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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Don't get me wrong, I agree with you that if someone did that to me I'd probably give them a good punch because I think it's deserved (I think in the US people have actually been sued for farting on people and it's been considered a form of assault & battery - so if you're in the US and someone farts on you, I think if you hit them it falls under "self-defense" ) But since it's not happening to me... I think it's a bit funny . Watching those reactions is pretty amusing to me, at least. Tbh, I also think the farts are fake and he's just lifting his leg and his phone or some shite is making the fart noises. I think this grown man might just be doing it because he's bored and because if he gets enough views on YouTube he can monetise it. Idk if I'd be able to pull a prank like this in public with random people without giggling uncontrollably as I lift my leg up to "fart" because I am an incredibly immature grown man... but I don't think it's that bizarre. But I've always liked prank shows/videos, so I do just generally think this kind of immaturity is funny.
  2. I think it's been brewing for a long time & personally I don't think Ronaldo can be blamed so much for Man Utd's pains in trying to transition into pressing more when he's pressing more than players much younger than him as an OAP. I don't think Rashford's been managed well either - physically or mentally. He's been asked to play with injuries, he put off a big surgery because of Solskjaer & Southgate's asking him to for club/country, he's received a ton of racial abuse and abuse for combatting child hunger (weirdly). He looks a shadow of himself compared to when he's in form. And I think if he's been mismanaged... chances are other United players have also been mismanaged as well. Too few United players look like they give a fuck when they're on the pitch. Which as a Liverpool fan, I'm okay with seeing. But if I were a United fan, I'd be really questioning why some of these supposedly great players look like they can't be arsed to perform in a United shirt. You compare someone like Ronaldo to someone like Pogba and I think there's a pretty stark difference in mentality. Ronaldo's got shitloads of talent, but also an incredible work ethic and attitude - whenever he's on the pitch you never really doubt his commitment to getting a win (although sometimes this season it's led to some moments of petulance that shouldn't really be allowed, even for a player of his stature). Pogba's got shitloads of talent as well, as proven by his time at Juve and France, but I don't think he's got the right attitude to be a big player in a top side. When Pogba's on the pitch you never know which Pogba's going to turn up - but 6/10 times, you're probably getting the Pogba who thinks it's his teammates job to do all the hard work while he fannies about on the pitch. When the going gets tough at France or when it did at Juve, I'd probably count on his teammates to put in the midfield shift necessary to get a win... not him. I'd certainly never count on him to be the sort of midfield general he was expected to have been, who can grab a match by the scruff of the neck and change things. There's too many players at United right now that think "I'm at United, I've made it" rather than players who think "I'm at United, now is my chance to win things so I can say I've made it" imho. I do think Ronaldo was a luxury signing they didn't need to make and that's maybe a tactical problem for United now... but I don't think he's a problem in terms of the toxicity at the club right now. Long may the toxicity continue, though.
  3. @Inverted about to make some serious fucking money!
  4. I remember seeing him at Milan when he first came to Europe and he was an absolute beast of a CB. Thought he'd go on to become one of the greats in the position in the era. Then he went to PSG and I stopped giving a shit about him or his career because... well... who cares about PSG? Barely anyone, that's who. So you're absolutely right, I think. Him spending so much time at PSG did a lot to make people forget how good of a CB he really is.
  5. It's one of those eye-opening things that explains a shitload about the state of the world. Yeah that certainly looks bad. It's the sort of ethnonationalism that typically comes before war and genocidal actions.
  6. Mocking the dead for dying is just disgusting. Whether it's people crushed to death by South Yorkshire police, players dying from a plane crash from taking off an unsafe runway (which is actually a really horrifying death if you think about it - especially if you're like me and when you're on the plane back to your home you're just thinking "oh fuck yes, I'll get to be in my bed tonight"), or people dying in a tragic helicopter accident in something that had once been considered relatively routine by the people who were on the helicopter... or really any other way people that have died tbh. Fans of other sides using tragedies like that as a way of "point scoring" or to "wind up" others are absolute scum. If you're like me and you were born on Merseyside a year Hillsborough and grew up there... there's a good chance you know at least one person that was impacted by Hillsborough - whether it's a survivor, a family member of one of the deceased, or if you're older than me maybe you even knew one of the deceased. And I think one of the things that makes Hillsborough so egregious is the lies the police and politicians told because they wanted to avoid accountability for the blood on the hands of South Yorkshire police - and the lies that were spread about the victims and survivors in the media at the behest of the same politicians and police. It was vicious slander of a whole community already was reeling from Thatcher's war on Merseyside and Liverpool's "managed decline" under her government. And there was no semblance of justice until decades later when the UK government finally apologised - but even the main perpetrators manage to walk away without having to face any real repercussion for filling 96 graves. So it's still a particularly sore subject even after so many decades. It's over 30 years of lies South Yorkshire police, some Tory cunts, and their pals at the Sun told, while playing up a bunch of anti-Scouse stereotypes, that get chanted back at us or mocked with gestures (although I'll always laugh when Everton fans mock it, I feel like that never would have happened when I was a kid - but those are people too stupid to realise they're mocking Scousers themselves), and even admission from The Sun & apologies from the Government won't stop that sort of stupid behavior. You've really got no business stepping into Liverpool, for a football match or otherweise, if you're going to come and chant shit like that.
