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Fairy In Boots

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Posts posted by Fairy In Boots

  1. 4 hours ago, SirBalon said:

    That would have to be one of the options without a doubt because it's plainly clear to everyone now that there is absolutely no such thing as a better deal than actually being in the European Union.

    Why haven’t you moved back to Spain to stay in your beloved union then? Or better yet when are you moving after April? 

    You’re not going anywhere, you’re just having a childish tantrum spraying piss all over this thread, It’s tiresome now your constant moaning. If you don’t like it why don’t you leave then? 

    The sky isn’t going to cave in in April if we have a no deal, we’ll have some pain almost certainly but after that we could do very well. You’re just a doom merchant utterly unhinged from all the remainer propaganda you chew on. 

  2. Also worth pointing out that the tanks putting down riots in France have EU flags on them, the Lisbon treaty allows for other states to “lend support” to governments when required. In this case suppressing the populace unhappy at a bull shit law. Orwellian suppression of the people, smart stuff from the EU. 

    Macron going will hopefully be a torpedo to the whole cunting mess

  3. On 07/12/2018 at 15:45, SirBalon said:


    The 'Brexit Betrayal' rally shows the Far-Right is ready to pounce


    Intent on fomenting hatred, supporters of ‘Tommy Robinson’ and Ukip are using Brexit uncertainty to advance their cause

    It’s been a busy week for Ukip. Once credited with a leading role in driving Brexit, it now appears to be hurtling to the far right under their Muslim-obsessed leader, Gerard Batten. Their latest leader has formed a close alliance with the convicted criminal and Islamophobic extremist Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson). Together they’re set to go on yet another expensive outing on London’s streets this weekend, this time branded as part of a “Brexit betrayal” rally.

    Batten has cosied up to a range of overtly extreme groups and figures. These include Yaxley-Lennon, whose material was listed as an influence on Finsbury Park attacker Darren Osborne, as well as the near-bankrupt far-right agitator Milo Yiannopoulos, and several other extreme online figures. Members of the hooligan-led street movement, the Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA), are now allied with Ukip too.

    Batten has brought the worst tendencies within his party to the fore. It has always had an overt anti-immigrant prejudice, notably under the leadership of Nigel Farage. Numerous elected officials and candidates have been caught out making extreme comments over the years. Those might now seem mild compared to the rantings of its current leader about Muslims and “rape gangs” at a time of rising anti-Muslim hate crimes, but Ukip has always flirted with such bigotry.

    Batten and Yaxley-Lennon are seeking to take Ukip even further to the right. Professional agitating about “betrayal” is now big business, of course. There is a real danger of the far right – which now includes Ukip – attempting to weaponise Brexit to bring in new support to this racist agenda. It’s unlikely Batten will advertise the serious political and financial backing that has come to support his new “special personal adviser on rape gangs and prison conditions and prison reform”. Yaxley-Lennon is estimated to have made over £2m in donations this summer, and stood to rake in another £1m during an aborted US tour.

    Yaxley-Lennon now links through to a network that includes Steve Bannon (who is struggling to get his anti-EU “movement” off the ground), the seven Republican members of congress who invited him to his US speaking tour last month, and the dollars that have been flowing in from the former English Defence League leader’s legal backers, Daniel Pipes’ Middle East Forum in the US and far-right alternative media outfit Rebel Media, run by Ezra Levant, in Canada.

    In the run-up to this demonstration, Farage quit the party that he, with Batten, helped to found – ironically over the extreme path he himself set them on. He said: “The very idea of Tommy Robinson being at the centre of the Brexit debate is too awful to contemplate.” Well, quite. But the gall of the man in walking away from the beast he helped create is staggering. After all, it was Farage who fronted the hugely offensive “Breaking Point” poster campaign during the EU referendum; who backed the anti-Muslim Alternative for Germany (AfD) party; and who showed open support for Front National leader Marine le Pen in the French presidential elections. Not to mention he employed then-Breitbart London editor Raheem Kassam as his close adviser.

    Given the violence that erupted at Free Tommy demonstrations this summer, it’s hard to rule out the possibility of anger erupting again among Yaxley-Lennon’s supporters. After all, he spent four years dragging his English Defence League thugs around our towns and cities, costing UK taxpayers in excess of £10m in policing costs.

