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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/61467164 Lol, I almost feel for Chelsea fans having their future in the hands of these incompetent ministers. "Things are being held up by things we should have had cleared up when we first started doing this, not when we were trying to get this over the line." Utter fucking morons.
  2. Nah, not really. That's just what the people who pay billions for these sides want people to think as they fuck up the transfer market by throwing insane amounts of cash around. That's how sports washing works. "Ignore the numerous human rights abuses, like slavery, torture, the spread of wahhabi extremism, etc... because some dickhead at PSG bought a player from Barcelona which caused Coutinho to get sold, which caused you to make some good signings." Nah... I don't want to ignore all of that. I don't think anyone should ignore the dirty money in football. I think more people should be asking questions like: "why was some dirty money okay for a bit... until it was too politically difficult to ignore; while other dirty money remains fine?" Why did nobody care about dirty Russian money until the Ukraine invasion (which wasn't even Russia's first invasion of Ukraine this century lol) in our football (and more importantly... our politics) - why does nobody care about Saudi/UAE money despite the brutal conflict in Yemen and their involvement in the spread of wahhabi extremism worldwide? It's good to want our society to have moral superiority to where it is now, humanity should always be striving to improve. But it's important to consistently uphold ideals - not just ignore some while it is convenient to, but express outrage when society deems it is acceptable to. It's more a political point than anything about football. And for some people, they "don't like to see football and politics mix" - but imo football and politics have always been mixed.
  3. Is it? It seems like without them we'd be enjoying probably our best time in history since the 80s. We've got to keep pace with City funded by Abu Dhabi's GDP & now the untold wealth of the Saudis. The way FSG have built us is more by copying what United did well regarding the commercialisation of football, while trying to keep the club as debt free as possible (which is a big difference to how the Glazers operate United), changing our entire recruitment philosophy with "less traditional" approaches and more reliance on stats and analytics, and bringing in Klopp and his backroom staff. Sure Pep through the gauntlet down and Klopp responded by throwing his own gauntlet down... but I don't think it's really right to say we're only doing well because of the sheer existence of these shitbags and their sports washing.
  4. I guess the plight of the Palestinian Christians is just something that isn’t often talked about in the west.
  5. Gary Lineker tweeting this is pretty big imo, will get some eyes on this from people who probably would never have seen it or given a fuck
  6. They claimed she was caught in crossfire and want to "conduct an investigation" - but eyewitness accounts suggest that there were no Palestinian militants around and it appears she was sniped as she was hit between her helmet covering and her vest. She's something of a journalistic legend though. Decades covering that conflict - she'd been shot before on live TV (in the leg) too. Brave woman, disgusting death. Crazy how many journalists get killed by the IDF like this. But she was also a US citizen as well (and a Christian, weirdly) - so it's kind of weird in a sense there's a sort of muted reaction to her death coming from the US... but also not all that surprising because it's the Israel-Palestine conflict.
  7. Fuck that, you cited something where the source of the original claim isn't even cited (something no reputable paper has actually published - probably because it's bollocks and they'll get sued for defamation by our litigious American lawyers) - and they even admit they can't prove the claim, so it's all conjecture about... something that can't even be proven. I'd expect this from sad blueshites spreading this shit around so they can feel better about themselves, or idiot Mancs that barely have the brain capacity to breathe on their own, but not you mate...
  8. Taliban slaughtering Tajikis again. Unsurprising, for all this talk of a "reformed" taliban... they're the same backwards animals they've always been. They just took a few months to try to appear like they weren't the same pieces of shit.
