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Fairy In Boots

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Posts posted by Fairy In Boots

  1. I always find it fascinating that people on here believe labour are genuinely capable of running a government under the control of Corbyn, MAC & Abbott. 

    Im just genuinely astounded that you can convince yourselves that it’s a legitimate use of a vote. 

    I’ll vote for Boris, preference would be for Brexit as not a big fan of Boris’s deal but too many morons will vote for the Marxist so have to put the country first and protect us from that clown. 


  2. 6 minutes ago, Smiley Culture said:

    Don’t you have embarrassing “I can’t be racist, I eat curry” or “I can’t be homophobic, I’ve watched Brokeback Mountain” type posts to make when people point out your racist and homophobic posts?

    Not upset at all but just don’t really like bigotry and rugby union because they made me feel inadequate. 

    Fixed for you. 

    Also I never said anything homophobic I just said from my experience they liked lewd jokes and even homophobic gags. 

    But you labelled me homophobic and have just repeated it incessantly now so you believe your own bs. 

    In fairness though you are a bit of a whinging cunt so it’s not surprising. 

  3. 58 minutes ago, Smiley Culture said:

    Not bothered in the slightest by politics and what goes on with these corrupt MP’s across the country but that “Workington Man” stuff has really got my back up. Tired stereotypes from privately schooled, silver spoon fed, Rugby Union playing posh country boys is despicable. It’s bordering on xenophobia, really. They wouldn’t say they needed to attract Asian corner shop, for example. 

    Guy Fawkes was actually a visionary in hindsight. 

    The irony of this post. I dislike people being generalised by people I then generalise about. Again the bizzarre anti rugby union stuff surfaces to they must have really upset you as a kid. 

  4. On 29/10/2019 at 14:07, Gunnersauraus said:

    @Fairy In Boots I have no idea why you would consider being a union rep an insult. Most union reps are proud to be one

    I have no idea why you would consider being a union rep something to be proud of. 

    Also SNP are keen to get this election done ASAP  because Salmond goes on trial for rape in jan which will negatively impact them. Shows where their priorities are really. 

  5. 5 hours ago, The Artful Dodger said:

    You can give it but you can't take it, it seems.

    You really don't have a clue if you think I'd be a union rep. Was briefly a member of Unite but they're mainly full of careerists looking for a jolly off union members backs and they always sell out working people at the crunch. They are essentially tools for the management nowadays. Only union needed is working people.

    Lol I can take it my friend, calling you acidic is not me getting sensitive it’s just me telling you how you come across. 

    A typical embittered liberal frustrated and quick to anger at anyone who doesn’t see the world from your view. It’s why you’re frequently acidic in your criticism of them. Lennon is a spot on avatar he was a tedious preachy cunt by the end. 

    Also unions are shite, I’ve had expierience with the Mrs who paid in against my advice and they shafted her, you’re accurate in your description of them. 

    Disagree on working people though, people by and large are thick and prone to group thought so I naturally steer clear of such shite. 

  6. On 25/10/2019 at 09:47, RandoEFC said:

    @SirBalon quoting and agreeing with his own post is the greatest evidence yet that this thread is becoming the echo-chamber that @Fairy In Boots calls it :ph34r:.

    Echo chamber when it’s the same several individuals agreeing with themselves, don’t know why you bothered with the ninja just call it as is. 

    On 25/10/2019 at 21:37, The Artful Dodger said:

    Guarantee you're the kind of lad who dresses up in peaky blinder clobber and whose bird fancies any other fella she comes in contact with.

    Shall we do the nobhead Nostradamus stuff anymore? You sound like a bad scab, nothing worse than working people slagging off other working people.

    Or working people slagging off none working people. 

    Also the bizarre first sentence is inaccurate and shows you for the acidic tosser you are. 

    Guaremtee you’re a union rep. 

  7. On 23/10/2019 at 09:48, The Artful Dodger said:

    What are you a slave master? Who are you to judge anyone's work ethic. 

    Lol almost guaranteed you’re a lazy work to rule prickly type

    On 24/10/2019 at 17:09, SirBalon said:

    Yep I did. I didn’t understand what the EU was and everything that surrounded it. The media had a large part to play on that front and I didn’t take it upon myself to research the intricate ins and outs that membership of the EU means.

    Let me add that I was one of those very very very (stress on VERY) rare rare Brexiters that had no issue whatsoever with EU immigration as the laws revolving EU citizens coming to live and work I was fully aware of seeing as my wife is of Italian birth.

    Best thing I’ve seen all week

    On 24/10/2019 at 17:25, Gunnersauraus said:

    Well that does explain why you are so passionate about getting another vote. So at the time why did you feel it was better to leave? I find it quite interesting to find out what has changed former leavers minds.

