Kids don't need to explicitly know about sexuality. Come on, when I was ten sexuality wasn't shoved down my throat, my natural curiosity searched it out. My mother used to run a news agency certain times of the year, and I'd nick all the skin mags that weren't sold at the end of a cycle. I also found out about homosexuality when I asked about a TV program named 'Will and Grace'. It was targeted towards adults and my natural curiosity led me to finding out something new. It is up to the parents to decide what is appropriate and what is not, chances are kids will already know by a certain age, as homosexuality has essentially become a socially normalised. I don't think this is a particularly bad thing but I'd prefer my kids to discover things for themselves and then ask me questions about it, not informed by someone else.
Also what the fuck is LBT about this film? Looks exclusively G to me.