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Fairy In Boots

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Posts posted by Fairy In Boots

  1. I wouldn’t say Joshua is a complete fraud he did stop Klitschko, however he got dropped off a straight jab in that fight, that suggested he’s not indestructible, I certainly think Wilder would stop him. 

    Ruiz is no bum though 

  2. Rewatching this last season helps, there’s so much you miss it initially. 

    Dany was a dragon and eventually became a tyrant herself although her intention was good her drive to get there made her no different. 

    Jon put duty above love and he is the shield that guards the realms of men. 

    Bran wont die, knows all history and can’t be corrupted. 

    The starks started out as weak pawns in the game, by the end the 4 are all that’s standing 2 are monarchs and two are free to roam and do whatever makes them happy. 

    I think this will be GRRM’s ending I wouldn’t bet against it now tbh

    • Upvote 2
  3. Because I have been away and the Mrs didn’t see it but I watched it on my tablet we rewatched episodes 4&5 and I have to say it makes a lot more sense watching 4 again after knowing what comes in 5. Cersei says too get me she’ll have to kill thousands smirking

  4. Tyrion in s4 to the people of KL “I should have let Stannis burn you all” why grief/anger. The fan base “yeah fuck them cunts, go one Tyrion & the fan base now “innocents”. 

    Cersei literally blew up half the court with the sept of Baylor incident. She had bastards rounded up and put to death. Had a nun raped & tortured for the rest of her days, plotted the murder of kids (Dorne) wanted another Direwolf killed (Sansa’s), gave people to be experimented on by Qyburn and decapitated a captured adviser to Daenerys just last episode. 

    And people call Dany mad 😂. “Oh she’s mad because if they don’t bend the knee she kills them” 

    Have any of you read a history of an absolute monarchy? Her actions to those who opppse her rule are perfectly sane, “bend the knee or fire & blood” It’s common in this series if you’re defeated or given the option to opt out of a conflict you bend the knee or die. It’s a formal act of fealty 

    Tyrells did it to Robert, 

    Greyjoys did it to Robert

    most of the histories have examples of bending the knee, Stark to Targaryen is one.

    If you don’t you force a life or death scenario in that position you have a rival claimant and rival claimants eventually = war, if you don’t punish you inspire other dissent which weakens your authority and eventually leads to being challenged. It’s breaking a few eggs to make an ommlette. This is basic human/animal nature I’m surprised so many can’t grasp this. 

    Dany isn’t mad she’s lashing out because she is angry, overcome with grief. She burned down the tent with other wives of the khals that was more nuts than this tbh. 

    Since arriving in Westeros 2 of her dragons are dead, most of her inner circle from Essos is dead and the people don’t give a fuck she’s just sacrificed thousands (although D&D have resplendent them for action shots) of her followers to protect them from the Night King. She tries to offer a peaceful solution and Cersei rejects it killing another important part of Dany’s group so Dany finally snaps and burns the fucker down. @Harry it’s not bizarre at all, it’s the logical step, mercy would have been harder for someone to deliver. Cersei forced her into a position that made her attack Kings landing, innocents die in sieges. 

    It displays of Cersei’s madness to, she surrounds herself with innocents in the hope she is portrayed as protector but she would kill them all given the opportunity. She continues to provoke Danerys so she is as much to blame for the bloodletting 



  5. 4 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    When you say hard copy books do you mean none of that e-book reader bullshit like the Amazon one? If so, good man - I've tried so hard to like e-book shite but it bothers my eyes for some reason. Maybe they're better now than the one I used years ago... before I sold it because using it pissed me the fuck off while just grabbing a book and reading an actual book didn't piss me off.

    But yeah, they obviously had to trim a lot from the books to make it work with a TV show. Particularly this season, where sometimes GRRM would just waffle on about backstory - family members of the characters he's describing, shit like that. It's all interesting information, it's world building and is part of character development, but it doesn't serve any purpose in driving the main plot - particularly on a TV show where there are other ways to develop characters. And for 6 seasons, I think the show did a good job - even though it deviated pretty significantly - at telling it's story and developing the characters.

    On the plus side, I think that means there's plenty of GRRM written source material for spin-offs if they're prequels. There's stories he tells in the background of the story he's telling in his books - and Westeros and the world he's built have obviously captured millions of fans attentions. So I think if HBO wants easy money, they can probably pretty easily start with a "Rob's Rebellion" type show, and probably more than a few others - but there's a massive history for the story's world that exists in the existing source material.

    I still enjoy the show, it's clearly a masterpiece. And in terms of the production of the show and the cinematics of this season, it's all incredible. But I'm just annoyed at the drop in quality with the writing since the source material's dried up - I think a show that had such a long run of fantastic writing deserved better for it's final season. Having said that, I still think the show is strong despite all of the flak it's getting here (and tbh mostly elsewhere, the last episode's been panned almost everywhere - and I thought it was a much better episode than the episode before it, but apparently I'm one of the few who thinks so).