    At an earlier Day for Freedom demo in May – involving Yaxley-Lennon, Kassam, Batten, the DFLA and others – speaker after speaker decried their apparent lack of free speech, while preaching from a stage equipped with video screens and marching through the political heart of the UK: bizarre, but another example of how the far right weaponises such debates. That event also descended into violence. Despite all this, Yaxley-Lennon’s well-funded backers in the US later flew in Arizona congressman Paul Gosar to speak at a Free Tommy event in July, while Donald Trump’s ambassador for religious freedom lobbied the UK ambassador in Washington over Yaxley-Lennon’s imprisonment on contempt of court charges.

    Suzanne Evans, the party’s former deputy chair, called Yaxley-Lennon’s appointment by Batten, “a ludicrous and crazy thing to do … and yet he [Batten] doesn’t seem to care; he has no mandate from the members to do this. I think it is very dangerous” She added that there were now many reports of hardline Tommy Robinson supporters turning up at Ukip meetings, obsessed primarily with Islam.

    Batten may have saved Ukip from impending bankruptcy, after its disastrous merry-go-round of leaders post-Farage, but polling puts the party down at around 4-6% support at the moment. But with the influx of hard-right supporters and money, you have a febrile mix which the Brexit tinderbox makes ripe for exploitation.

    Narrative being spun here in which in the aftermath of it not going May’s way the media and establishment will double down on it being a “lurch to the right”. 

    Bluntly people don’t have faith in the establishment or media anymore, on this they’re going with their gut feeling. 

    I was talking to an old boy, voted leave an old engineer who felt we’d had a bad deal in general. Wanted a deal not no deal, thinks a no deal is bad. 

    Has said the last 2 weeks acting and scaring stories has convinced him more than ever May’s deal is awful (which it is) and “yeah there maybe pain, but I’d take a no deal to be free of them now, I don’t like the way they do their business”. 

    Heard similar complaints 2-3 times, my sister a die hard corbynista remainer said she doesn’t want a second ref, she’s rather leave now as she doesn’t like the way this has all been handled and is more concerned with the establishment trying to wriggle out of a democratic decision. 

    The bias is there for all to see, it’s been project fear 2.0 for 2-3 weeks now and people can see through it, even those sympathetic to remain are starting to question the motives behind it and move away from it. 

    Remain wont learn though they think you can bully the electorate into them subverting a democratic mandate, in fact it has the opposite effect. Check the polling. 

    Looking forward to Mogg destroying some silly bitches tomorrow night. Fuck the EU 

  4. 13 hours ago, Inverted said:

    It amuses me that "people will die" is held up as an extremely, almost comically apocalyptic prediction that could not imaginably happen, when economic hardship and austerity already contributes to thousands of excess deaths.

    Funny how you point that out when criticising economic policy to balance books but have a blind spot when it comes to death caused by economic policies inspired by socialist governments. To quote Thomas Sowell “Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it”

    13 hours ago, SirBalon said:

    On the point where you quoted me I answer you in depth at a later date to show you how the economy is messed up and also how as I said, you choose to beilieve those reproachable people who continue to want to take the country into a black hole. But that later...

    On the but where you quoted @Dr. Gonzo...

    Remember this...



    And remember I acknowledge that UKIP and Farage did have an impact on the vote, but as I’ve said about a dozen times. It wasn’t the sole motivation for leavers, it’s lazy to just brand leavers as “EDL Tommy Robinson types” but alas you’re going to repeat this as much as your “car and petrol / fire” analogie you seem proud of. 

    13 hours ago, SirBalon said:

    The crazy thing about the anti-Muslim campaigns by leavers especially that creep Farage who has made sure his children enjoy freedom of movement by obtaining them a German passport, the crazy part is that there is no Islamic based EU member and those that committed the atrocities of grooming young girls are of Pakistani origin which at least when I studied a bit of geography at school wasn't in Europe... Infact the UK gains more permanent immigration from outside Europe (the EU), that's a statistical fact!  Not that there's anything wrong with Pakistani people coming over or from anywhere if they want to add and not subtract from our hospitality. 

