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Fairy In Boots

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Posts posted by Fairy In Boots

  1. 6 hours ago, Gunnersauraus said:

    I think polling data has suggested remain would win with about 56 percent


    13 hours ago, Harry said:

    Is there any polling data on the leave or remain issue to give cause to think the majority opinion has shifted? If so by how much? 

    Still want out mate, if the gimp above thinks 51.9% of over 30m voters have changed there mind because a remain centric hissy fit they’re wrong. They can post as many pro remain polls as they want, Holding up a “strong remain” poll when the sample size is 1600 iron Bru swigging universal credit dosing Scots that are deluded enough to believe the EU gives a flying fuck about the national park at the top of England with a urban centres full of illiterate smack heads and a reputation for 🥃.

     All these political parties will be annihilated come the next election if they don’t deliver this. London is a different world once outside the M25 it’s still arguably the same as the referendum result based upon areas, I think a second referendum would invoke even more belligerence from the British voter. They would add a 3rd option to split the vote though no doubt. 

  2. On 20/12/2018 at 12:47, MUFC said:

    The sole of womens feet are epic, you can kiss them and massage your cheeks with them. Nice feet, tongue between the gap in the toes is immense. 

    Blatant wind up but the best I’ve seen in some time 👏🏻

    On 10/02/2019 at 12:56, Cannabis said:

    Why are people still replying to this shit?!

    🤣 the pub section has gone to the dogs 

  3. 5 hours ago, Danny said:

    Starting up a new Brexit party apparently 

    Think you have a very limited view of political posturing. It’s a party designed to ensure the two “main” parties stay on track and deliver Brexit. They didn’t  like UKIP as it split their vote hence the concession to have a referendum and UKIP being annihilated at the general election because they’d effectively been negated by that promise. 

    Post Brexit to stay relevant because they’re work is now done, UKIP have lurched further to the right from Euro skeptic to outright anti immigration. That’s made them toxic to the electorate. 

    So Eurosceptic Brexit support is at a loss, hence a Brexit party will consolidate that vote and therefore the two main parties will court that vote, mainly by delivering Brexit or promising to do so. 

  4. Probably the best English performance since we dicked the Aussies a few years back. That’s the world No 2 side that bear the All Blacks in the Autumn and we did them completely. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Inverted said:

    By the standards with which you can call Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser, the DUP are outright terrorists. 

    And in any case support for terror has been British government policy for decades, the only issue people have with Corbyn is that he doesn't pick the right purveyors of terror - like the UDF, the House of Saud, Pol Pot or Augusto Pinochet.

    Yep we back shithouses, but the harsh reality of life is you’re either the oppressed or the oppressors. 

    Corbyn is so full of self loathing over it he’s prepared to willingly invite the oppressed to swap positions. Of course you omitted Iran, Hamas & Chavez all who Corbyn has backed in the last ten years. 

  6. On 16/01/2019 at 19:34, LFCMike said:

    As expected. Being propped up by them DUP nutters.

    What a mess

    Yes because the DUP are going to back a no confidence motion in a government they have a position in to side with a terrorist sympathiser, one who was perfectly prepared to “sit down” with the IRA an organisation that tried to kill her (Arlene Fosters) father by shooting him and her when she survived a bomb on a bus. 

    What mess you talking about? It says far more about the absolute lunatic Corbyn is that he even tried the total moron 🤣

    14 hours ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

    Shitting themselves, I’m currently speaking at work with a large German firm that had centralised purchasing in Germany and supplies the U.K. site themselves via a weekly lorry, Germans are very nationalistic over industry.  Now though they’re looking to return to U.K. supply creating U.K. jobs? Why They’re preparing for Brexit, businesses will adapt and overcome. 

    The German lady I deal with who has lived over hear actually said from her point of view she’s pro because it makes her job easier. 

    Of course they’ll be losers but it’s not all doom and gloom mate, one of their original suppliers is based in cardiff, hopefully they get the business back. 

  7. I liked ever since I first saw him pretty much because Herman was shit. 

    Think he’s done fabulously well and a real shame he won’t retire in any kind of style

  8. On 15/12/2018 at 21:13, ASF said:

    'The Shape of Water'

    One of the worst Best Picture winners. 


    My 2018 post of the year right there. Happy new year Bud 

    A Star is Born 7.5/10

    Really good actually, iy Lost a bit of steam around about 1hr 20 in for 10 mins but on the whole quite good. Also I don’t care I’d absolutely smash gaga 


    • Upvote 1
  9. 11 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Yes your job and personal experiences are a more valid interpretation of the British economy than the British GDP xD

    Of course it’s not an indicator but you get a feel for the way an economy is going, it’s cap ex investments I’m dealing in and businesses make 2-3 year predictions & forecasts when apportioning budgets etc. Obviously some businesses have sat on their hands because of it, automotive & BMW being a main one. 