  9. If we’re doping we’re not doing a good job with that injury crisis last year (that resulted in many players having their training routines alternated) and our best player looking tired as fuck since he’s come back from AFCON. If I had to guess if anyone was doping, I’d probably go with the guy who was actually caught in a doping scandal
  10. With music I have gone backwards in time and listen to vinyl now
  11. If you stand in a full water bucket, you will survive the blast
  12. Hahaha has the cunt told that bald shitbag at the Etihad though?
  13. MP3s are a bit outdated too now - the latest trend is streaming music through services like Spotify/Apple Music/Google Play. It's a bit weird because you don't own the music, like you do with CDs, vinyl, even MP3s (even though typically MP3s are stolen, you still have ownership of the files) - you pay for access to the licenses that those services have acquired. But it lets you go around with an absolute massive music library with your mobile - basically everything off every big recording label. And artists still get paid (but it's not very much) - unlike most people's MP3 downloads (although some people do pay for MP3s).
  14. There’s an easy way for them to verify If the cat has balls (or an empty ballsack) it’s a boy.
  15. "Nobody has done more for Christianity than me." How on earth does the interviewer not immediately ask "What about Jesus?"
  16. Sort of. The first time I went, I had a bit of an issue getting them to understand me unless I talked really really slowly , but a lot of people speak English or know a bit of English to figure out what you're talking about. Second time I went I'd learned a bit of Italian, so I could sort of use shite Italian to start talking to people and then switch to English for the words I didn't know how to say - that worked out fine. I'm actually doing the Duolingo Italian stuff to give me a bit of refresher/hoping to learn how to say a bit more stuff... just on the off chance I end up needing to communicate with someone that's not going to be able to understand me. But that's also because I've heard that in the south there are fewer people that can speak English as well - I dunno if that's true or not though.
  17. also Donald Trump, Bill Gates, and Bill Clinton... along with probably a shitload of other US politicians and rich people should be shitting themselves at the prospect of this list being released.
  18. This has been an absolutely ridiculous season for us as fans, even if we only end up having won just the one trophy. 3 cup finals in one season is ridiculous. And we’re still in the title race this late in the season while being in 3 cup finals. What an absolute fucking ride, I am often wondering if I am in a coma and this is all just some strange fantasy my brain has created. Klopp’s a fucking legend, we are lucky as fuck to have him.
  19. Makes me think sports psychology is something more managers/DoFs should look into. It also explains how Madrid ended up in this final despite not playing that well over 2 legs against City & Chelsea. They’re mentality beasts - probably helps their squad is loaded with players who’ve won it several times with them. I can’t understand the bottling though from City, although I think you’re right, it’s inevitable they win one sometime soon. But it is pretty funny … too bad if they win one it’ll probably change their mentality a bit.
  20. It’s a bit weird we still have that mentality carried over from our golden days though. I think it’s something like only 14 times we’ve been in the CL this century. But we’ve made 5 finals in that time.
  21. I'm gonna call him Pepsi because of all the bottling
  22. Oh that'd be a bit shit for that 3rd championship side I like my scenario better
  23. If 3 teams come up like normal, would 3 teams go down if another side's barred from competing? I imagine it would make everyone above 19th place safe. It would also be nice for both North London sides CL hopes
  24. Can Everton, Leeds, and Burnley be saved from relegation if Chelsea's barred from competing next season? What happens to Chelsea if that happens? Cease to exist? Bottom of the football pyramid?
  25. I think that's easier said than done. Taking 2 states for example: Alabama and California - the cost of living in Alabama is much lower. Average rent in Alabama is a bit more than $800, average rent in California is a bit more than $1800 (and in some cities - like all of the big ones, finding anywhere with rent that low means you've found an absolute shithole). Food's 25% more expensive, transportation costs are 27% higher, childcare costs are 35% higher, entertainment costs are 35% higher, clothing is 15% more expensive. Factoring in needing to find a job, relocation costs, etc... it's a pretty massive change for a lot of people - because generally the cost of living in these republican states is lower on average than it is in the democrat controlled states. I think we'd be more likely to see "medical tourism" with abortions. States like California and Colorado said they will operate as "abortion sanctuaries" where people can come from out of state to get the procedures done. Some companies - including Amazon - say they'll pay for the transportation costs if their employees need to go out of state for abortion if the final ruling comes out as basically the same as this leaked draft.
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