    It's all nonsense, it's all rubbish that's been fed like I showed a week back on over 20 years of newspaper headlines in our British newspapers with lies and falsehoods regarding the EU.

    He played off the fact Turkey will eventually join the EU. Turkey is Muslim that’s where he got traction, especially with the freedom of movement conitations. 

     Again though actually read my posts rather than trying to assign me into some sort of leave stereotype you’ve got in mind. I’ve never once really critiqued immigration during the EU debate, by and large I have no great issue with the influx of polish / Romania / Slovakian people. Cheap labour has suppressed wages however. 

    Take a town called Redditch it’s the UK’s largest town it’s 15miles south of Birmingham and it’s metal bashing / old manufacturing. It’s heavily dependent upon migrant labour from Eastern Europe. Brexit means massive change because frankly they’re worried about staff post Brexit, they need to automate their process or pay more, British kids aren’t interested (and this includes 2/3rd generation migrants or “brown people” as Gonzo would call them) because they don’t want to work on a shop floor because they see it as beneath them or poorly paid. Managing Directors up until now haven’t moved with the times to automate or make efficiency improvements because and this is a genuine quote from one to me “why tie up my cash in significant cap ex when the polish labours cheap?” He appreciated that long term it was cheaper and more efficient to automate, but cash is king in business. 

    In these instances Brexit is an opportunity because it’s forcing his hand to invest in his business to make it better rather than take advantage of cheap Labour. And they are taken advantage of, some of the jobs the polish are given when they get here are really shite. I’ve worked with loads of Poles, Slovaks, Romanians, Hungarians, Czech etc always been positive and some really clever people. I have a pole friend I helped get a good job because he wasn’t confident with his language but he’s the bollocks on tech systems, he’s earning north of 50k as a commissioning engineer for PLC Scada systems now, he was on minimum wage in a warehouse 3 years ago. It would be absolutely idiotic to want to remove someone from the U.K. with that sort of ability, likewise it’s idiotic to consign them to mind numbing labour tasks that are poorly paid. 

    I’ve critiqued immigration and I’m a big critic of Islam & the wisdom of Islamic migration,  but the two things aren’t related with regards to the EU, Turkey is a hypothetical which I’m against. 

    And fake news works both ways, for example you’ve held Carney up today as some sort of authority on Brexit, a man stepping down within the first quarter post Brexit, who’s doom & gloom predictions pre Brexit vote showed him for twat he is. A man also sat in a board called the ECB which is responsible for the fiscal policy of EU states and for all intents & purposes conducts itself similarly to FIFA. It’s widely known that Italy’s next appointment will be the descided by France & Germany first before its put to the other states and a personnel trade off ensues. Can you not see the problem with that? Or is that sovereignty? 

    You can nitpick the legality of each individual law all you like, the reality is when you have a block of 27 factions acting as one faction, the largest faction dominates the direction through various methods of brinkmanship. This is what has happened in the EU, it’s what will continue to happen and if you fall foul of it your fucked ala Greece. 

    It works in all forms of life, factions in the Arsenal squad for example having to much power which can cause detrimental effects to others or the whole, during the Wenger years no doubt have happened, I could bore you with Villa examples.  This is just a fact of life, leavers take the opinion that better to take matters into your own hands rather than be beholden to others and hope your position changes. 

    12 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Wow what a surprise that UKIP ceased being relevant after Brexit, almost like that was pretty much their sole policy position and after their “charismatic” twat leader fucked off they stood for just open racism. And we all know our British racism is best left subtle, so they just went back to being Tory voters.

    and no @Fairy In Boots, the Persian side is no more or less threatened than it’s ever been in the UK by Brexit. They’ve been British citizens for decades, it’s not like you’ll be able to send them home for being brown now. They’ve been dealing with bigoted idiots since they’ve come to the country, but largely have remained safe/unaffected from the morons. And I suspect that nothing will change in that regard with Brexit. In fact it’s probably better than the 80s when police beat the shit out of my uncle for being a brown person that had the nerve to get the shit kicked out of him by racists.

    And @SirBalon posted just one ad, but go look at how much of the Brexit campaigning was based around immigration. It looks like it makes up 50% of the campaign material or more.

