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Fairy In Boots

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Posts posted by Fairy In Boots

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Your missus is right, sounds just like my trip to Majorca as well

    Facilities and food are great just the people, also have German chavs to all Bayern fans

  2. Currently on a 2 week trip to Majorca, it’s my first time doing Spain “all inclusive” as we’ve got the kids and I have to say I’m embarrassed to be a Brit, we’ve gone 3 star and it shows, the facilities and food are great but it’s wall to wall chavs covered in shit tats and air max with an obesity problem. The Mrs tells me it’s always like this but I’m a virgin to this type of holiday and shocked tbh. Also Glaswegians utterly horrifying, one cunt has UVF inked on his knuckles. 

  3. 6 hours ago, The Artful Dodger said:

    Just caught up with it. Bit disappointed tbh, the White Walkers are my favourites and wanted them to win. I'm hoping for some sort of comeback but can't see it.

    Can see why you vote Corbyn, utter destruction in the realm is that cunts remit to

    • Haha 2
  4. 7 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

    It depends what you want out of life and what you want for your kids. There's one private school on the Isle of Man and I was sent to do the scholarship exam there because my Dad went to it and my Grandma on his side pushed for him to get me to go as well. I was offered a 40% scholarship but I never wanted to go there, and ended up going to the 'state' school instead with all of my friends. I've never regretted it, I got good results at GCSE and A Level and have gone on to do a job I love doing, even if I didn't always know that's where I was going to end up. 

    Had I gone down the private route I may have become a doctor, or even a private school teacher instead, you never know whether you'd be happier in that parallel universe but I do know that my schooling experience would have been very different from the one I had which I really enjoyed.

    For me life is more than going where the money is, as long as I make enough to give my family a decent life when I have one. Doing fantastically well in life for me doesn't need to be moving into a mansion or seeing my two kids grow up to be surgeons. As long as I retire knowing that I've done my best as a teacher to educate the students that have sat in front of me and helped them grow, and as long as my kids fly the nest with the opportunity to pursue the life they want, that's doing fantastically well as far as I'm concerned, as cheesy as it sounds.

    I have no issue at all with the students you mention working hard for scholarships at a school like Eton to give themselves better life opportunities. That's the type of thing we need to see more of from our younger generation. All I'm saying is that if I was filthy, stinking rich, getting my kids into Eton wouldn't be my priority unless they particularly knew they wanted to be a leading doctor or the prime minister. I don't think it's very healthy for young people who come from that sort of 'sheltered' upbringing to go to an elite private school where they won't gain that insight into how things are in the real world outside the bubble of wealth.

    I agree with all those sentiments, like all issues there’s always exceptions to the norm and cases where it’s not the ideal.

    My teacher urged my mom to put me for the 11+ For to grammar but she wouldn’t because she was afraid she couldn’t socially compete as a widow with 2 kids. So I went to normal secondary as the clever kid from primary, by year 8/9 I was in with a bad crowd and it detracted from my education. I didn’t turn up for several GCSE exams because I was off getting pissed or stoned.

    It’s taken me till my early 30’s to catch up really. I don’t want that for mine. I want top education, I can teach morals and manners 

  5. 14 minutes ago, RandoEFC said:

    Seeing some of the people that have come out of Eton I think that's one of the last places on the planet I'd send my children to school even if I won the lottery 37 times in a row.

    Hard work in a normal school will get you a good education, academically and vitally, socially as well. Learning about the world and the people around you is more important for a child's education than GCSE results or whatever pompous and elitist alternative they may or may not provide at Eton, and that's coming from a secondary school teacher.

    I'd much rather have a dumb kid with values than a snob for a child with all of the pathways open to them to become the fattest cat in all the land. The thought of having offspring turn out like Rees-Mogg actually makes me sick, as I'm sure everyone can see by me making the same point four times in different ways about not wanting to send my kids to Eton.


    Yeah but the state churns out guff in reality, 2 of my cousins are teachers absolutely thick as pig shit it’s shit money being a state teacher that’s why the talent goes private and private gets better results. 