    Lol see below

    15 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    You’ve uh just quoted yourself there mate xD

    That explains his actions in this thread, a pure car crash from start to finish 😂

  8. 22 hours ago, The Artful Dodger said:

    Thought it was Raab that said that? 

    They published a book several years ago setting out a view for Britain. But it’s attributed to her as if an actual quote last week. 

    Also they’re not wrong, if you compare output or productivity from a Brit compared to an Eastern European we’re lazy most of the time. We are capable of hard work but the we are also capable of dossing. 

    A great example is the fact most are reading this at their desk while at work. 

  9. 8 hours ago, SirBalon said:

    People power! Who knows what will happen but it’s consoling to know there are great people here amongst us!!!

    People from all over the UK by the way... I was amongst Welsh, Scottish and a bunch of lads from Birmingham.

    Probably screaming abuse at Mogg and his kid no doubt. 



    you and as many toddlers from around the U.K. can keep up your quarterly hissy fit March through London, it matters little the largest poll since the referendum suggests Brexit is still the preference. 

    If they don’t split the Brexit vote (which they will) Brexit will win again. To anyone that thinks our MP’s aren’t actively hampering this process 

    when the election comes it will be a bloodbath for those that didn’t do what the people want. 

  10. On 17/10/2019 at 08:21, SirBalon said:

    There is no bargaining power when you walk away with nothing!

    in normal negotiations you keep what you have (you know, that thing called the "status quo"), in this case you lose what you had and are left in the wilderness.

    Now be careful on what you argue regarding that shit about WTO Terms which doesn't exist!

    Lol just lol.  

    On 17/10/2019 at 14:26, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Will this deal pass parliament? I don’t think so.

    The EU always had most of the leverage with Brexit. So I wouldn’t take people too seriously when they blame anyone else with the poor hand we were dealt.

    It won’t pass Parliament as the majority don’t want to leave and the oppourtunitg yo rubbish this deal and campaign for a second referendum. 

    Its all smoke and mirrors anyway because this is election positioning from Boris. 

    Tories will say, look we had a deal, Labour, Lib dems SNP walked away and forced the extension. Give us a majority and we’ll get this deal agreed and leave by the end of the extension. 

    The damage was by extended it without looking like seriously trying to leave risks the Brexit party chomping into Tory votes. 


  11. 22 minutes ago, Stan said:

    No blame apportioned for any politician that couldn't help negotiate a deal properly? 

    I blame David Cameron for getting us in to this mess and suggesting a referendum in the first place. I blame several politicians across the board for wasting 3 years. Bit naive to just choose remain MPs to blame.

    Not exactly what I blamed remain mps for, I blamed them for weakening our bargaining power. 

    You go into any negotiation in any walk of live with the other party knowing your hands are tied and you’re fucked you get a shitty deal. 

    May and Hammond are remainers that went about it in a “oh we’ll have Brexit in name only type deal” it sunk her premiership. 

    2 minutes ago, Danny said:

    You don’t blame those who campaigned for Leave who didn’t bring up the Irish border as a legitimate hurdle that we very well may not be able to overcome to get a hard Brexit? Or how open ended the referendum was with regards to what people were actually voting for? Because the current outcome of voting for any old Brexit has caused nothing but instability 

    Nope I was talking to a guy today in crewe who voted leave, he summed up what I and most leavers I’ve spoken to over the last 3 years feel. He said “it was fairly self explanatory we vote leave we then inform we’re off then we negotiate and agree a deal, with any deal there’s a compromise and you move on after. But what’s happened appears to be either selfish mps putting their careers ahead of the country and effectively sabotaging negotiations by wearing our position or those negotiating are either incompetent or they’ve not really for Brexit so want to make it look like it’s impossible so we go cool on it”

    thats how I feel really, it’s a fucking trade block becoming a federation of states. I want out

  12. 10 minutes ago, Danny said:

    “I voted for a hard Brexit, Brexit means Brexit” etc etc

    No you voted for any form of Brexit including a soft Brexit, hard Brexit or a medium rare Brexit

    That is a fundamental part of the Brexit vote that for a lot of people who voted for it don’t understand. They can’t dictate the type of Brexit they want when they voted for any type of Brexit and also do not want a referendum to decide specifically what type of Brexit they want vs staying. That is crazy.

    I would have been open to a negotiation of a deal and a referendum on that deal. 

    Politically this country has wasted 3 years, I blame that on remain MP’s who’ve never really had any intention of leaving and have weakened out negotiating position with every turn. 

  13. 2 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

    Sounds like Johnson has "surrendered" to most of the EU demands in his desperate bid not to be embarrassed into asking for an extension. DUP not yet on board but there appears to be an agreement between Johnson, Barnier and the Irish bloke.

