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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. I can’t remember much about those days other than hating the shit out of Brendan Rodgers
  2. It’s mental Alisson is in the running for another golden glove despite missing quite a few matches compared to other keepers in the running.
  3. Looks like bullshit to me. There are still plenty of people in the US that want to go to war with Iran, so it’s probably a fake document to stir up some “let’s go to war” sentiment. US soldiers call home from time to time, I think there’d be more outcry in the US if 100+ families suddenly stopped hearing from their son/brother/husband stationed at the base that was all over the news. And the US press has been to the bases. It’d take a massive coordinated cover up for that to be real.
  4. And that's why you can expect fans of European sides to bitch about the competition being held in the middle of our season. Especially fans of sides that play in the most watched league in the world, many of whom don't give a shit about ACON and won't be watching anything in that tournament.
  5. You're right on both counts. Usmanov is dodgy (and so is Moshiri by proxy of having close business ties with someone so dodgy - regardless of how well his wife is regarded in the UK Persian community - dodgy is dodgy). And yeah, his investment is pretty clearly you trying to work around FFP in the same way that City do, just on a smaller scale.
  6. So is Instagram... and Instagram is probably the most used social media platform in Iran. Satellite TVs are also illegal in Iran, but if you go to Iran and look around at apartments you'll see loads of people have satellites to get satellite TV. Shitloads of people are using VPNs to get around internet restrictions.
  7. Morales is calling for armed militias In Bolivia like they have in Venezuela https://www.reuters.com/article/us-bolivia-evo/bolivia-exiled-ex-president-morales-calls-on-radio-for-armed-militias-idUSKBN1ZC066
  8. Warning: Some of the videos I'm about to post have a lot of blood - people were shot, there's a lot of blood that leaves them when that happens. So the protests against the government are back in full swing in the aftermath of Iran shooting down a plane full of Iranians after the recent escalation of tensions. So Iran sent out it's Basijis to do what they do to protestors: Pretty horrific stuff. It's not surprising, as it seems to be the case with every protest in Iran. But horrific stuff. So far 2020 has been an awful year for innocent Iranians that just want their country to be run properly and not by incompetent shitheads that keep them economically weak.
  9. 10 years ago (or around then), I used to think Barca were one of the classiest clubs in Europe. Two Presidencies & boards later... and my opinion of them has changed entirely. Seems like they're completely incapable of doing anything behind closed doors.
  10. Mourinho says that Kane might not play again for Spurs this season. Spurs fans rn:
  11. Tbh, I do think it's a bit funny Valverde could survive the embarrassing loss to Roma and the embarrassing loss to us... but he couldn't survive denying the Saudis El Classico that they paid for.
  12. The US has decided to expel some Saudi trainees after the shooting at a Navy base in Ft. Lauderdale was deemed a terrorist attack by these trainees. These trainees, by the way, are a part of the Saudi military. But the West will continue to do business with the actual largest state sponsor of state terror. Actually, if the US is giving so much aid to Saudi Arabia... does that make the US the biggest sponsor of state terror? Always interesting though that the US will fund adversaries as long as it's got access to that Saudi oil - the generally West always turns a blind eye to repeated instances where Saudi actions are more than troubling. The West should be pushing Saudi Arabia to end the flow of money to Wahhabi terror groups. But it won't because oil.
  13. I think he's better out wide than as a normal striker. Which is just what you need, tbh.
  14. Klopp's said they're expected to be "normal participants" in preparation for Man Utd - so it looks that way. What a couple of weeks for Nat Phillips though. From Bundesliga 2 to beating the shite (as one of our more senior players lol - he's even older than Gomez) while the shite put out a strong side against us.
  15. Nathanial Phillips has gone back to Stuttgart on loan
  16. I don’t blame them for reaching out to managers. But how many titles has Valverde won them and for the board to be floating it in the press that they want him out ASAP is a bit shit Do it like Tottenham and Poch. Sacked at 5PM, next manager that morning. Andres Iniesta agrees with me
  17. I actually think the way Barca are treating Valverde is a disgrace. A long, publicly drawn out sacking for a man who’s won them titles. Theres term limits for Barca’s presidents right? Because this current era of Barca is just slimy as fuck in the way it operates. It’s funny because the way Messi plays is class personified. But Barca at the board level are so not classy.
  18. I’m not, there was loads of evidence against them - other countries gave their reasons for why they could say “it was shot down” and one thing Iran’s always been pissed off about is the US navy shooting down a commercial Air Iran flight and the commander of that ship getting medals afterwards. The US never made an formal apology to the victims or Iran, but did pay out compensation to the families of the victims. I wonder if Iran will make payouts, they obviously are under very different economic circumstances than the US at any point in the US’s history after 1945. I assume they will, but the payouts will be much smaller. But the mountain of evidence against them meant denying like Russia did would probably have Iranians in Iran being more outraged about this plane being shot down than they currently are about their government killing a plane full of people. And people are very very pissed off at the government right now because of this news
  19. They could have pulled a Russia and kept denying despite the evidence against them. Whoever was responsible for not restricting the airspace is a moron and should be ultimately held responsible. However in Iran, that probably means being put to death.
  20. He's just had fucking surgery on his foot and is recovering - he posted something about what he was doing on New Years at midnight. You know who else did that? Shitloads of other professional players who have Instagram accounts. There are tons of players that perform at a very high level on social media. It's not the fucking issue with Manchester United. Pogba, this season, hasn't even been the issue at Man Utd - other than him not being fit for very much of the season. And I know there were rumours of him faking an injury, but him getting surgery sort of nips that rumour in the bud pretty emphatically because you don't go under the scalpel blade if you need to. Pogba is the go to punching bag at United because he's the one creative midfielder they have that can last a full 90 minutes when he's fit & he's not been fit, he cost a shitload of money but United are still not very good, he left the club on a free transfer and came back to big fanfare and then United have remained a pretty meh side - so he doesn't get the same treatment as other United players. But honestly, who give as a fuck what a player posts on their social media on new years as long as it's not them doing something illegal or mocking the disabled or shite like that? It's a non-issue because... a lot of good players are on social media and active on social media. People just want to blame Pogba for United being crap so they give him a lot of shit. In reality, he's a good player - just not the sort of midfielder they thought he was that would take the game by the scruff of the neck and lead United through example.
  21. Didn't come out with that shite while JLingz is playing like absolute dogshite but gets on social media constantly to promote his clothing brand, though did he? Targeted one particular player and after he posted something of him starting his new year by listening to some shite from his religion. I saw Man Utd fans complaining about it on reddit saying that Giggs' comments were a disgrace - let me see if I can find them. lol @ the top comment : "He's just jealous Pogba can hang out with his brothers"
  22. So Pogba posted a video of him listening to audio of the Quran. Giggs comes out and questions Pogba’s ethics for listening to his holy book. Giggs fucked his brothers wife for 8 years and shouldn’t be questioning anyone’s ethics because he’s unethical scum. Let alone questioning someone’s ethics because of their religious beliefs, the fucking bigot
  23. Lol well they’re denying it was hit by a missile. Just in case you ever want to feel better about how the UK is being run, just remember Iran is run by absolute morons
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