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Everything posted by SirBalon

  1. hahahaha... The right really are at a moment of total collapse and only catering to the most extreme elements of our society.
  2. Click in and read this tweet thread mate. You'll find it interesting.
  3. Standing for Election isn’t exactly a policy though. It’s the tool to form a government to then apply policies set within a manifesto. You see, the Brexit Party isn’t a political party is it. It’s a type of belief, a kind of cult. Because “Brexit” isn’t a thing, of that we are now sure. Nobody can describe what “Brexit” is because you’ll get two of the same ilk At eachother’s throats with differing views. Farage in two weeks has turned from saying Johnson’s “Brexit” wasn’t “Brexit” and was a despicable form of “Brexit” to now agreeing it’s a “Brexit”.
  4. and they STILL don’t understand that it’s all because there is NO SUCH THING as Brexit. It’s all bullshit!
  5. The Lib Dems are now asking for Labour to reciprocate... This'll be interesting, because if Labour do (hopefully), then this could set a precedent by offering the freedom of choice to each individual candidate without fearing the wrath of the party. On another note, I urge people to watch this very innovative and quite creative campaign video. It may not win more votes, but it sure is thought provoking!
  6. Unfortunately this has happened. For those that know Twitter, this usually means one of two things... You've either been blocked by the person or he/she has deleted the tweet. All the same I'll try and recover it which will be fun. This is my response to him and if you enter the tweet you'll see the original is now unavailable.
  7. Yeah, the £100 was the signing on fee but then there was further investment. One of them that says he will continue to stand is claiming he has lost over £10,000 and that there are others that have lost even more. I'll try and recover his tweet where he is throwing a right old meltdown which I personally attacked him for because in my view it proves that it's all bullshit and that even they have been conned! Which they have as we all know Brexit is a very eerie fantasy story.
  8. Some of them are intending to stand all the same as Brexit independents and screaming blue murder on having been robbed of differing amounts of money they've invested in the whole fantastical story. I can't believe they've gone public though as it shows they have no integrity and that it's all proof that Brexit is a bullshit story all about a certain few that stand to cream it in.
  9. Right now both Labour and the Lib Dems are being stubborn and continue to attack each other more than show any sort of collaboration in any way, shape or form. The Lib Dems have managed to come to agreements with various other parties like the SNP in Scotland and Plaid Cymru in Wales where on either of the sides certain candidates have stood down so as to oave a more certain route to winning seats. This takes me back to the talks both the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats had months back when organising an interim PM for a vote of no confidence in an attempt to take control of proceedings in the HoC, especially after the illegal prorogation enforced upon a sovereign government by Boris Johnson. It came to no avail and apparently it became a series of bitter debates... All of this leads me to believe that Jeremy Corbyn along with those unnamed above him have their own agenda which they blindly believe in and THIS is the reason for the current situation regarding the atmosphere and situation we currently have regarding these two parties.
  10. Anyway... Back to voting in the General Elections. We are campaigning hard for tactical voting in this one and from a remain point of view which is where I offer Gina Miller's tactical voting website where you enter your postcode and check how you should vote from a remain standpoint as there are 60 marginal seats that can have the Tories ousted. Some of us will HAVE TO lay any political loyalties to bed if you really want the Tory Party out of office and also if you want to remain in the European Union. New stats released this morning state that just 30% of remainers would have to vote tactically to deliver the amount of MPs to deliver remain ans oust the Conservative Party even if one ends up voting Lib Dems, Plaid Cymru, SNP or any of the other varying independent candidates. VOTE WISELY THIS TIME! https://getvoting.org/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsdaouO7h5QIVTbDtCh0_qAkSEAAYASAAEgLPTvD_BwE
  11. People hardly even read the articles in newspapers anymore and the newspaper moguls aren't stupid, they know this is the case on a large scale. Which is why they use billboard style front pages as the detail within tends to be baseless rhetoric with no factual foundations as we see just with yesterday's front pages of right-wing newspapers on the supposed £1.2 trillion Labour would spend over five years due to a statement made by Boris Johnson. Like that's "NEWS"! We cannot forget that within the conditioned retina of the billboard reader, those that take in such basic hard headlines will have all of their other conditioned sentiments and beliefs mixed in. It's marketing, professional marketing in the understanding of how the mind works. In the same way unnecessary "stuff" is sold as "necessary" and "vital" to the targets, then these are the same methods and they work! Hence why I call them (we are all susceptible on varying levels) victims!