    I won’t give Jeff Bezos a penny of my money if I can help it, entire industry revolves around print I buy a book new then donate to charity shops and that’s my reading philosophy

    • Upvote 1
  6. One thing I will definitely ageee on is the dialogue has been poorer post martins source material, I think you could have stretched it out 100 episodes but I’m still mindful that such a big symtory needs trimming to display in this media, it’s why I still read hard copy books in this digital age.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Cicero said:

    It would've been treason if Dany was the righful heir. She isn't. The fact she killed a man who knew the truth and wanted to do what was best for the realm, shows how paranoid/obsessed she is in nature.

    Visery's i'll give you. 

    She knowingly finished a great house's bloodline, something Tyrion desperately advised against. This was well before they knew of Sam. 

    The cherry on top was that the City surrendered, yet Dany decided to still kill the innocent. She could've been the better person, but just showed she is just as evil as Cercei. 

    Nailed head. 

    Still think he kills Dany though. Been saying this for a while. 


    It’s treason, Dany is the acknowled monarch even by Jon, actively seeking to change that is treason, any monarch would have acted accordingly. [\SPOILER]

  8. 1 hour ago, Cicero said:

    My sentiments exactly. People are expecting the predictable (Jon killing the Night King. Jon + Dany ruling. Arya killing Cercei) but with the exception of the Hound killing his brother,  the writers are not giving in to the fans demands, which I'm all for. Apart the lazy writing, I enjoyed this season. Last night's episode no exception. (I firmly believe all would of been better had HBO granted them more episodes vs merely 6) 

    @Harry You and I both discussed in the past that Dany showed signs like her father, and it is now undoubtebly true. Showing no mercy for her brother. Killing the Tarly's. Paranoia that everyone, including the ones she loved, would turn against her. It is fueled even more that she isn't even the rigthful heir, belieiving to be all her life. 

    What separates Jon from Robb, is that he wouldn't ever let love come before duty. It was worrying that the writers disregarded that seeing Jon did nothing when Vary's burned, but all was good when Jon held his men back when the unsullied continued to fight. 

    I'd love to see a Jon vs Greyworm showdown. Also good to see Jon getting whiskey dick now he knows Dany is his aunt. xD

    Varys committed treason, the Tarlys forced her hand. Vicerys deserved it as well she knew, she’s lost 2 dragons on this continent whom she viewed as children. This is the city where her family were slaughtered and she gave them offers to surrender. Cersei answered by killing one of Dany’s closest friends, so they got what you always get when a Targaryen comes knocking “fire & blood”

    35 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    I liked that episode best of the season so far, but this season’s rushed writing is bothering me.

    Ah well, we’re so close to finally seeing how this ends.

    I think it’s gonna go one or two ways. Either the Azor Ahai prophecy comes true (with either Jon or... Arya) or Dany kills everyone else

    She’d won though. Then she decided to “burn them all”

    See above, she couldn’t contain her anger/wrath/grief/desire for vengeance. 

    General comment to all; I think at this point if you’re expecting a lord of the Rings style ending where Jon is king all the bad guys get killed after heroic duals & confrontations then we cut to a feasting scene where the hound, Jamie, Brienne, The Starks & hot pie share and ale before going into the west to live happily ever after then I think you’ve wasted 8 years of your life I’m sorry to say. 

  9. I was going to liken it to Iraq in the previous post, but I saw this tweet and pretty much the point of it all, we’ve been eager for Dany to give them “fire & blood” for 8 seasons, when she gives it she’s suddenly “mad” how many opportunities at Mercy did they get, she offered surrender many times? Pretty similar with the US & U.K. giving Iraq “democracy”. 

    Theres never been a sack of a city that was clean, it breaks down into rape & pillaging everytime even as recent as conflict in Syria. The “game of thrones” as it’s now entered cultural lexicon is quite simple you win or you die. That’s true in Yemen & Saudi or Northern Ireland. 

    Any anti trident protestor, watch that trident is our Drogon. I’d rather we didn’t have to have it but the reality is we’ve not moved on from medieval times only our technology has. ASoFAI is social commentary on a grand scale it’s brilliant. 

  10. 21 minutes ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:

    I understand Danerys arc. But what about Jaime. He spent 7 seasons learning a different way, redeeming himself and getting over Cerci. Then when he gets what he truly wants 10 seconds later he fucks off back to slag features for literally no reason.

    Well the baby in her belly was Jamie’s she’s always been something he couldn’t say no to, his arc was that of a villan but humanised where as Dany’s of a hero but demonised. It’s what makes martins work better than most other type of work because he explored the grey, nothing is black and white. 

     Setting aside tv & books differences and looking at the series as a whole and I mean ASoFAI here Cersei was always supposed to die with the arms of her younger sibling wrapped around her as the life chocked out of her, she always assumed it was Tyrion. Jamie was a few minutes younger. It’s a nice twist 

  11. The ending would always be bitter sweet, this has been foreshadowed for years. In the house of undying Dany walks through the throne room of the red jeep with ash gently falling, she’s said multiple times I will answer with “fire & blood” yes she’s become a monster, that’s the whole fucking point. 

