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Everything posted by SchalkeUK

  1. If you bump onto my old school student Joel on your way round give him and Marvin my best wishes to be safe - he was quite a kid!
  2. Time to start worrying is when there would be quite a few males clustering together outside!!!!
  3. Anybody else putting their Teddy in the window? Ours is sat there ready to wave at the kids as they exercise. New 'Teddy Hunt' idea seems good!
  4. nudge may find it difficult to answer as it may seem that she will appear to make out that she is part of a superior world - problem is in many ways - she is! I have spent years looking after young people mainly in the UK but often in Germany. When the education system changed here in the 70s and we added the word comprehensive to our system, a lot of the discipline and control went out of the window. Those kids then are the parents now and their offspring often suffer from that the lack of form of parental control we older folk had - so we tend to accept authority when it is necessary rather than continue all the time to question it. Teaching boys and girls these days in Germany is like it was back in the 70s in the UK - OK there are exceptions, but mainly their discipline and respect is way above the UK norm. In the present situation it is natural that the way young people are brought up in Germany as opposed to the UK would suggest they may well take note of instructions rather than requests and hence the obedience to the sensible proposals being made in both countries is greater there than here. I know that is a very big generalisation, but it only needs a few idiots to spoil things and give the rest the impression that it is OK to go off to the beach or the countryside without a thought for others. Trouble is they then are the source of news bulletins rather than those who are staying inside as doing the right thing. Many German clubs have their 'ultras', but they are very quiet at the moment! Oh and one final PS The German folk have to listen to Angela We have Boris and Michael - 'nuff said!
  5. Gove finds it difficult to answer any questions without changing the subject or - in his normal way - just lying to get out of any positive or correct answers. Mind you, he's always been like that so at least he is consistent.
  6. Hans Selye invented the word stress in respect of the mental condition when he was a kid studying in Hungary and it has been abused as a word since then - but it is less than 100 years old in that respect. It was never meant to be that and if you are fed-up or had enough of something then you get out of it by mis-using the word stress as an excuse. If you do not accept that you should spend some time with modern kids in school and just listen to the excuses why their work - including homework - has not been completed. They seem to feel that 'I was too stressed to do it' covers all!
  7. Please , Please, Please do not allow yourself to use the word 'Stress' Older friends will tell you that it was used in Physics to explain what happened when you heated and bent metals and these days it is used purely as an excuse by people when they cant be bothered to do something. We all get a little anxious or worried at times, but 'stress' and the use of the word makes it sound and, to many, makes it feel worse. The fact we are here, mainly well and mostly trying to beat this thing is proof that so-called 'stress' is a myth which exists to deny happiness and contentment. As I posted elsewhere and as Vera sang in the 40's 'There'll come another day'. Take care and enjoy each day!
  8. Talking to folks on line is never the same as face to face, but there are lots of daft threads on here which will keep your mind slightly(?) active. I'm sure the one which CaaC and I are presently keeping going on the Music section will give you a chance to 'shine' with your own knowledge of your own fav music. Come on over - the water's OK!
  9. Now it's closer to home - The young nurse who is a Cancer Nurse at a local hospital and who lives in the Apartment below has gone down with it so we are being extra careful at the moment and leaving her groceries outside her door when she is short. She is fit and reasonably well and getting over the thing - probably 2 or 3 more days, but she regrets that she cannot work but also she was unable to be tested before she found out what had happened. as they often say - it's coming to a place near you!!!! All take care.
  10. I get regular updates from Man City and have just received the latest - if you get a chance look at Pep's message to the fans about the game and the Virus - brilliant piece of PR.
  11. Donald's last TV appearance looked slightly under the weather! Has he got it and refusing to accept it exists?
  12. Another special day for the 'trio'. Happy Birthday Peter Manuel from Atsuto and me - and all 27th guys!
  13. My daughter is a scientist working in NC and is working mainly from home. However, when anything new or important crops up she has to go to the lab and has been given a permit which she must show to be allowed to travel from home to work. Without it she would be arrested! That's North Carolina's version of lock-down and it works!