    JLR have a perfect storm of problems, which they blame on Brexit but it’s falling demand in China & US plus diesel being in the halfway house globally while awaiting emissions tests in reality. That’s also curtailing Nissan but the Japanese car manufacturers are all investing in U.K. plants over the next 5 years. I’m in and out these places regularly talking to project engineers with signed off budgets for investment. That’s my baramoter for saying I’m not as concerned as the papers would have you believe we should be. 

    Aldo WTO isn’t a shark tank, part of the reason these EU negotiations have been appalling is firstly May not being very good but she’s gone post Brexit & screeching remainers ebbing away her bargaining power. It’s basic negotiation, if it’s apparent the other party is desperate because of whatever factor you can get more. Screaming remainers have almost undoubtedly emboldened the EU to press for advantages in certain areas. If they had kept quiet and the EU had bought the No deal threat we might well have got a decent deal. The irony of militant remainers inadvertantly pushing us towards a no deal is hilarious for me personally 



  10. 7 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Yeah meanwhile you'll go around calling people thick as fucking planks and then say "oh you're being a bit stupid" and then say shite like your job indicates that Brexit will be a good thing because your company doesn't export that much to the EU... despite the fact that GDP statistics indicate the EU is our biggest trading partner. But you feel your experience means you have absolute knowledge.

    Balon is being stupid, he’s hysterical at times in this thread. It’s got a whiff of “the Sky is falling in” about it. 

    And yeah I work for a global blue chip engineering company and I travel the country to deal with small to large multinational corporations on a daily basis speaking with guys on the shop floor to boardroom level supporting industry leading technology. It’s given me a cross spectrum from the approx 1000 various people I’ve spoken to in the last 3 years about it. Same consensus generally  we’ll dip at first out the gate then find our feet and run. Most are more interested in the rapidly growing markets outside of the EU. 

    I’m sorry though your folks on skype, the remain bias rags you browse online (who got the result then the immediate crash after wrong btw) and “cars of petrol” & “they believe in unicorns” man are a more solid foundation for opinion. 

    For balance I’m met remain business owners who it negatively impacts because they buy in euros from the continent, they even acknowledge that it’s not fatal they will have to adapt but long term they’re optimistic if you want a more balanced view. 

  11. 15 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    So you think his IQ is below 4? If so, get fucked - you're the one telling people to be blindly optimistic about a situation that's largely unknown and is likely to cause a recession that's going to be pretty painful for a lot of people. Based on what? Optimism that Britain's economy can be as strong as it was before the war?

    Optimism is for suckers. Expect the worst, if it doesn't come then that's a big relief. And if it does come, you'll be prepared.

    No it’s fairly obvious he’s not the literal description of that entire definition. There used to be a thing called common sense when people deduced various things and didn’t take everything so seriously, now though with outrage culture we have this practice of latching onto small parts and taking it literally to justify outrage or nullify a or several points. 

    What “with an IQ lower than 4 means” on this topic they’re being a bit stupid, it is after all urban dictionary it’s taking the piss. 

    Also does the world rewards those “who plan for the worst”, did Jeff bezos wake up and think “i’ll consolidate today because shit might go south” on his way to richest guy on earth?  Did Liverpool win the champions league because “at 3-0 down we should do damage limitation”? 

    Brexiters know it’s a risk but we felt to persist was long term decline anyway so fuck it we’ll have a go. History is made by those that do that. 

    We’ll be fine long term, we literally have a different ethos to the rest of Europe which gives us advantages. 

  12. 8 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Bet you're well pleased no deal looks likely.

    Yep, I don’t want to pay £39 billion & I’m happy to be on WTO terms with the EU. The EU blinked the other day by agreeing a process for haulage, air travel, driving, residence rites etc all being agreed in the event of a no deal. The world will not end. 

    I think you’ll see a 6-12 month small recession or slow down next year but I think that won’t be limited to the U.K. and a direct result of Brexit anyway. We would have probably caught some kind of initial financial cold purely because of uncertainty but I think Germany will be far more concerned at this point about a No deal than we are. 

    The British press who’ve been largely bias towards remain have been absolutely disgraceful for 2.1/2 years now as have much of the establishment, it’s been the media equivalent of a toddler tantrum, and had probably resulted in far more division than was necessary. 

    A further point on the yellow yests, or basically protesters in hi viz (because that’s what they do, look at pro eu demos) and the “telling Anna Soubry she’s a traitor” I thought fan fucking tastic, it couldn’t have happened to a more miserable anti democratic cunt.  You only have to look at the way Kate Hoey has been treated by the Labour Party and pro remain lefty supporters for the last 2 years to think it’s about time someone told these screaming parliamentary remainers to fuck off. By and large leavers have been called everything under the sun and haven’t wavered so to watch someone give it back was satisfying. 

    Also it’s fair to mention these blokes weren’t the brightest, but she’s still a cunt.

    She says she will resign if No deal, that’s music to the grass roots ears. Stupid women 😉

  13. 3 hours ago, Inverted said:

    Looking forward to seeing this horrid country broken up and resigned to the dustbin of history within the next few decades. 