    Weirdly enough you don’t see too much of the campaign material bring up “British sovereignty”. It’s mostly anti-Muslim, anti-Polish shite or lying about how much being in the EU costs us and how that money will still be around if we leave and how much better things will be. Almost like that’s an obscure concept that is now being used to hide the bigoted and dishonest rhetoric that brought us to where we are now...

    Lol  the irony of you saying British Racism is best left subtle then insinuating that Tory’s are racists 🤣 they probably are in some quarters but so are you with that comment. 

    the reason I mentioned your family is you’ve said to me previously that although you don’t live in the UK and haven’t been here for sometime you had family here that felt victimised or at least they felt there was much more anti Islam feeling post referendum. As I said above I think it’s got far more to do with social & terrorist issues, but you’ve got your finger on the pulse being 6-7 thousand miles away. 

    Also as i’ve now said numerous times yes there’s no doubt Farage & UKIP picked up on immigration being a hot topic in the lead up to the referendum and he capitalised on it. He wasn’t the official campaign though. Can’t you lot accept that Brecit was a sum of things rather than one single thing?

    13 hours ago, The Artful Dodger said:

    If you want extremely intelligent, logical and rational conservative voice then look to someone like Peter Hitchens. He makes very decent, profound arguments for leaving the EU.

    Fairy is from the Tommy Robinson absolute imbecile mould of thinking, and that is why we have so much to fear from Brexit because it is being led by people with little intellectual capability. This country is completely stupid, just look at our modern culture. Look at the majority of posts in this thread, or forum as a whole, we're fucked.

    Lazy again I don’t know quite why there’s an insistence on this forum to lump me in with a Tommy Robinson, a man I’ve never really defended on here. Oh wait is it because I’m a vocal critic of Islam? That’s it, “he doesn’t think that Islam is a religion of peace so I bet he has Facebook states about St George’s day not being allowed to be celebrated, is a free Tommy campaigner and he tours the shit working class town of the North resplendent in stone island gear chanting ding dong the lights are flashing”.  It’s just so lazy it really is. 

    You’re right about politicians being thick and the whole system is the problem in reality, they go to school/ then uni / then politics and never develop and real life skills or principles. They often then just pursue power, I often think the thick of it although satire was pretty much bang on. 

    Also im a big fan of Peter hitchins, I was a huge fan of his Brother RIP a man that like me would chew anybody’s arse out who defended Islam, they see the danger heading down the track with giving ground to it. 

    If my posts don’t do justice to them, oh well I’m a cunt on a obscure football forum, tapping away a sentence at a time 5mins here & there while supervising toddlers and working two jobs and choosing to continually argue with the same 5-6 people who’ve already made their minds up about me and my opinions in a 5 on 1 topic.

    Frankly your lucky it’s coherent I’ve often forgotten what I’ve written in the paragraph before because it’s spread over several hours. I’ve been on this reply since 2pm 🤣

  5. On 27/11/2018 at 09:12, Dr. Gonzo said:

    TF365’s Muslim hating culture warrior is insisting that immigration played a small part in Brexit and I am to take that seriously? xD

    Yes, you are considering that after the referendum vote, UKIP who made the anti immigrant vote their core policy we’re wiped out in the general election and the two main parties that were leave and campaigned on economic policies hoovered up. The main stream remain party the Lib Dem’s were also wiped out. 

    I get it your relatives feel a bit “threatened” and the guardian would have you believe anti Muslim sentiment was all stirred up by Brexit. The reality is that last year we had several attacks and children were slaughtered “in the Allah” piss be upon him. And we’ve got organised sexual exploitation on an industrial scale, you would get anti Muslim sentiment regardless of Brexit. Much the same as you got anti Irish sentiment with the IRA years ago, committing terrorist atrocities and rampant sexual assault has that effect on people. 

    21 hours ago, SirBalon said:

    Official statement from the British Chancellor this monring. That's just a screenshot of the news.

    But yet I’m pretty sure the unicornists will continue to believe in unicorns and that we ALL need to believe because that’s the reason things are going to be awful.

    That, and I’m sure that the blame will be put on governmental individuals that are really REMAINERS and that there’s a conspiratorial agenda going on to thwart British Independence LaLaLand. 