    I did my work experience in a school of all places, it was like the channel 4 show teachers, teachers “playing go stand next to which one you think will end up in prison” during exams. 

    Where as poor kids on scholarships at Eton do fantastical well I’m life, that’s social mobility. 

  6. 9 hours ago, The Artful Dodger said:

    not pretty in the slightest. I'd say maybe she's got a nice personality but doesn't look like it. Nah.

    There are some decent tories, louise mensch was the stand out before she fucked off.

    Mensch is a full nut job thou, but I’d hit it. Berger for Labour is nice, Blackwood wasn’t too bad and Patel would get it. I’m not sold on mourdant however. There’s an SNP one that would get it but I can’t name her it’s not the chav one though 


    8 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    I don’t like him because he’s a disingenuous little liar who doesn’t have much substance behind his debates but the media doesn’t like to call him out because he went to Eton and Oxford.

    He recently called out another toff born into wealth about the lower standard his public school was. The crux of that debate is essentially “my daddy was richer than yours.”

    I think Rees-Mogg is great for those who feel the need to have a toff lord over them though.

    Bollocks you’d send your kid to Eton if you got the chance. Someone like Lammy is far worse imo, try’s to distance himself from his education and be a class and race baiting cunt to gain relevance.  I want my kids to have a far better education than I did, I don’t care if they become toffs, far better than “down to earth” watch googlebox that’s an accurate representation of this country at present, fucking thick & lazy. 

    7 hours ago, Stan said:


    So just because he's inherited richness means we can't like him?!

    You can be rich and still not be a monumental cunt of a human being. Something which he fails to do. In a similar vein, you can be rich and give your kids a normal, decent upbringing.

    Why is he such a cunt? I get you can disagree with his opinions etc but he always seems to be fairly courteous  and open to debate when met with disagreement which isn’t really the actions of a cunt. Somebody like Soubray is a cunt, can’t have a civil discourse with them they just start shouting. 

  7. 22 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Jacob Rees-Mogg is everything I dislike about society rolled up into one scrawny little shit of a human

    You just don’t like him because he was born into wealth, given half a chance you’d give your kids the same. 

    Anyway the really contentious issue of all this is, who would do his sister? 

    Spoiler: I’d hit it. She’s got that Toff Milf vibe 



  8. 16 minutes ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

    Which are? 


    if you want to really kick on you’ve gotta take away incentives for the rich and spread the wealth to provide comfort. That’s what really helps nations progress, take away the carrot and the stick and just doss in the middle man, peace & love, fuck the system, for the many not the few!!!

  9. On 02/04/2019 at 20:11, The Artful Dodger said:

    Can we all agree on whatever winds fanny in boots the most?

    Wouldn't even mind but there's so many better Black Sabbath songs than that.

    It’s not mine either tbh. 

    On 01/04/2019 at 22:50, Inverted said:

    Can't wait to be fucked by mainstream growth-oriented economics.

    The only question is if the Tories will preemptively wreck the country and plunge hundreds of thousands more into poverty with No Deal just to purposelessly hold onto power for a few more months. 

    Venezuela is nice in summer I hear. 

    On 02/04/2019 at 09:15, MUFC said:

    fucking bastards, I cannot believe they bottled it again. They are spineless. 

    It's fucking obvious most MPs know brexit will cause more damage than good. They know it's costing money by the day and is proving to be a disaster. They know 1 trillion of funds were lost recently meaning billions upon billions of taxes but they persist with this self-destruction. They are idiotic beyond belief. 

    They know they should put a vote to the public - Norway style deal or remain. The Norway style deal is the brexit with the least damage, so realistically is the one that should be put to the public. MPs know it, so need to find their balls and vote for it .

    Lol the conservative manifesto they were elected on was opposed to all of the above. 

    On 02/04/2019 at 21:55, Inverted said:

    May's speech is really just "let's talk, but if you don't back my Deal it's still No Deal, but it will be all your fault". 