    Unlikely to get through the Commons though methinks.

    Three ERG will be a good barometer because they will spit the dummy of its mays deal minus the backstop

  14. 5 hours ago, SirBalon said:

    Because it's reason number one to fight any form of Brexit, because it's now more than evident that those that continue to maintain this stance are on the main xenophobic bigots who only care about FOM and the house of cards regarding "sovereignty", "a improvement of our lives" or whatever other bullshit reason has collapsed and the only thing that remains is taking away a freedom. The tweet is related to that because that's all that remains.

    Anyway... Nothing to to do us or this, but a further piece which has a rich geezer stating what it's all about.


    What a well reasoned argument that is. Fuck me this has got embarrassing just have a week off 

  15. 5 hours ago, CaaC (John) said:


    I saw that a couple of months ago and mentioned it in here and I even made some screenshots from it in Name That Movie game, a bit slow starting off but it got better as it went on, I gave it a 7/10.

    Similar score, I liked it. 

    • Upvote 1
  16. 14 hours ago, Kowabunga said:

    "£350m a week will be spent on our NHS"





    "there will be adequate food"




    "corpse piling is going to be run smoothly"


    It must just be me but I don’t see why stockpiling Incase of distruption due to Brexit is used as a political stick to beat brexiteers with. 

    It’s basically prudent, do you not think Spanish businesses that import from the U.K. have adjusted their supply chain to cope with potential disruption at the border? 

    Tbh it’s not different from when the French have a strike like their probe to do so every so often and blockade the ports. 

  17. 18 hours ago, SirBalon said:

    What opinion? The backstop isn’t an opinion sunshine. It’s a peace treaty observed by every country on the planet and it was forced by the UK curiously enough. You cannot break it, it’s not permitted and in politics there’s demeanour and being in tune with reality.

    BJ is a liar mate, a charlatan and a proven user of deception for his own personal goals. It’s curious that nothing legitimate politically (personalities) accompanies any hardline promoter of Brexit.

    It’s no longer the “It’ll be the easiest deal in history” or the “have our cake and eat it” or the “the German car industry will put them in line” or even the fucking “sunny uplands”  xD

    I could go on about all the positives that were sold to idiots on the leave campaign and no nobody is using them. Just... at best... It’ll be a bump on the road and we’ll be fucking fine.

    There is no rhetoric from Remain. Only shock, horror and being bloody shit scared. That for those that have no modum of getting out of it with dual nationality + like Farage has managed with his sons who he has nationalised them German.

    “BJ is a liar mate, a charlatan and a proven user of deception for his own personal goals.”

    you could swap out BJ with any politician the world over, this doesn’t mean your point is somehow credible. 

    The backstop is insisted by the EU not the U.K when considering the NI/ Irish border, thegood Friday agreement calls for no hard border something that is threatened by no deal. The backstop is basically the EU saying if no hard border then you must still operate under our rules, therefore it’s a token Brexit in which we’re still under EU rule but have surrendered what say we had. Facts mate

    Also shock and horror is farcical it’s a trade union, we’re simply swapping one trade agreement for another. Admittedly like all change there’s a period of adjustment and the long term benefit is no guarantee. But shock and horror behave, that why I call you propaganda shite like that.


  18. 1 hour ago, Harry said:

    Ironically, for a system that is stated as being developed to prevent another war between Germany and whomever else it has just made Germany more powerful as their currency is artificially devalued as they share it with poor countries. If still on the Mark German goods would be more expensive and they're be less of an economic powerhouse. In its very structure the EU divorces monetary policy from fiscal policy which is bad practice and will always make the richer countries richer and the poorer poorer. 

    It should never have moved to become a political union. Can only result in German domination even when they are not trying to. Hence builds resentment to Germany and more likely to lead to war than prevent one. Not an issue now but I think resentment will build. 

    Classic creation of irrational ideologically driven bureaucrats. Aside from original idea of making easier to trade across borders, which could have been achieved with something short of a full currency union, it makes no sense economically or politically.
    Problem now is that without a deal leaving will be hugely damaging to the British economy, and with other nations flirting with anti EU sentiment there will be little desire to help them avoid some pretty significant pain.

    They’re won’t be resentment, the Army is the next stage in Franco-German imperialistic ambition. Slowly but surely it’s going to copy the USSR


    2 minutes ago, SirBalon said:

    Propaganda? Or just the fucking truth. xD:x

    It’s an opinion presented as fact, you bellend. You post a continuous stream of rabid remainer tweets presented in a bias style and try to say your “just stating facts” your not your sharing opinions. 


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