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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Klopp’s been trying to get knocked out of the League Cup for the last 2 rounds though. We’ve pretty clearly picked that as our lowest priority tournament - I can understand why, even though I think the CWC is stupid. The league cup doesn’t really offer prize money to most clubs in the top flight, the CWC pays out millions. Also we’ve never won the CWC, we’ve won the League Cup. This season, Klopp just don’t Carabao that competition at all.
  2. Rees-Mogg May find himself less politically relevant soon, so that’s a silver lining.
  3. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    I'm a week late to this, but yeah I've broken my arm before. That doesn't really sound like the sort of pain I felt with my arm though - because your right, it really was a more constant pain until it was in a cast.
  4. I'm so happy he's extended his contract. He's put in so many good performances for us since signing. He spent a whole season out at left back and was one of the better left backs in the league - which was incredible. Then he moved back to midfield and went back to being great in the midfield.
  5. We sure they'll come around to realise it's the party that's been in control that's let that happen?
  6. I can't imagine a situation where he stays on as leader after this, assuming results match the exit polls as @Batard said.
  7. At least we don't have to worry about whether Swinson will resign
  8. I've said Corbyn was a shite leader for Labour for years though - I didn't have to play the mental gymnastics some conservatives did once BoJo took control of the conservatives. Definitely not the first time you've likened humans to rats and probably won't be the last time though.
  9. I think if the labour leader were literally anyone else, we'd be seeing different results imo.
  10. Tbf that was a stupid strategy in an election where the big issue is Brexit. I've got as much contempt for the electorate as the Tories do (if not more), but I'm not rewarded for it like the Tories are. I already left the UK in search of better prospects for upward mobility - I'd suggest others do the same.
  11. Save money so when the economy does tank you aren’t as fucked as the average Joe
  12. Oooh interesting. Also weirdly, if you’re concerned about the IRA perhaps not fucking with the GFA would be a good idea. I don’t have much optimism for this election though. Think we’ll keep giving the keys to the tories and let them keep trying to drive their way out of the ditch they’ve driven into.
  13. Yeah no shit the NHS buys drugs from the US - it’s why US pharma lobbyists are meeting with BoJo trying to put NHS’s negotiation power (if not more) open for negotiation. Which again, is a massive benefit to everyone in the UK that ever gets prescription drugs. Even if you’re getting your healthcare the private route. And even if we followed the Belgium route of compulsory health insurance, then the state is still responsible for anything that falls under “general coverage.”
  14. That's pretty shite for people who don't get it subsidised by their work. The prices are insanely expensive, that's got to be a huge burden on so many people in America. Pretty fucked up tbh.
  15. Does the IRS still add a penalty if you don't have insurance? I thought that was removed in 2016. I'm probably wrong though as I've just received my health insurance tax documents earlier today. Also I got an email from my boss stating that the company's health plan has gone up 13.55% for next year! Joy!
  16. Because it's the US government demanding we put NHS on the table for post-Brexit trade talks? Belgium's compulsory health insurance reimburses for "general care" out of a public fund btw.
  17. I don't think it'd go well. He's been on the decline for a while and what he's achieved with the Napoli Sarri built up has been underwhelming as fuck. But he's a big name, so I can see it happening with present day Arsenal. A high profile yet poorly fitting manager, seems like something a club that's made questionable decision after questionable decision would do.
  18. Congrats on the clean bill of health, but what about the fact the NHS negotiates drug prices for the UK - whereas in the US it's insurance companies negotiating those drug prices. And the result is... health care ends up being significantly cheaper overall in the UK (and in all countries that have public healthcare services, when compared to the US). Did you know that in the US, ambulances cost money for the person who needs an ambulance? To the point where people will turn down ambulances because they don't want to drop 5 grand. Also look at the biggest cause of bankruptcy in the United States. 2/3 of US bankruptcies are due to medical bills. It's a fucked situation where people sometimes just turn down their treatment because it's just less of a hassle to die and have money to pass on to your family than it is to get treatment. Getting rid of NHS is tacitly telling the working class: 1.) be healthy at all times, 2.) if you aren't healthy, be prepared to go broke, 3.) if you aren't prepared to go broke, prepare to die. 1 is unreasonable, 2 is also unreasonable and morally questionable, 3 is unreasonable and morally abhorrent. And if we follow the US model further, we're talking about a pretty large expense that businesses will be taking on. Benefits packages are how businesses attract good workers - getting rid of NHS means one of the most highly sought after benefits will be healthcare coverage. What that generally means in the US is your employer subsidises your health insurance. Businesses that can afford it will have to expend a significant amount of money that could go towards: hiring more workers, R&D, marketing, you know... shit that makes businesses money and drives the economy. That's why even a Koch-brothers backed US conservative think tank actually found that the Bernie Sanders' plan for something similar to NHS - https://theintercept.com/2018/07/30/medicare-for-all-cost-health-care-wages/ It also means that part of your wages are deducted to cover the remaining portion of the insurance. Personally, I fucking hate this. I'm paid pretty well and I hate seeing my money go twice a week to something that I'm most likely not going to be using more than once a year (yearly checkup)… unless something bad happens to me - which so far has happened twice with a drink driver hitting me while I was on a motorcycle and when I severed my tendon. And I'm thankful I had health insurance because of those two incidents otherwise I'd probably be in any condition to even be sat here at my desk typing on a keyboard... but I think I'd have been more thankful if the US a public option which meant an overall cheaper experience through those medical nightmares & higher wages for me twice a month (because if you read what that Koch think tank found, it found greater savings for businesses, indicating workers would have higher wages on average). We get rid of NHS and we're going to have the same problems the US has with it's healthcare industry. But in a country where overall the wages are lower and the cost of living is higher - and these issues are probably why people, regardless of partisan affiliation are feeling fed up with the overall system. Because at the end of the day, the primary benefit the NHS confers on all UK citizens (regardless of whether if they use private health or not) is the significantly lower drug prices than you'd find in the US. And you'd be asking British businesses to either clog up resources (which isn't very "business friendly Conservative" of you) or to not give a toss about the health of their workers (which is advocating for shite business sense). The most compelling argument for the UK being rid of the NHS is that you've got shares in American pharmaceutical giants and you want to make a killing, in that regard. Otherwise, it just seems to be a way to make more problems in the UK and it'll negatively impact those that are already feeling most left behind and betrayed by the government.
  19. This was just pulled from Walmart Canada - hilarious jumper though, I'd buy one
  20. Tories: CoRbYn Is An AnTi-SeMiTe Recent Tory PMs: BoJo writes a book in 2004 depicting Jews as controlling the media and interfering in elections: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-book-jews-control-media-general-election-a9239346.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter&utm_source=reddit.com#Echobox=1575907767 May unveils statue of noted anti-semetic MP that loved Nazis
  21. Kuenssberg should have resigned when she was caught doctering that Corbyn interview question about whether he'd order police to use lethal force (he said generally, he wouldn't - she then used this to say "Corbyn wouldn't allow for lethal force in the wake of a Paris-style attack), which I'd argue was worse than her just lying. That was found to be in violation of the BBC's impartiality guidelines. Yet she's still got her job. Still spreading lies.
  22. You can see with England and United that he's a defensive leader though - even if he didn't necessarily show it for you. Evans is probably better at it than him, so he just sort of followed his lead. And with Morgan maybe he thought telling the captain what to do wasn't his place. Either way, he's obviously improved United's defending this season. He's just not worth the money that was spent - but I think that was something most people knew when he made the move over. England international tax and all that jazz.
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