    Most of the media seem encouraged by the announcement but tbh I can't see as anything else but a bad sign. The Tories are behaving as if No Deal is imminent, and they've started working to prepare the groundwork for the post-disaster political battle.

    Every region of England and Wales is polling as having a preference for no deal now except for London. 

    It’s almost like I called this shit about a month ago, still though all these remain loving members who got the Referendum result wrong, it’s motives wrong, & the mood of the country wrong know best eh? 


    Also on May, surpassed Eden as probably the worst PM we’ve ever had, total invertebrate 

  10. Grieve lost his no confidence battle 🤣, the bloodbath will ensue. 

    If we still are in for the European elections we expect a massive protest vote. 

    Personally I think we’re moving to no deal now, polls are indicating that it’s becoming more popular and Raab has stole a march on his rivals backing it. Very much like racking off a plaster don’t pussy foot around rip the cunt off and let’s get on with it

  11. On 27/03/2019 at 22:47, Inverted said:

    I can't for the life of me work out what this post means. Like even any one of the three sentences in isolation. 

    Memes is a dig at EU copyright law article 13. 

    The second sentence is suggesting that Belgian bureaucracy now holds sway in Europe which it does. 

    And the third is a jibe about youth unemployment in Eu countries which is high, because news flash the EU us shite. 

    23 hours ago, The Artful Dodger said:

    No chance of No deal. 

    Think 50/50 now as a GE is also very likely. Personally just go no deal for me. 

    44 minutes ago, Stan said:

    I find this quite crass and callous and just goes to show these kinds of MPs only have their best interests at heart, as opposed to the country's, which I'm sure they all claim, or will go on to do so at some point.

    No the best thing was to reject the utter dog turd of a deal. May is a hard working lady who has great capacity to keep picking herself up and soldiering on, however she has absolutely no skil at negotiation and that’s become apparent. 

    Also just going to leave this here for Cark, middle aged champagne socialist EU loving  gammon twat & a Brexiteer. 



  12. 1 hour ago, The Artful Dodger said:

    I think you're giving her too much credit there. She's putting her job on the line to protect her own 'deal'. Parliament blocked no deal. 

    Parliament evidently don’t understand memes. Coincidentally how are our continental friends finding the new Belgian overlords? 

    Youth unemployment much? 


  13. 6 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    So do you suggest we pay our workers like Indonesian sweatshop workers? Probably.

    I actually did leave so I could make as much money as I could for 10-15 years before I come back. And to be honest, if there’s a no deal Brexit I’ll probably be able to buy a pretty nice house in London and I’ll probably do that and rent it out until I come back

    No and we don’t pay people cheaply we have a higher basic wage and personal tax allowances than Indonesia, businesses in breach these laws of this are prosecuted. 

    I’m talking about benefits, they don’t work. A strong private sector with good job prospects is what we should be funding, not giving the poor more. As the saying go “give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him to and you feed him for the rest of his lifetime”. Walk round a council estate for a month and watch a universal credit cycle. ***spoiler alert*** they’re queuing up in the post office day 1 and then they go the off license next door buy fags & scratch cards, all in named gear, all have a couple of hundred quids worth of body ink. Come week 3 they’re withdrawing £1 or £2 because cash machines only deal in £10’s and the £2 is for essentials. 

    I’d have thrown billions in. Apprenticeships rather than a bank bailout personally I’d have built a very strong high tech based economy,  it’s what I’d do post Brexit to tbh. 

    1 hour ago, The Artful Dodger said:

    Have to say yesterday's march has turned me complete against Remain. It was just middle class people from across the country, headed by Umunna, Soubry and Campbell. Its the continuity remainers who are taking charge. Left wingers who want real change must oppose them. People say the ERG bad but we've already got awful government and have done for 40 years. 

    It wasn’t 1million people and it was all middle England white champagne socialists, they obviously don’t get the irony that they’re going to be “gammons” themselves in 5 years time. 