    Weird world welcome back. 

    2 hours ago, Kowabunga said:

    Well, I suspect a potential second referendum overturning Brexit may precisely bring this sort of movement to the mainstream "bigly". The ultimate antipolitical hellhole. And I suspect May knows this.

    A second referendum would still deliver leave, although I suspect they would split the options to split the leave vote. A Sky News straw poll of a 1000 isn’t a national indicator, they’re heavily biased anyway. The national mood hasn’t changed, the whining about Brexit within the media sphere of the M25 is precisely that.

    You’re vastly overestimating the significance of the yellow vests in the U.K. There would be righteous anger however if it was overturned but it would be real middle England not Tommy Robinson. He’s a bit of a overestimated pantomime villain for the media to generate click bait. Most of his followers that actually put boots on the ground are ex football hooligans just desperate to belong to something. A generous estimate of his support would be at best 10-15k actually travelers, 2-3k locals turning out when he’s in the area and 1/2m sympathetic online. Hardly mainstream because those sympathetic are probably just pissed off about grooming or terrorism. I very much doubt he could win a seat in Parliament, Politically he’s probably about as important as lord bucket head

  14. 7 hours ago, SirBalon said:

    The reason they didn't vote her out is because they're cowards and don't want the poisoned challice.  I'd love to see Davis, The bumbling fool or Shoes for peasants take the helm and back what up their claims of being able to bring in a better deal... Oops, the had the chance, they were Infact part of the negotiations and chickened out.

    More like resigned in frustration because the position was effectively ceremonial. Brexit has been negotiatied by her gaggle of remain civil servants she surrounds herself with. They effectively manager her and by proxy the county & it’s brecit negotiations,  contemptuous acts like deferring the vote etc, it’s all the crowd behind her. 

    117 is significant it’s worse than Major, she’s a lame duck, plus such is the anger at grassroots level that the death of “one nation” conservatives is assured now. 

  15. 8 hours ago, SirBalon said:

    Anna Soubry who is an MP for the constituency for Broxtowe in Nottinghamshire publicly stated on a radio debate that she would go for a new referendum and try to convince her constituents that staying is in the best interests of all now that we have all the facts.  This from a constituency MP where her constituents voted by a majority to leave.

    She said that her duty is to the country as a Member of Parliament and acting upon the knowledge of what's best for the people she represents. 

    And Anna Soubry will lose her seat, she’s politically irrelevant and will only fade away. As will Tory support, grassroots Tory’s are Eurosceptics and massively at odds with the politicians. I can genuinely see the party splitting

  16. It’s because despite all these remainers creaming over bs polls in which they’ve put a 3rd option to split the leave vote so remain looks popular again, the Tory’s know from their consistents that if May takes them & this deal to a general election they will be decimated. The fucking stubborn cunt won’t go though. 

    At least she has a new answer to what’s the worst thing you’ve done “botched Brexit, decimating the Tory party and handing the keys to no 10 to an anti Semitic terrorist sympathising Marxist, who will then decimate the country” is better than running through a corn field. 

  17. 2 hours ago, SirBalon said:

    I pardon you for your insular motivated statement!  The sort of statement that's being heard all over the UK by some people like yourself...

    But I pity you mate, I don't hate you at all and you are just a victim of all the garbage that's been spouted by the media over the years which has conditioned you to feel in the manner that you do.

    Why should I move anywhere other than stay in the place where I was born?

    I am as British as you and on that mark you can't dispute the fact I put before you, facts being something that unfortunately you and others like you will never be able to digest.

    Britain doesn't have to disassociate itself from the continent it resides in at all and all the facts point to everything being more beneficial to our citizens by staying within the EU and having a say in its running.  We need the EU and that's a fact!

    But if I were to move anywhere else, it would be because I've merited it and would still remain British by birth, the same rights as you enjoy, no more, no less.  I would Infact invite to you to my abode and offer you to partake in a wonderful Paella that I am quite famous for amongst my circle of friends and family.  You would then maybe feel that there's no evil European trying to take something that belongs to you. :D 

    I thought you were Spanish by birth and lived here a number of years, in which case I apologise it wasn’t meant as a “fuck off back home”, it was a challenge to your constant assertions we’re doomed. 

    The question is pertinent though, you speak fluent Spanish, why if you’re so convinced we’re heading for oblivion in April aren’t you looking to move beforehand? I would be if I was in your shoes and I thought the UK was fucked. 

    Also what “facts” there’s no facts, there’s projections but no facts because we’ve not left yet. What is the point of me arguing projections with you? It’s pretty much pointless arguing in this thread anyway.  Most of the projections pre & post Brexit about the U.K. economy have been wrong, why should some spurious article that claims “we’re going to be fucked in 5 years” make any difference? 

    I’m have confidence in Britain post Brexit, you think differently and we can only prosper by staying in. Time will prove either of us correct. 


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