  12. So the right wing newspapers yesterday made their front page dedication to attack what the Labour Party would allegedly spend during the next 5 years in power (1.2 trillion) which is baseless obviously, as UK Labour still haven't released their official manifesto as haven't the Tories. All the same... We do not know how Labour would finance such policies and one can only hope they can prove it all viable so as to help those that were forgotten for so many years of Tory destruction of the British social structure. Instead of focusing on the Government's scandalous hiding of the Russian Intervention reports on British politics with fraud, corruption, greasing of British politicians and manipulation of the Brexit Referendum. But the GROOMING by the right-wing in British newspapers inflicted on Brits goes back a long long time, the anti-European sentiment and the protection of the wealthy while using the working classes is as old as printed press. You have to wonder how newspapers (and the media) are used when the original objective was to report news... The front page of the Daily Express in 1945 LIES Wasn't it awful when Clement Attlee won the 1945 election and created the NHS, created 1000s of jobs, and built a million homes.
  13. Yeah mate, as Danny says, he lost the little one to cancer (they were living in New York with his wife) and it destroyed him as is understandable. It’s the reason he resigned from the Spain national team post.
  14. I only wish this were true because I would be shocked if Luis Enrique were to come back into football after the tragedy that occurred to him regarding his little daughter. If it were true, whether or not he were successful is by-the-by because one thing is for sure, that’s that names and status mean very little to him... Ask Totti, Messi, Neymar, Suárez etc... With the Barça situation he managed to get them all onside which led them to a treble (La Liga, Copa del Rey and Champions League) when earlier that very season it all looked like it was going to be pear-shaped.
  15. How the foolish victims of all this can continue to state that it’s the middle classes (upwards) and the “establishment” that want to remain as the problem is frankly shocking. Then they don’t want to be called thick! All of that is just the tip of the iceberg if we go step by step on all the law breaking (prorogation included) throughout this whole sorry business... It’s astounding that there isn’t more of a fuss being made but then again unfortunately for our Gunnasaurus, he requires more proof that it is indeed the press coupled with the media that are helping to suffocate the evident shameful reality. I am so so lucky to have dual nationality and the more time that passes, the More grateful I am to my late father who instilled certain moral conducts and beliefs that I once thought obsessive and too one tracked.
  16. No I do not. Aside from Channel 4. Which media outlet is pro-EU? I have absolutely no idea what you mean.
  17. I beg your pardon... Who? The BBC? That one would be way too easy and I doubt you're that foolish. Channel 4? Left I don't know, pro-EU yes! SKY? Rupert Murdoch! Finally we come to ITV... They lean to the left? Really!?! How? Why? When? Where? What "left-wing" channel is it you're watching for your intake of political analysis mate? Because I can't work it out. Maybe next you'll be telling me Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk Radio is left-wing! Have a look at this on the newspaper side of things. http://www.albionmill.org.uk/?p=1476
  18. Channel 4 are very good at this although they are also very pro-EU which will play on stupid people's minds and that's understandable. Facts are only digestible if it fits the rhetoric.
  19. Mate, sometimes I wonder with you... Firstly look at the owners of the media and print for the most used news media and then think first. These are the top selling newspapers in the UK... I wanted a list for England because Brexit is an English issue not one of the United Kingdom which is unfair. But on examining the list, it works anyway. Tell me how many left wing papers are on that list and if you like, after this I can show you something pretty incredible on request. Only if you want to have a look.
  20. He (Dr. Gonzo) explained it in the post you are responding him on mate. Those on the far right, the rich, the powerful, they own most of the influential media and they pump that rhetoric into impressionable minds. Hence why Brexiters are consistently called thick (the ones that stand to lose a hell of a lot more). With that I'm not saying they are indeed thick, maybe innocent and what they definitely are in my eye, is victims. Infact being called a volunteer victim is possibly the worst thing in the world in the way I've been brought up... It would be a hell of a lot more offensive to me than being called stupid.
  21. Not only would we have to wait at least another generation to re-join the EU. The worst bit is that I can assure you we would not have all the unique perks we currently enjoy.
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