  14. Sorry Kaiser but this is not exactly the right time to be expressing such a harsh form of lack of support when the Club is working in the exact opposite direction.
  15. Never got the real reason why he changed his name from Adolf to Felix!
  16. Naw - it's the most dangerous thing since dinosaurs
  17. What is sad is to see how many people who have been following the advice have lost friends and relatives to the virus - mainly due to the selfishness of others. Whilst our Boris dithers and prattles to very little purpose, Angela who has been great in Germany has now fallen foul of the virus - enough to prove to the idiots that there is no logic other than keeping away from each other as much as possible to try and halt the spread. Italy's population in the north has decreased as folk have gone south to escape it - and taken it with them to increase the country's problem. Nice to see Spain getting tough - I was told by a local friend here that his brother and wife went out to the Supermarket in Barcelona only to be stopped and asked what they were doing by the police. They were told that they were breaking the regulations as it only needed one person to shop and the guy was given a 600 Euro fine! Now that's the way to clear the parks! Stop dithering Boris and sort it like Angela and the Spanish and Italian PMs are doing. Personally I will hate it, but hopefully will live as a result as will the rest of my friends and family. Stay safe people!!!
  18. Of course! why not? As long as we stay 2 m apart I see no problem with the idea at all
  19. Anew Saturday and finally all our social centres are closed. I only wish people would stop using numbers to try and make a point - the numbers are irrelevant - The Chinese control over society can produce whichever totals they wish, the UK is testing limited members and many of those are in the most likely sources of problems - thus the ratio is higher than in other areas where they are trying to test everyone - but that itself is impossible. Third world countries do have the infrastructure to collate any form of sensible numbers and Trumpy just makes stuff up as he goes along and ignores his advice from states which are more sensibly approaching the problem. Just accept that there is a serious problem and perhaps the Chinese are being realistic and their peak may not be over, but reducing and they are beginning to show signs of winning th battle. Italy has problems all over - mainly due to people from the badly hit north 'emigrating' south and taking it with them to start new areas of infection. Her in the UK we are now more restricted due to younger members not taking things seriously and congregating together so now there is nowhere to congregate. It will be a while yet before the answers are found, but they will be and until then we go back to our lives in the 1940's when we all helped each other and stayed calm and -hopefully - safe. I can remember the 'panic' buying in those years when new supplies arrived in the local shop and disappeared in minutes - it you were late, you went without -then it was real fear, now it is total selfishness but those doing it will never be shamed of themselves because that is how society has developed - the me me me - syndrome is showing all its teeth. Let's try and use this space for positive news and thinking, positive ideas how to help and get over this and stop the gloom and doomsters being able to lead! To all my usual final comment Sei nett, be nice and - as Tommy says - stay safe.
  20. Using what we used to call spurious correlation it will be pointed out that consumption of Lager in Germany per head is almost parallel to the Coronavirus figure - thus drink more German Lager and fight off the virus!. Source - Veltins research lab!
  21. I did my training in Statisics in the early 50's and there was always one question we found difficult to answer or argue against: How many Statisticians does it take to make up a Statistic? Answer: One why? Because no one has the faintest idea how they arrived at their conclusion so we all just accept it! Now apply that thinking to the Coronavirus findings - differently arrived at and presented country by country - just accept it's here and try and follow the best advice we are given. Oh and Damn it - that's my Mother's day celebration out of the window!
  22. I hope you're wrong, but whatever the outcome enjoy the job and the life - I kept going until my mid 70's and then only stopped full time so that I could continue the odd weeks in Gelsenkirchen. Never regretted it for a minute and even now I still keep in touch and visit whenever I can.
  23. Probably either from crapbook social media or Dominic Cumming's anus!
  24. I seem to remember he said something similar when he started to pull his men out of your part of the world
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