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Everything posted by SirBalon

  1. To be honest, I haven't been there and it looks beautiful. I've explored practically the whole of Catalonia but there are patches I haven't seen. Even the city of Barcelona itself has many small secret places that need seeing and can't be done in one holiday.
  2. My browser was adjusting to the page and I didn't take notice hahahaha. I was looking to quote you.
  3. Just saw this mate. True, I even said that then. This was an issue for Parliament and if put to a referendum, then there should've bee a margin placed for this to pass as what we have here is a split nation as it's practically half. Anyway... How it came to pass on my leave vote is in my previous post.
  4. I laugh at how I thought back then these days but I went through auite a traumatic period which even affected my health when I cottoned on to how I had let myself be duped into believing the rhetoric. What I'm about to write I have to first make a statement that I have never been right-wing inclined at all and infact I would say I have been very apolitical in general where I've voted for almost all the known parties with the Green Party having had my vote the most times. In general I'm not one to be swayed by fanatical thought processes although I don't ignore them because I feel it's important to understand those you find very different to you. They exist and you share your everyday life with all sorts of people and they are there too. I'm a very analytical person but I'm also visceral (unfortunately) and that means I suffer from impulsiveness. Anyway, here goes... My sentiments regarding the EU stem from the press and media like I would say practically everyone because I at least don't know anybody that was an expert on thr European Union before the 2016 Referendum although some did know more than others in my group of family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues. At work I have practically every newspaper and magazine known to man delivered daily or monthly depending on how their publication works, this includes stuff from all over the world. So I would literally read some of them which unfortunately included newspapers like The Telegraph and the Mail (never The Sun or the Express mind you)... Everytime and issue would crop up in the news regarding something new on the horizon with the EU I would find that newspapers like The Guardian, The Times (those are the only two I read now) or The Mirror wouldn't have practically anything on that or if it did it would be very little while the aforementioned newspapers would even headline their front page with those stories where I would digest them and make those things my opinion. I remember even giving Angela Merkel a hard time on various occasions back in the old football forum we all used to frequent, something I am now ashamed of in a very dramatic form. It makes me want to vomit even now when I write these words because it all comes back. Anyhow... Obviously I would totally ignore all the xenophobic stuff papers like the Mail would front line with and that would swith me off where I'd just place the paper back down and choose something else. But I would read other stuff and I would get taken in by it. Stuff relating to the UK not being sovereign was my main issue with it all and I just felt and believed that we were being manipulated against our will where in many occasions I sensed that we had been nullified as a unique country... Not just us, the UK, but all of the EU nations with Germany and Frande calling all the shots. This is what had become my mantra on a ything relating to the European Union... I was a human speaking preacher for scum like Baker's Mail newspaper. Me being apolitical in general or being very uninterested in general with politics made me an easy victim in this sense due to the fact the EU was becoming more and more of an issue in the news the more the 2016 Referendum drew closer and I was digesting more and more of it to the point family members, friends and colleagues stopped bringing up the subject anywhere near me. All those people close to me these days tell me that they couldn't believe my stance on the issue back then, that I was a whole different person when the EU cropped up into conversation. For a man like myself that has ALWAYS been inclusive, anti fanatacism, anti extremism, with close longlife friends from all cultures, and religions, a massive supporter of gay rights etc... To have been drawn in by the radical media and press that actually despises all of the things I have always stood for was frankly shocking to the people near me. When did I find out I had made a massive mistake? Weeks after the 2016 Referendum I was invited to a book signing at a Waterstones in Central London where a man called James O'brien was also there... I was introduced to him and he inevitably brought up the subject of Brexit where I let slip that I had voted to leave... He knew some of the people I was with and he stood there looking down on me in utter dismay (down on me because the guy is pretty tall) and he said these words; "I find it odd that you're have such friends and that you have made that decision. What's did you base your decision on?" I responded with; "Well information really. Where we all get our info from, newspapers and the news." He laughed and answered; "You're not going to tell me you read the Mail or papers of the ilk are you?", I retorted, "Well yes, well they're the ones that have had the most news on all of what the EU is while the campaigning was going on." and he laughed again while saying; "What about Farage, what about Boris Johnson?" I retorted straight away in a defensive manner... "Oh no!, no way, not them!, it's nothing to do with immigration, nothing at all, infact