  14. 13 hours ago, Inverted said:

    We're one of the most unequal countries in the developed world. One of the least socially mobile. We have the wealthiest region in Western Europe and several of the poorest. Our wages have been stagnant for a decade. Our government spending as a proportion of GDP is one of the lowest in large European countries. Our child poverty and homelessness rates have soared. Our benefits system has been "reformed" into a intentional system of punishment and humiliation designed force people into insecure work which is basically not liveable. 

    If wealth and resources were really being distributed effectively in this country, we wouldn't have hordes of uneducated thickos living in unimaginably grim post-industrial shitholes, scraping a living on poverty wages, who are so desperate and lacking in critical faculties that you can convince them that Nigel Farage is their savior. 

    If you’re in a job and your wages have been stagnant for a decade then it’s really quite simple, Leave. Companies are only going to pay you if they value you and if they’re not giving £ then you’re probably not valued by them. 

    Also if you’re forced into “unstable work” then do something about it, most don’t, they sit on their arse smoke a joint and rant about the system. I’m from the gutter, those who work hard try to better themselves get on those who believe they need to be kept by the state rot. 

    Out of the group of lads I grew up with out of a dozen 5 (including myself) have got on and are enjoying middle class lifestyles now. The others are still rotting, do you know the difference? Benefit us 5 have never claimed a penny, you get laid off (which has happened I had a month of no work aged 19) the next day 9-5 you look for a job and you keep going. 

    The others flounce in and out of work, are unreliable and sign on straightaway. They half arse interviews do token job hunts etc.  The safety net encourages laziness and lack of personal accountability, they’re getting their dole. 

    Of course illness & circumstances should be exceptions but if you’re 20+ not working fit and healthy you’re a waster. Also worth pointing out that idleness has a massive impact on mental health and well being so pandering to idelness just exacerbates the problem. 

    Corbyn would just increase the stagnation, it’s in a nutshell why socialism as an economic system always fails. It sounds great but in reality as great as you sound with your “Rich Bad / Poor Good” spiel, reality interjects and essentially you socialists are just flogging a chocolate teapot. 

    Also on wages a good rule of thumb is once you’re 25 you should be earning similar amount in cash per annum. Eg 30-30k etc if you’re not you’re failing at life. I don’t I’m in the high earning tax bracket aged 33 and I have 0 higher education qualifications. But yeah social mobility blah blah. The harsh reality is there is social mobility, but not for those that don’t offer much. Socialists tend to fall into this category, it’s why they become so bitter north of 30. 

    1 hour ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Hahaha that first sentence 

    €28k or $32k a year puts you in the global 1%. 

    • Upvote 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Inverted said:

    History shows that the real turkeys are the wealthy who turn a blind eye to the society around them disintegrating and who think they'll be guarded from the consequences. 

    Voting for wealth redistribution is the best self-defence mechanism the wealthy ever came up with. 

    Wealth is redistributied the “poor” in this country are still globally in the top 2% earning bracket.

     I’m not adverse to a social policy, However I’m realistic enough to know that a social policy also has negatives and requires a robust private sector to fund it. The average 35k p/a white collar worker that spouts “for the many not the few” is devoid of reality. If you live amongst the shit you grind to get out of it. Fuck Corbyn he’ll just give the idle cunts more to squander. 

    57 minutes ago, Danny said:

    Bigot dislikes being called out for bigotry shocker

    No I answered it the first time, you never really countered, you just seem to be hung up on Nigel Farage a bloke who has no real power or wasn’t part of the official campaign, a campaign that distinaced itself from UKIP as UKIP started transforming into the BNP in Purple. You’ve not looked at that or even considered that Brexit is the result of a multitude of factors, you’ve pigeonholed it as racist and you’ve just repeated yourself ad Infinitum. I’m not offended by being labelled I’m just bored of your shite. 

    • Haha 1
  16. 1 hour ago, The Artful Dodger said:

    Bollocks. The march was full of Blairite twats like Umunna, it's why I have no time for it. The march of the middle class who want everything the same, they loathe Corbyn more than May. 

