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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Are you just fishing? Surely you're just fishing. He's had an inconsistent season, but I think he's still one of the better players at Everton. And now that he's established as the England #1, everyone is gunning for him to fail because for some reason that's what we do as a society to our keepers - build them up for us to pull them down.
  2. It’s shit, but it’s part of being a celebrity. The other alternative is that people suddenly stop being idiots, but that’s not really ever going to happen
  3. So my understanding of what’s happened makes me think Pickford was reasonably pissed off. He was given a few taunts of “butter fingers” and “small arms” and took it in stride. But because the dickheads couldn’t get a recruit out of the normal shite you’d say at Pickford if you just wanted to irritate him, they then decided to taunt his fiancé instead. So they started calling her a fat cunt and that’s when he kicked off, which I don’t blame him. He’s the professional football player that can handle fans being dicks because they’re rival fans or in this case Geordies a high profile player that game through Sunderland. His fiancé isn’t and if she’s on a night out with him it’s fucked to start hurling abuse at what is really just some random bird on a night out
  4. Between this and seeing how rattled he was leaving the pitch in their recent match against Newcastle... makes me wonder if he's got a few anger issues. Can't be easy living under the spotlight of being the England #1 - any mistakes and the media's going to hound you for it. So I think he's been under pressure quite a bit this season, maybe that's affecting his mood generally. Either way, I'm really hoping that Pickford's decided to lash out because some random bloke in Sunderland said something about his little t-rex arms.
  5. And not let Canadians play for England just because they have a rich daddy? Agreed
  6. Parliament blocked a no deal in a non-binding vote that doesn't really have any impact on what will actually happen. That vote doesn't mean there won't be no deal if there's no alternative deal with the EU in place.
  7. I think Aspas was unfortunate because he was signed right when Sturridge had that season where he stayed healthy all season and was class. And of course Suarez was ahead of him. Things might have turned out differently had he had more minutes on the pitch in England. Other than his one famously shite corner though, I don’t think he was a complete embarrassment. He may not have ever been close to the player from Celta Vigo we signed or the player he is now (and I really do think that was down to him getting mostly a few minutes here and there) - but he’s a player that always gave 100% on the pitch for us. Even if you’re shite, if you’re running your bollocks off for us every time you’re on the pitch for us, you’re better than a lot of the truly shite players we’ve had. Moreno’s a weird one. His debut is arguably his best match for us, he started really brightly for us... and then faded spectacularly. I would say he’s not bad as a backup, but I just don’t think it’s true. We’re a side that’s had injury issues at the fullback position and I absolutely dread the thought of him playing for us ever again. I know La Liga and the prem have different styles, but I still think Moreno is nowhere near good enough to play for Barca. He’s Salif Diao level quality, which is to say he’s part of that trio - Diao, Konchesky, Moreno - the three worst players I’ve ever seen at Liverpool
  8. There's a rumour going round that Alberto Moreno is about to sign for Barca on a 2 year deal. Hilarious if true, nowhere near good enough to play for Barca. He's got to be one of the worst fullbacks in England.
  9. We've banned some racist cunt from Anfield for life after he's racially abused other fans in the stands of that charity match.
  10. You had to pay extra to make up for his "back injury" caused by his "great sadness"
  11. How bad a recession will be post-Brexit depends on what outcome comes out; a no deal would be particularly bad with WTO tariffs/non-tariff barriers. There’s a lot of debate as to what a post-Brexit recession will be like and how deep of a recession it would be. But betting on no Brexit and a stock bump at this point sounds weirdly optimistic, imo
  12. I wouldn’t, but maybe - but it’s really hard to predict how Brexit will go and I think the delay makes it even harder to predict. For the first deadline to be met and with a No Brexit there’s a lot of political stagnation and stalemate that needs to be sorted out... in not that much time. And for the second delayed deadline, where there would be a cleaner break from the EU, we need to get a new deal in that both the EU and our MPs can agree on - and that’s been a nightmare for 2 years. It’s basically making a bet on competence politically. It might happen, you never know - but I doubt it
  13. This is partially why I want a no deal to go through. Maybe a big long recession would teach people there’s consequences to the votes they make. Probably not though, because they’ll just be fed more horseshit and blame everyone else for their problems.
  14. They’ve got a right to try to get the most money from the sale, but I think that’ll actually prevent people from trying to buy him.
  15. Lol Barca want to sell their backup keeper for 45-50m. So they signed him for 13m, player him for about 25 matches in 3 years, and are now telling us he’s worth about 4 times what they paid for him
  16. So do you suggest we pay our workers like Indonesian sweatshop workers? Probably. I actually did leave so I could make as much money as I could for 10-15 years before I come back. And to be honest, if there’s a no deal Brexit I’ll probably be able to buy a pretty nice house in London and I’ll probably do that and rent it out until I come back
  17. Sterling is just a money grabber, Owen is an irredeemable cunt.
  18. It’s an absolute joke he’s a “club ambassador” we should cut all ties with the collosal dickhead
  19. Idk why they bring Owen to these matches. He’s not a Liverpool legend, he’s a twat, and he’s fucking hated by our fans.
  20. Happy days! Moreno is on the cusp of a move to join Lucas at Lazio. Don't tell Lazio that they're not getting anyone near as quality as Lucas... but fuck me, I'm so happy he's going to be gone.
  21. Brexit postponed until May 22nd if we MPs approve May's deal, or until April 12 if not.
  22. I wouldn’t be surprised if plenty on the continent think the Brexiteers have been extreme personality wise and culturally. We’ve got Barnier bemoaning the lack of realism on our part and complaining about how May’s government seems to want the EU to be able to solve domestic political issues (I wish there were recordings of the negotiations, because I want to know what was said). After 2 years of dealing with clueless morons like David Davis & having Farage say things like he can’t wait to exercise his veto vote, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that a number of people in the EU have developed a more extreme view in taking that harder line with the UK. I agree with you and that MEP from the land of waffles and chocolate though
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