich and Watford games show where the genuine fans are and although it can hurt, Viva guy is correct - just shut up!
  12. Surely hope you won't have anything to celebrate during this match. Following the dire performance against Bayern in the Pokal when 04 had less that 1/5 of possession and were totally inept in front of goal, the main culprit had the nerve to post this as his thoughts after the match We were in it right up until the final whistle. Our disappointment after losing the game is greater than our satisfaction with our performance. We were missing a little bit of luck in front of goal. You have to take your chances if you want to beat Bayern. I had a good opportunity, but could only hit the bar. I was also just offside for another one. Benito had a moment right after coming on and then Gregerl was unlucky right at the end. I’d like to thank our fans, who pushed us on throughout the whole game. Despite the loss, we did a lot right. The performance will give us some confidence going into the next games. One hit the bar and one offside chance in 90 minutes. Says it all really and well done a satisfied Herr Burgstaller. Stay with that team and Hoffenheim will be waiting with baited breath for Saturday. DW has to sort it out soon or Burgstaller, Nastasic and Schopf will finally seal his fate after this rubbish again this week. As a further thought, when Nastasic came back from injury to be the senior defender with no thought for creating anything from the back just check the results after that and the lack of performance from the midfield - particularly Harit who, up to that point, had been brilliant! If we can see that from the side perhaps DW should sit in the stands on Saturday and observe the game from higher up!
  13. I posted this yesterday: Tomorrow we will sit down for dinner and celebrate Thomas and his friends progress to the Semis, - the rest of us will try and avoid trying to calculate how many Bayern - minus Robert L - will be able to put past 04 with Alex Nubel's assistance. Perhaps someone is reading my mail!
  14. Apologies to those who care not, but I only get chance to do this every four years! Happy birthday to our ex-captain, international and great schoolkid - Benny Howedes, who was born on Feb 29th and pretends to have a b'day every year. This time it's for real and have a great 8th birthday although we still regard it as 32!
  15. I do hope JK was watching the game at Spurs last night. The old De La Mere poem is just nearly correct - " I wandered lonely as a cloud , that drifts and roams on fields of green, the ball came to me once or twice, but mostly I was hardly seen" - a typical performance from the scorer who will be remembered for his goal and - as is his normal form these days - little else. Lowe has not been impressed with his National team performances and without Poulson his goal tally is hardly increasing. Not at all the sort of person for the Anfield crew to be spending money on - and I have watched him all this and many past seasons. Nice guy, but........
  16. Always liked David since he was a junior with a lot of promise - somehow it hasn't worked out so far, but a new start might be just what he needs - I hope it works out well - both for him and nudge
  17. Today there are remembrance events in Israel 75 years after the Russians 'liberated' Auschwitz - if liberated was the correct word. Whilst there can really be no words to cover the way the Jewish civilians - men, women and children, were treated in Germany, there are still politicians wanting to keep the differences alive! Today, Poland will not talk to Russia and whilst the sadness prevails in Jerusalem, the situation in Gaza only lacks dead bodies to draw similarities with what happened in the 30's and 40's to those now controlling the Knesset. Anti-Semitism is again becoming a problem in many parts of the world and when interference in the UK election by the chief Rabbi happens, it stokes the fires even more. I spent time with three young guys who became world famous and who were friends without any prejudices or problems - Mesut, Manuel and Julien - great kids - now great guys one Muslim boy, one a devout catholic and the third a little Jewish kid who invited his team mates to a Holocaust celebration and, led by Benny Howedes, many of them went to stand with Julian and his family. If there has to be thought for today - then think of those three young guys and hope the rest of the world can do the same!
  18. Steve Bruce has never been one to shy away from a problem, but I never imagined he would deliberately create one. The idea of signing Bentaleb will be more than interesting and if they manage to complete the season without at least a bloody lip each it will be a surprise. Nabil has a fixed temperament which does not tolerate control being pointed at him - his dressing room antics and attempts to cause groups and cliques against the idiots upstairs caused his coaches problems (and we have a lot of those which didn't help!)- he may well get on with Mr Bruce, but for heaven's sake keep him away from the shopkeeper! There is no doubting his ability as a player, if he can settle quietly and get on with the job the Toon Army will love him - life could get interesting up and down the Scotswood Road.
  19. One thing missing! I have travelled far and wide, but never got to your part of the world so perhaps not as lucky as some! Perhaps......
  20. I spent some time in Radio in the 50s and 60s and then became a teacher in UK but in the 80s and later went to Lille, Waregem and Gelsenkirchen on occasional weeks/month as a cover English teacher. Still go sometimes to meet up with old friends and have organised the local exchange group for years until we all got too old, but my first 1949 visit to Castrop got me with young mates who were all young 'Knappen' it just went from there really! Oh - and I work on the principal that you're never too old for anything!!!
  21. Just a lucky guy who has had a long life being in the right places at the right time!
  22. When he came from Switzerland to Gelsenkirchen I was occasionally still going to Bergefeld for a few weeks each year and with former students (Manu, Benny and Joel - Mesut had already gone to Bremen, but his dad, Mustafa, was always around) we used to get together after training. Magrat's operation ruined the side and it broke up and when Ivan went off to Seville we kept in touch and sometimes called in when we were in other parts of Southern Spain on holiday - particularly to see how Dinain - his Bar which future wife Raquel looked after - was doing. Great place for Tapas! When little Althea was born in 2013 he sent me a nice pic of the three of them and I still carry it in my wallet to this day - great guy - super family man (now with two little girls) and needless to say - a superb footy man. Sometimes the strangest things happen and you get to meet young guys who remain friends for a long time!
  23. Thanks Stan for your suggestions, but York is only 20 miles away and we spent some time in Seville with Ivan and Raquel after he left 04 and opened his Tapas bar there. Both have been great for us in the past, but madame wants somewhere new which is why it's going to be somewhat difficult. Very, very grateful for your kind consideration!
  24. Now for some serious thoughts! March is my Golden Wedding and I am trying to think of somewhere a little special and different - not too costly, but not cheap - to save having a party at home and get away for a nice quiet time somewhere nice and warm. Some of you must have mums and adds who did something special and memorable. Any ideas will be seriously considered. I Know there is a game at the Veltins, and Man City also are engaged over that weekend, but no footy for a week - please!
  25. Some say life is Orange - at the moment it is beginning to shine with a royal blue tint!
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