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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave


    I don't think I could have done a worse job at killing Wardlow's momentum even if I tried.
  2. Dave


    Everybody that's a 'pro wrestler' today lives for there video games and Twitter interactions whilst Matt Riddle's in a love triangle with two porn stars and going to rehab. What a throwback.
  3. Dave


    ADHD and Autism are new fads caused by food according to Lacey Evans' Instagram account.
  4. Dave


    AEW have signed another generic average looking wrestler that half the audience could beat up. Meanwhile Miro has wrestled four times this year.
  5. Dave


    The Wrestling News (great eight minute daily podcast to listen too) was reporting that members of the board are looking to sue him for damages to the company. So thankfully we don't have anything to worry about. Whilst the weekly shows are very hit and miss at the minute it's still a big improvement on what Vince had been serving up for years.
  6. Dave


  7. Dave


    Must say I think William Regal is getting off quite lightly by a lot of people. Regardless of whether he wanted to leave AEW for months or not, calling Tony Khan when he's in hospital with his mum after a second stroke and then to bring that up in conversation for why he wants to leave and be closer to his son is a real dark move. The fact AEW have changed there whole A story to accommodate him is baffling. That interview he did where he explained sideing with MJF is one of the worst things I've ever seen, and the fact he agreed to do that and pushed Wheeler Useless down our throats for nine months makes me wonder if he's all cracked up to be.
  8. Dave


    You may enjoy it more if you follow there YouTube channels? WWE are pretty immense at uploading about 30% of the show as soon as its finished. When you take out the long entrances and adverts its all you need. AEW are not as efficient but if you're watching Dynamite on a Friday it's fine as that's when they've uploaded the 6/7 clips of the Dynamite show.
  9. Dave


    A week after claiming he may have been abducted and had his memory wiped.
  10. Dave


    AEW have signed AR Fox. They're going to have more wrestlers than viewers at this rate.
  11. Yeah when he joined Palace I wasnt thrilled as we already had four competent central defenders and we need to strengthen in several other areas. To say he ended up exceeding expectations was an understatement.
  12. Another two years of him ruining FPL for everybody.
  13. Dave


    Austin Theory's burial.
  14. Dave


    AEW Full Gear card for tonight looks pretty good. First time in well over a year they've got a card full of matches that have stories behind them that have lasted longer than two weeks. My only complaint is that we have had to endure weeks of them building Daniel Garcia (and to be fair he looked like he has improved) only for him to get randomly demoted and replaced by Sammy Guevara. Nobody cares about Sammy at this point other than Chris Jericho and that's purely for ego purposes.
  15. Have to worry for Brentford if that's the case. He's scored 10 out of there 23 goals this season and it's 6 points between them and 18th in what looks like the most competitive season I've seen down the bottom since we got promoted nine seasons ago.
  16. Dave


    It looks like it's part of a story. Phew.
  17. Dave


    Yeah I think the last good 'cash in' was Dean Ambrose and that was 2016. There's been some very good ones over the years (Edge, RVD, Punk, Rollins etc) but the booking has got lazy and they just make the holder lose all the time. It probably does need to go now. Shame really as its one of the better concepts they've come up with and it could be used to tell some good stories.
  18. Gavin Williamson has resigned following bullying accusations. The fact he has a knighthood after the utterly abysmal job he did as Education Secretary shows what a joke that selection process has become.
  19. Dave


    One of the worst booking decisions i have ever seen. RIP Austin Theory.
  20. Dave


    Probably, but it saves me a lot of typing.
  21. It turns out Trippier's ban was ten weeks. I assumed it was six months for some reason. Essentially he told his mate to lump on a transfer to Atletico Madrid.
  22. If he faces a similar punishment to what Trippier had for gambling I wouldn't be surprised to see Brentford dragged in to a relegation battle. His goals would be a massive loss to them.
  23. Dave


    Yeah just look at the way Tony Khan, Chris Jericho etc handle themselves in media scrums. Its all pathetic. In the last one Jericho told everybody how 'Max' told him he's nervous about being a face but he told him not to worry and he needs to be one. Here's MJF, whose pulled off one of the biggest: 'Was it a work?' angles in years and always stays in character to the point Sherri Shepherd was talking about him on her show now getting sandbagged by the man who thinks trademarking a new name is reinventing himself and makes the WCW politicians in the 90's look as friendly as Bryan Danielson.
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