    Jon has effectively become Ned and we all knows what happens to those to honourable in the game of thrones, it’s simple you win or you die. We all want the fairytale ending but the whole point of the story is that nothing is ever perfect, I personally am fine with it all. 

    My main gripe is troop counts getting silly

    • Upvote 1
  12. 23 hours ago, Cannabis said:

    Dubrovnik is lovely, as is the rest of Croatia. I've just booked to go back there as one of my holidays this year actually. 

    Wouldn't stay anything less than four stars for the reasons stated above. Sounds horrendous and not something I'd put myself through.

    It’s great facilities & food and there’s nice families to it was just a bit shocking first 48 hours. It’s a 3* waterpark hotel me the Mrs & 2 kids 2 weeks all inclusive was £720 x3 my boy was free. 

    It’s ideal in May because mine are under 5 and it’s about 20-25 degrees. They don’t notice it and they’re enjoying themselves. 

    @Tommy Cala millor on the east coast 

    19 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Yeah my fiancé was shocked that Brits can also be fat fucking slobs like in the US

    Costs the NHS millions, body positivity is a crock of shit. It’s being called “fat cunt” that got me down the gym years ago 

  13. 8 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Yeah, that's the thing about those all inclusive places. They're great, but yeah... there's something about "typical" holiday destinations like Majorca and those all inclusive resorts, they see so many tourists that they bring in all the chavs out on holiday.

    I remember having the same "oh god, it's embarrassing being British" feeling when I was there too. Fuck 'em though, you're on holiday. Enjoy yourself mate, it's time off with your family over the next couple of weeks in an all inclusive resort. Have a good time! Do your best to ignore embarrassing dickheads,  they're not actually a reflection of you (even though it made me think "aw fuck, I hope people don't think I'm like them just because I'm also English") so really they shouldn't embarrass us.

    Oh I got over it, just took me back the state of it. We have an obesity crisis in the U.K. too massive issue it’s becoming like the states

    • Upvote 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Your missus is right, sounds just like my trip to Majorca as well

    Facilities and food are great just the people, also have German chavs to all Bayern fans

  15. Currently on a 2 week trip to Majorca, it’s my first time doing Spain “all inclusive” as we’ve got the kids and I have to say I’m embarrassed to be a Brit, we’ve gone 3 star and it shows, the facilities and food are great but it’s wall to wall chavs covered in shit tats and air max with an obesity problem. The Mrs tells me it’s always like this but I’m a virgin to this type of holiday and shocked tbh. Also Glaswegians utterly horrifying, one cunt has UVF inked on his knuckles. 

  16. 6 hours ago, The Artful Dodger said:

    Just caught up with it. Bit disappointed tbh, the White Walkers are my favourites and wanted them to win. I'm hoping for some sort of comeback but can't see it.

    Can see why you vote Corbyn, utter destruction in the realm is that cunts remit to

    • Haha 2
  17. 7 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

    It depends what you want out of life and what you want for your kids. There's one private school on the Isle of Man and I was sent to do the scholarship exam there because my Dad went to it and my Grandma on his side pushed for him to get me to go as well. I was offered a 40% scholarship but I never wanted to go there, and ended up going to the 'state' school instead with all of my friends. I've never regretted it, I got good results at GCSE and A Level and have gone on to do a job I love doing, even if I didn't always know that's where I was going to end up. 

    Had I gone down the private route I may have become a doctor, or even a private school teacher instead, you never know whether you'd be happier in that parallel universe but I do know that my schooling experience would have been very different from the one I had which I really enjoyed.

    For me life is more than going where the money is, as long as I make enough to give my family a decent life when I have one. Doing fantastically well in life for me doesn't need to be moving into a mansion or seeing my two kids grow up to be surgeons. As long as I retire knowing that I've done my best as a teacher to educate the students that have sat in front of me and helped them grow, and as long as my kids fly the nest with the opportunity to pursue the life they want, that's doing fantastically well as far as I'm concerned, as cheesy as it sounds.

    I have no issue at all with the students you mention working hard for scholarships at a school like Eton to give themselves better life opportunities. That's the type of thing we need to see more of from our younger generation. All I'm saying is that if I was filthy, stinking rich, getting my kids into Eton wouldn't be my priority unless they particularly knew they wanted to be a leading doctor or the prime minister. I don't think it's very healthy for young people who come from that sort of 'sheltered' upbringing to go to an elite private school where they won't gain that insight into how things are in the real world outside the bubble of wealth.

    I agree with all those sentiments, like all issues there’s always exceptions to the norm and cases where it’s not the ideal.

    My teacher urged my mom to put me for the 11+ For to grammar but she wouldn’t because she was afraid she couldn’t socially compete as a widow with 2 kids. So I went to normal secondary as the clever kid from primary, by year 8/9 I was in with a bad crowd and it detracted from my education. I didn’t turn up for several GCSE exams because I was off getting pissed or stoned.

    It’s taken me till my early 30’s to catch up really. I don’t want that for mine. I want top education, I can teach morals and manners 

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