    I don’t even know what Jim broadbents auto corrected from tbh.  But I think you’ve underestimated just who voted for Corbyn at the last general election. You would call them blairites now but come GE time they roll out the “for the many not the few” story’s is a great example. 


    43 minutes ago, Danny said:

    Bit touchy today

    I’m not it just sums up your sum contribution in this thread we’re 30 pages in and if you’ve said anything other than “Brexit was racist” I’ll be surprised. You’ve probably done 40 posts at least 30+ will be contain the words “bigot” or “islamophobia” it’s boring now mate. You’re just bleating like some but hurt sheep, we’re leaving get on with it

  17. 3 hours ago, The Artful Dodger said:

    Is there anyone on this march that isn't an insufferable middle class tit? Most will be back voting tory when brexit gets forgotten about. 

    Not really they’re the Jim Broadbent's that voted Corbyn at the last general, literally Turkeys voting for Christmas 

    9 hours ago, Danny said:

    Between then official leave campaign breaking the law and the sheer amount of racism and bigotry used by politicians, the campaign and media to push Brexit through I’d say the vote was a joke long before the opportunity for a second came into play.

    You’re like a shite broken record, ffs the government wrote to every household in the land to say stay.  Most large businesses threatened staff with job losses. It’s been a constant stream of negativity and threats for years. Food shortages, lack of medicine, etc etc etc. 

    Every episode of question time or sky news debate regarding Brexit for the last 2.1/2 years has been 3-1 in favour of remain and you’ll still lose a second referendum. I don’t know how to put it any clearer really than fuck off and stop whining. Real people think this begging of the EU to let us bend over and let them fuck us is embarrassing. If you like the EU so much, why don’t you fuck off there. It so tedious you’re like this forums Anna fucking Soubray and she’s a tedious little whining turd to. 

    • Upvote 1
  18. 3 hours ago, Fairy In Boots said:

    He needs to move up, struggles to get to that weight. I reckon he’ll do okay at 185. But I’m not going to lie the Liverpool UFC contingent do my head in “for Liverpool blah blah” just fuck off!

    Till walks around 200 so it’s gotta take something out of you. He could be a lot more powerful like Rumble was when he stopped half killing himself before a fight. 

    And the last sentence is true, Pimblett in cage warriors is the same. I like Liverpool it’s a lovely city but fuck me they don’t half go on

  19. 7 hours ago, DeadLinesman said:

    Till hype train well and truly over. He’s finished at 170.

    He needs to move up, struggles to get to that weight. I reckon he’ll do okay at 185. But I’m not going to lie the Liverpool UFC contingent do my head in “for Liverpool blah blah” just fuck off!

    • Haha 1
  20. On 27/02/2019 at 14:54, Harvsky said:

    This isn't true of metropolitan areas. It's true of the smaller inner city boundaries within a metropolitan area. 

    If you look at the metropolitan then 7 of the 10 borough's of Greater Manchester voted leave. 5 of the 8 districts of Merseyside voted leave. 22 of Birmingham's 40 wards voted leave. 5 of London's 33 borough's voted leave. 


    On 27/02/2019 at 16:20, Harvsky said:

    It might not be that different. Digging a little deeper, Birmingham as a city, in terms of giving a result under that name, was based on around 450,000 votes.

    Liverpool on the other hand as a city giving its result was based on 200,000 votes. Manchester similarly gave it's result as 200,000 voters.

    Clearly the boundary of Birmingham is encapsulating substantially more and that may be distorting the result comparison. 

    One thing common in all metro areas is that the suburbs were more likely to vote leave. The difference is not a surprise as there has been a significant demographic and social change in city centres with the rapid expansion of universities and service sector work.

    I don't think the result given as Birmingham concludes for sure that it is somehow a truly distinct place.

    Birmingham as a city doesn’t encapsulate the rest of the West mids, the Black Country is adjacent to the left Redditch & Bromsgrove to the south, Solihull and Coventry to the West with Walsall and Tamworth to the North. 

    All those voted Leave by a 55% or higher margin so Birmingham as a city was more remain that the surrounding areas. 

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