    16 hours ago, SirBalon said:

    So the Bank of England have just released a statement saying;

    ”No deal would send the country into mayhem and a total crisis. It would be much worse than the 2008 Economic recession!”

    And this is what many of the Brexit (leave) voters wanted... To go it alone because we’re great and we don’t need them.

    Bloody hell!

    Although those that believe in tall stories will say this is scare mongering. 

    Well it is, “well run out of food” and “people will die” has desensitised the ears of the populace to it. The Bank of England have Said this but Carmel is a Remainer, King is pro Brexit and has dismissed it. 

    The treasury fear a recession and most brits who’ve plumbed for leave expect some kind of dip, your getting all excited about it as if all of a sudden these people have more weight on the subject is funny, especially considering we’ve not suffered the effects of project fear 1.0 and our performed estimates in terms of growth since. 

    At the end of the day you can bitch & whine all you like most people I know that voted leave did it because of sovereignty and a desire to forge our own trade partnerships post Brexit. 

  6. 5 hours ago, Danny said:

    I mean my initial post was a response to Fairy's constant portrayal of Remain voters living in a bubble/not knowing why people voted for Brexit...had little to do with approval ratings.

    Nope Harv summed it up, you have an element of remainers who like to portray leave voters as “buffoons from Barnsley” as he called it. They tend to be what I described in the earlier post, both sides are guilty of pigeonholing the other. There’s some truth to it though, the “buffoon’s from Barnsley” we’re labour switched to UKIP handed Cameron a majority voted leave then returned to Labour and took Mays majority away. They’re generally thick fuckers that hate brown people read the sun and whine that st George’s day causes offence. And on the other side of the spectrum you have guardianista types who think they know it all in their hubris but actually in reality they know fuck all.  

     I’ve acknowledged immigration was a factor, although have argued that it wasn’t solely that alone. You seem to think it was the only factor, and never really counter any other point, so I’ve stopped caring  enough to dignify you all with a response unless I can be arsed tbh. 

     This whole fucking thread has become an echo chamber as has much of this section of the forum really, the same 4-5 ppl agreeing with each other unilaterally on each topic. Disagree and you’ve crossed the line into “UKipper” “EDL” or “homophobe” territory, it’s become a corner of the Internet populated by some kind of bizarre virtue signalling circle jerk. 

    At this point if you think the centralising of power for all 27 states is a “good thing” I’ve lost hope for you irrespective of any valid point you may have about economic volatility after the divorce (which I said I expected before the vote btw). The fact that those who extort the virtues of remain sit there doing so in a country that is made up of different states and is a historical example of why centralised power doesn’t work and the resultant struggles that ensue to resolve the issue once it becomes apparent that it’s not the best idea, makes it even more humorous.

    It was very much about sovereignty, if it’s not about sovereignty Balon then can you talk me through the finer points of Spain’s monetary policy that they set completely themselves and has absolutely nothing to do with the EU as a whole, that has produced such a sterling showing in the youth unemployment figures? 😉

  7. 4 hours ago, SirBalon said:

    If the deal isn’t accepted by the commons, you’ll find many Labour voters (those that don’t treat politics like football support) will vote conservative. 

    Nope she’s a dead duck for even trying to take this deal to the commons, the Tory’s have dropped massively in the polls because of her concessions. She was unelectable after losing her majority to a fucking Marxist, now she’s toxic.

    On Brexit, even Diane fucking Abbott gets it, it’s much more about Sovereignty than remainers believe. It may come as a surprise to those who live in metropolitan London bubble, where they only converse with the echo chamber that is their circle of guardian / independent type reading friends. 

    They only encounter leave voters when they’re virtue signaling on various media platforms about how “all the leavers have been dupped, they’re just Farage loving racist who dislike brown people”  and some rabid UKIP nut takes the bait. 

    To the working class & blue collar Tory core of leavers this was very much about sovereignty. The people screaming No deal don’t give a fuck about immigration, they want to be outside of the EU, they anticipate some kind of initial pain but are optimistic that we can get past that and do well. 

