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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. What club has sustained success over a period of years with no rejuvenation?
  2. We’re going to lose revenue from COVID but we should still have some money for signings. Now all our journos who are reliable are saying there’s no plan to sign anyone unless we can sell off fringe players. Pretty shit for a side that barely spent anything last year & has been doing well on the pitch.
  3. First thing you've said I agree with I think Werner's quite a big signing and rumours are you're going for Sancho too, which would be a massive summer for Chelsea in a year where I think most clubs will be seeing slower business.
  4. Apparently another year of no big signings... which is absolute shite tbh
  5. Imagine being so wrong about football you end up becoming a Nazi.
  6. The US is so fucked with all of these protests. It’s understandable people are pissed off, but it’s not like the virus gives a shit about race relations in the US.
  7. That's just very shit luck. A lot of people are saying expect to see a lot of injuries in training and once football comes back after months of not training/not training with the normal intensity you would in the middle of a season & trying to jump back at it without a pre-season. I feel for him. This is a guy who's made his big move and had 2 big setbacks and now he was able to train again and he's probably trying to impress his manager... Carlo fucking Ancelotti, which no offense to Silva... but that's a MASSIVE upgrade in manager, football's coming back after this COVID time off... and he's overexerted himself.
  8. It is 100% a fair and reasonable position to hold a CEO accountable for the actions (or in this case, lack of action to protect against security breaches) of a company. Especially one that's got loads of peoples' personal data.
  9. Non-COVID related news, but I think important news for British infrastructure in a post-Brexit world. And to an extent, it's semi-COVID related because... well it's China and COVID's sort of massively impacted how we view their government. So first, our spy agencies have warned against using Huawei for our 5G towers. This has led China to do what China does best, issue threats to save face. And threats from China regarding trade could be pretty significant to us in the UK in a post-Brexit world considering that China are the largest producer of... everything... Meanwhile at the same time, China's also got a state-owned company (that's blacklisted from doing business in the US) bidding to build a 2nd nuclear power plant for the UK. First off, who's bright idea was the first one.... oh, surprise, it was that colossal fucking moron David Cameron (who I am sure will go down as one of the worst prime ministers in the history of the UK). Second, it strikes me as a bit weird to go with the lowest bidder for a piece of critical infrastructure like a nuclear facility. Third, strikes me as weird that a company directly controlled by China would be in charge of such a critical piece of infrastructure. I think it makes sense not to let companies that have close and questionable ties with an authoritarian surveillance state, that threatens harm to anyone that doesn't do whatever it wants - rather than engage in civilized negotiation, build critical infrastructure in the UK. It's a matter of national security, quite frankly. But we are in a bit of a bind in terms of the economic consequences of what it might mean to piss off China, considering: 1.) we won't have the weight of the EU behind us, 2.) regardless of which administration we ultimately negotiate a trade deal with the US in, the deal will be heavily in the US's favour. China's a superpower and that's not something we've been for over half a fucking century, but really we should be telling them to absolutely fuck off from gaining more access to building British infrastructure.
  10. Boris can resign if it’s too much for his kid, the fucking cunt
  11. Yeah, Tories seem to be rewarded by treating voters with utter contempt tbh. Why would they stop now?
  12. Same pal, same. I’ve heard of people doing crazy shite online, but I think most people won’t turn to shite like supplements. It’s the crazy hoarder types that I think are at risk for doing stuff like that
  13. Well if he can sell off his half of the company at that valuation.
  14. Unsurprising tbh Considering that most severe cases are Vitamin D deficient, there’s most likely something in this. I still wouldn’t recommend anyone start taking heavy doses of Vitamin D supplements - which I know some people have started doing. But for people who’ve tested positive, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re using supplements in treatment. It’s a bit shit though because if everyone’s time outside is very limited - everyone’s going to have a harder time getting sun.
  15. There’s footage of the ex-cop at a KKK rally. And in other news, Hong Kong is totally fucked and we are too busy with Brexit, Covid, and cozying up with the CCP to do anything about China not living up to its end of the treaty.
  16. When he said that on TV it looked like when he’s up in front of cameras just lying for the sake of it. I suspect he invests in the manufacturer
  17. The one from the Florida local news? There's all kinds of insane shite on that page if you look closely enough . Florida seems like arguably one of the most mental places in the world. The breaking headline at the top right now is pretty good too.
  18. Evidence in the US that Georgia and Florida have been hiding the true number of cases and deaths. https://news.yahoo.com/georgias-coronavirus-numbers-made-reopening-183733274.html - Georgia's done it to justify reopening @Eco - so err... keep staying inside mate. https://www.wftv.com/news/local/department-health-underreporting-covid-19-deaths-orange-osceola-counties/EXM4XIHMCJDABBPBJD3JIVYL4U/ - Florida's been all over the national media with this story today. Pretty shocking stuff from the supposed "leader of the free world" to be doing the same kind of shite I'd expect of China and Iran, two countries where people are very very much not free.
  19. It's hit and miss, in my experience - and in the experience of some of my coworkers. But I think many of the pros are outweighed by the number of times I constantly think this: I think the virus has shown society that working from home and telecommuting doesn't necessarily mean a great drop-off in productivity (weirdly, some places have experienced record productivity). But there is a lot that I'd have an easier time with working at the office. There's a lot I was a bit prepared for because sometimes I have to take work home regardless. But still, there's been more times than I would have thought where I'd prefer to be in the office.
  20. I don’t like to be reminded that Michael Gove has an important job. He’s a completely useless excuse of a person
  21. I don’t know I just don’t trust the Chinese numbers at all considering we know they spend months trying to hide any sort of outbreak. Their take on what’s happening with the virus is all about imaging and saving face, so they can tell their people that they weren’t the ones who started the disease and it wasn’t the CCP’s fault.
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