Houthis are indeed an Iranian proxy but they are a lot more 'indigenous' one can say than many other proxies. They are genuine North Yemeni folks whose cause started long before in 60s.
UAE Saudi have pulled out of the coalition understandably so. The passions in Muzlamic world are high, these two have been starving Yemen for years through a blockade but quickly come to solve a blockade when it's Israel being affected ? obviously is gonna give traitory vibes. Also don't want their oil fields pounded which Houthis have shown they are capable of before. But hard to see anything being done without these two really.
Ngl I'm ok to show the world by a blockade why this can't be going on forever. Prisoners of Geography. Europe may have created Israel at the crossroads of major trade routes since eons but if they want to give it unlimited leash then also expect they will get the most fucked. Imagine if Iran also blockades Hormuz at this point.
Last time Shah Faisal of KSA did an oil embargo over Israeli atrocities in Palestine it was choas in Europe. Kissinger tried to browbeat Faisal but he replied we lived in tents and ate dates for thousands of years, we can always go back to that how will you survive without oil ? This is 100% true people were fighting pulling guns over toilet papers let's not think of a global food shortage.
Came across a qoute from Mohamed Iqbal – national poet of Pakistan – in one of his letters when the situation in Palestine was developing. Accurately describes where the world is likely to headed.
" The formation of a Western base at the very gates of East is a menace to both "