    Sadly the political establishment aren’t conviction politicians and are very much self serving pieces of shit, hence this utterly ludicrous deal she’s seaking. If Labour back her, they’ gone in their heartlands that voted Brexit 


  8. I don’t know what’s funnier the fact the offices of Government now resemble the specials from “the thick of it” . 

    Or Balon’s constant whining because he voted leave. It’s a full on breakdown we’re on for a here I reckon. “We were lied to” 🤣 no one care outside of London we hate you all, we believe you’re mentally unhinged & we want to leave. 

    This wont get through Parliament it’s completely toxic, we’re heading for No deal and a change of leadership Tory shortly after. 

    I don’t think Corbyn will fight 2022, labour will knife him after we leave and probably put some utter bellend in and call it’s new new labour. 

    Goes without saying really that the Tory’s have been so poor for some time now

  9. On 28/09/2018 at 00:32, Danny said:

    Nothing to do with racism or xenophobia

    The man who spearheaded a Brexit campaign consistently used anti-immigration and anti-Islamic rhetoric to gain support, you are well and truly living in dream land if you think that it didn't play a big role in voting.

    To suggest there was no islamaphobia because there is no Muslim country is ridiculous, especially coming from a man who churned out the scaremongering that Turkey will join the EU and flood Europe with Muslims.

    Ok so initially I acknowledged that there was a bit of “make Britain great again” element to the vote, so I’m not wholly disagreeing with you. However vote leave which was the official campaign for leaving had nothing to do with Farage. Farage got as much media attention as he did because his supporters lapped it up and those easily triggered by it spat there dummies and controversy sells, in a click bait world all those giving attention to it are responsible for its reach. 

    The official campaign didn’t talk about Islamic immigration (officially as a policy, no doubt it they got asked) you might perceive it as such but it really didn’t.

    Leave.eu was a privately funded campaign that featured Farage and focussed on immigration, often both sides contradicted each other because vote leave (the official campaign) focused on economic arguments. 

    And let’s not pretend there wasn’t / isn’t project fear by unofficial remain elements of the media / political class. More laughable than the millennium bug some of it. 

    On 28/09/2018 at 09:25, Dr. Gonzo said:

    “A freedom to choose our own path” sounds nice, but it doesn’t really mean anything. Nor does it explain or justify the negatives that come from either a hard Brexit or a soft Brexit that ties us to EU regulations we have no influence over if we aren’t in the EU. Economic instability also doesn’t make for “freedom.”

    Also the fact that some industries might export less to Europe doesn’t change the fact that most British exports are to Europe. You can argue it’s not true. But it is true, so you’d be wrong. You could argue it doesn’t have to be to Europe. But the EU countries are our biggest trading partners.

    The EU are our biggest trade partners because they’ve set the parameters and they negotiate trade deals as a block for years. 

    Freedom to chose our own path means we can negotiate our own trade deals that we believe are beneficial to us. 

    Of course there’s no guarantee we’ll get it right all the time but at least then we only have ourselves to blame. Like it or not that’s Freedom. 


    On 28/09/2018 at 14:26, SirBalon said:

    The question is what does this choosing our own path actually mean? 

    What's this other path that's a lot more magnificent than the path we were already on.

    Having had more time to learn the reality of things during the post referendum period has taught me how much crap we were fed.  All that soveigrenty rubbish which was all lies as we've always had sovereignty and the regulations we abided by are actually regulations that we'll keep even after post Brexit if it ever actually occurs due to the fact it's all in our best interests from safety to quality control.

    See above. 


    • Haha 1
  10. Lol Conor is fighting at about 10lbs below his walk around weight. Khabib out of competition is 200lbs and cuts heavy the way Conor did for featherweight, that extra weight nerfs Conor’s punching power so he’s effectively weaponless and from there there’s always only one winner. 

    Why do you think Khabib has had so many issues weight cutting in the past? 


  11. Who do you guys talk to in your day jobs? Do you talk to lower upper or mid level management? 

    I’m talking to upper/ mid in engineering/ manufacturing / industrial sectors daily and it’s probably about 4/5 pro Brexit. 

    I work for a Japanese company and our big rivals are German, the Japanese don’t care too much and have invested in greater stock holding and logistics post Brexit so we’re less reliant on a European central warehouse to resupply us (as is the current situation) because in fairness our division of the corporation is registered in the U.K. and pays tax and invests & manufactures in the U.K. 

