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Everything posted by Machado

  1. Machado

    Members Pictures

    Nice white t-shirt
  2. Went back to Pearl Jam for some reason. What a riff.
  3. January 19: 100 Cases January 24: 1,000 Cases February 12: 50,000 Cases March 6: 100,000 Cases March 18: 200,000 Cases March 21: 300,000 Cases March 24: 400,000 Cases March 26: 500,000 Cases March 28: 600,000 Cases March 29: 700,000 Cases Today the US hit 145k cases, that was the global total only 17 days ago (March 13)
  4. They have to be peaking. Hard to believe it might not be.
  5. Brian is no true Knadian. He constantly goes on about Peru being a better country in every way @binder Don't take his bs.
  6. That escalated quickly. We've hit 500k officially infected worldwide. The US could have 500k themselves in a couple of weeks. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
  7. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/874732/230320_-_Revised_guidance_note_-_finalVF.pdf
  8. https://www.elmundo.es/madrid/2020/03/23/5e78cec0fdddff30328b465c.html Due to the collapse of crematories, in Madrid they're using this ice skate rink to store corpses.
  9. Seeing plenty of people walking around with full track suits. Suddenly everyone loves to exercise. Weird.
  10. I read they've already taken some from France as well. Others are struggling to have beds for everyone and Germany are offering them despite having so many cases. How do they do it?
  11. Am I the only one who when waking up, for a few seconds wonders if this was all just a bad dream?
  12. Propaganda. Have celebrities (or anyone else who people generally respect) on TV telling people to stay inside. Many will listen to them more than they listen to the government.
  13. Machado

    Making Music

    Sound a lot like my last relationship. I play the guitar and she played the piano but she took lessons from a young age so she had that musical ear as they call it. She could play anything I asked her to and on the guitar did many things that took me months or years of practice, ahah. I'm a sucker for musicians. Dream woman would be Allison Mosshart.
  14. Machado

    Making Music

    Where can I find a wife like that?
  16. "Lock down". You have to wonder until which point it's okay for people to still have civil liberties. What if they reach 1k deaths each day? No government can let that happen. In China you either stayed at home or you did. No messing around.
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