  7. I think he typically had one bad injury a season? I’m not sure but we can ask @Viva la FCB - he’ll know
  8. Yeah I agree with you. I think millions of people, all around the world - not just in the UK mind you, that disagree with that sentiment.
  9. Shrewsbury’s keeper suggesting large swaths of their fans should be banned for life for their Hillsborough chants. Im inclined to agree. But I suspect many are well against that
  10. Pakistan's mostly Islamic and Jesus is in Islam. There's differences though. He's not the Messiah or divine, he's a pre-Mohammed prophet.
  11. Like I'm going to listen to a virgin who isn't even allowed to drive...
  12. Tbf much of what good Blair did as PM, and I do think he did good as a PM (comparatively speaking, he's probably the best PM in my lifetime), is sort of all erased by being Bush's poodle and taking the country into an illegal war that plunged the Middle East, already a region teeming with instability, into even more chaos. Without that, ISIS wouldn't have existed, so what he's done is get Britain involved in the foundation of one of the worst collections of people the world has ever seen. Any time ISIS kill anyone, in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, etc... anywhere in the world, really... he shares culpability with the terrorists. He belongs on trial at the Hague, not getting a knighthood. And the fact that some terrible people have been knighted doesn't really erase that fact.
  13. If he gets them relegated, he is their best ever manager imo
  14. The main complaint I'd have about those Arsenal fans is they're fucking stupid - both players would still be missing with the rescheduled matches.
  15. Any team on the planet would rather face our youth team rather than our actual team too.
  16. I understand @Rick’s frustration - we’ve literally waited our whole lives to see Liverpool be this good. This is the best era of LFC in most of our lives, with the best players and best manager we’ve ever had. And we just can’t really compete with the main title rival financially at all. There’s a very real possibility that this era ends pretty soon and we’ve only got the one league title to show for it & that’s it in terms of league titles for us in our lifetimes. nah we’re 3 matches from a trophy in a season where it looks like City are just going to run away with the league. Although that’s my opinion. Klopp probably will play the kids because he thinks it’s just a shit FA cup. And he already doesn’t think much of the FA cup.
  17. Agree with this, the world’s richest will always make money even in times of disaster. Even in poorer countries with much worse economies that were absolutely rocked by covid, a lot of countries saw the wealth gap between the elites and normal people. The term “disaster capitalism” exists for a reason and in situations that are really bad it’s usually the very richest that end up least affected. I do think some countries have sort of used the pandemic to push for extreme measures which makes me wonder if they’re trying to see what they can get away with in the future. But I also think some reasonable restrictions make sense. And honestly I think maybe rather than a power grab it’s just the result of lots of countries not really knowing what they are doing and just making things up as they go during this pandemic. I definitely think that’s happening in lots of places, so that seems like a reasonable explanation to me.
  18. I am no longer positive with COVID, according to my most recent test. I've had no booster, but I'm double jabbed. I'd say for me it was about as mild as it could have possibly been - only really symptomatic for a few hours on one day. Other than that, pretty much felt fine. I've heard that some mild-moderate cases can be quite unpleasant though.
  19. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    So on Thursday I met a glassblower and ended up going to his workshop for a bit. And I can’t stop thinking about how much I am jealous of his career. He just blasts metal all day long, playing with fire, making bongs.
  20. It’s hard to say how long it will be for Arsenal to win the league again. The league is much stronger than the last time they won the league - I think now they have a squad that can compete for the CL but a league title is probably a few seasons away. It’s a young squad that’ll get better with more experience and they need some leaders that can help a young squad perform under pressure. I think in Arsenal’s position it’s just important to be really careful with what they spend money on in the future. I think they have been quite wasteful in the transfer market, but I think this summer they’ve done good work. As long as Arteta keeps giving steady progress, I think it’s good to stick with him. He’s learning on the job and I think he’s doing a decent job considering it’s his first job and it’s a club the size of Arsenal.
  21. I think beaches mostly, there’s also a cool looking national park, a shitload of hiking trails.
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