    Our German rival doesn’t they supply direct from Germany and funnel all profits out of the U.K. they have a skeleton staff in a U.K. office and a sales network for which they’re paying tax on but that’s it.  Post Brexit they’re potentially fucked at present and that’s a good thing they’re not paying their full tax on their 25% of a 200million market. 

    The only people that seem to keep whining are 

    A) students and ex students who’ve left uni in the last 2 years and are doing some menial unskilled work that they didn’t qualify in to “fund a trip” or “pay off the loan”. They seem to just not understand Brexit and lament islamiphobia despite a Islamic Country  not being part of the EU. 

    B) Civil servants who don’t have a grasp on reality anyway normally. 

    C) Europeans who’s own economies either benefit massively or are utterly dependent on the EU. Don’t have first hand knowledge of Britain or its culture but can speak English and read pro European media so feel educated enough to tell us how to suck eggs. 

    Its not really a market for us, all the sectors I deal in mentioned above are exporting to South America, Africa, India or the Far East & sometimes the states. 

    I deal in start up off shoots of universities in life science etc where they invent an idea and often secure funding (privately) to grow the idea into a fully fledged business. We’re talking in some cases life changing technology such as power generation for rural communities or clinical treatment that can be done from home. Guess where they look to export? Yep not Europe it’s usually 4/5 on the list nowadays. 

    The reality is the world has changed, Brexit was never about Farage and “Muslims” as idiots on both sides wish to portray it. Don’t get me wrong you had an element of “make Britain great again” types but it was more a case on what do we (Britain) want to be? 

    The answer most Brexit voters will give is “free to choose our own path”, it’s a massive opportunity for us long term if we play it right. Most Brexit voters accept they’ll be a negative to start to due to uncertainty and a period of finding our feet. 

    It really was at its core an argument of are you optimistic about Britain and believe it can thrive on its own or are you pessimistic about Britain and believe its better off part of a Union that’s not acting in the National best interests of Britain but the standard of living is ok so why change. 

  12. 11 minutes ago, Danny said:

    He's already publicly distanced himself from your job last season.

    We have one of the best support systems in place for a manager in this division and his job is safe whereas it won't be with you. Look how well Rosler and Warburton done after leaving us.

    Not to say he'd be shit if he goes, but part of the reason he's done so well is how our club is set up.

    Yeah it’s why I’m cool on him tbh, I think he did well before though at Walsall. 

    Anyway he wouldn’t be long term to be honest, he would be another Bruce type appointment 

  13. 1 hour ago, Stan said:

    who would you have to replace him? I know 'anyone' would be a tempting answer xD 

    I want someone younger and progressive with an attacking ethos. 

    This squad could walk this division, behind the scenes there’s serious money now they won’t tolerate this much longer. 

    Rodgers 👍🏻

    Henry with Wenger Dof yep 👍🏻 

    Sanchez Flores 👍🏻

    I’d take dean smith but I believe we should put in place a style and ethos so would be happy to go for 

    Marco Rose or Ralph Hassenhutl 

    We were after Wagner post RDM but Wyness veto’d it and went for Bruce. 

    Villa in a nutshell old buys making poor decisions because they value “experience”. 

    Whatever happens Bruce has to go, he’s so poor



    • Upvote 2
  14. 5 minutes ago, LFCMike said:

    I think I can accept a couple of the closer rounds going to Canelo so we end up with a close 7-5 Golovkin win but I can't see a draw or a win for Canelo by a round. It's absolute bullshit 

    What was tainted meat doing in the ring anyway, it’s a complete farc. GGG one of the best ever and his record is blemishes now by effectively a bunch of thieves

  15. 9 minutes ago, Teso dos Bichos said:

    Very close fight but canelo definitely won. 


    Lol blatantly because you’re Mexican, the Mexicans who booed first time round know what’s up. Disgusting take a blokes perfect record just to keep up the hype for a roided up Mexican hype job. Mexican boxing used to be about pride, now it’s about cheating

  16. 42 minutes ago, The Palace Fan said:

    Billie Jean King sticking her ore in again regarding the supposed sexism. There will never be such a thing as gender equality because people like her wouldn't settle for equality once they've achieved it. 

    There can never be equality in anything humanity is just too flawed. 

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