I'm hoping we can Brexit while keeping Freedom of Movement in something like a Norway+ model". He topped me, told me where to sit and then he turned his talk about the book he was authoring into how people are duped, worst of all, how good people have been made victims of something absolutely terrible that is based on lies and misinformation with a deceptive plan behind it. At the end of the evening he asked my name and he said he was going to send me something to my work. Two days later I duly recieved a fantastically well written 100 page folio on the facts of what the EU is, where it overlays our lives in terms of regulations we (the UK) have been involved in creating and implementing which are there to protect us in all sorts of ways from work to what we eat and how it's produced to how we have ALWAYS had sovereignty and is now being witnessed by all in Parliament, too much sovereignty if you ask many extremist hardline Brexiters. It had all the questions one could ask answered with quotes and citings of EU written facts that are legislation. In other words we had NEVER been manipulated by the EU and there is nothing in it on what I had been led to believe. Also all the lies told by the leave campaign and funnily enough, lies by the remain campaign which was executed in a dismal fashion. Anyway mate... I could go in writing here till the cows come home on this. But just to say that I took two weeks leave from work the day after I'd finished reading it all to he on my own in Galicia, northern Spain. My wife and family knew why and I just wanted to reflect on how my person had been conditioned and groomed to believing nonsense. I had participated in making life worse for those I love and am friends with and being how I am, it destroyed me for some time. Hopefully this goes some way into explaining my now contra character change that some may have witnessed over the last two years or so from the last forum to this. I WILL NOT REST UNTIL I HAVE DONE MY UTMOST TO RIGHT MY PART OF MY WRONG!
  5. Yep I did. I didn’t understand what the EU was and everything that surrounded it. The media had a large part to play on that front and I didn’t take it upon myself to research the intricate ins and outs that membership of the EU means. Let me add that I was one of those very very very (stress on VERY) rare rare Brexiters that had no issue whatsoever with EU immigration as the laws revolving EU citizens coming to live and work I was fully aware of seeing as my wife is of Italian birth.
  6. It’s the fact one can indeed atone, repent, change their mind on something that marks humanity’s better attributes. If we don’t have the capabilities of taking information on board and searching for atonement, then imagine the world! Take for example people changing the way they lead their lives ever since climate change became an issue. Most if not all were sinners in this sense and now change their ways while those that are activists on the issue search for those that continue to deny climate change’s existence to change their minds. If we’re then to hound those that do change as to how they were once deniers, then how can we advocate the search for change? I don’t require absolution, I have it upon myself to do everything in my power to adjust to my error in the most positive way which is to show how I was duped so that others can see the truth too.
  7. There are other Labour MPs being touted and talked to right now. Flexibility and consensus is what’s required at this moment. As for the insults, I’ll just ignore them.
  8. You’re a Corbynista and like any radical trubost following it cancels out any compromise or meddle of the road agreement... Hence why we’re in this mess in the first place because Brexiters have various versions of Brexit and are all fanatical about it and then you have those that ate willing to accept a shit deal that harms the country and the Union just to deliver something that is a shit idea. Under normal circumstances it would indeed be the leader of the opposition but the majority of Parliament do not want Corbyn as interim leader and there’s the issue as he cannot force it upon anyone and it HAS to be a consensus. Where we’re left with is that either all of this fanaticism is stopped so as to progress on both sides of the board or we go further into crisis where EVEN THE QUEEN may have to intervene. The rules do not state that only the leader of the opposition can be interim leader. This is something that Parliament have to come to an agreement on the individual. Those are the rules.
  9. Jo Swinson is indeed against Jeremy Corbyn becoming interim leader but then again so is most of the HoC including a pretty large proportion of the Labour Party itself. Rumour has it that John Bercow has been being prepared in the background for this if it's necessary.
  10. I don't know if you've been following the Parliamentary saga closely over these past weeks especially since Jo Swinson became Lib Dems leader and also the context on why she's particularly calling them "white men". There's a reason behind it related to the ERG.
  11. How horrific! Why more effort isn't put into getting rid of those evil bastards that traffic human beings is beyond me! SHOCKING,
  12. I know I've posted a number of these, but they're all gems and this one is especially funny and once again demonstrates how it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for certain types of humans to change their minds on anything. Like they say; "if you don't have a mind, you can't change it"
  13. Here in the UK or better said, in England, we have this innate reverential condition that a patrician style accent, voice or just eloquence sound to the mechanics of our speech which almost leads us to accept any gibberish that's released from your everyday vocal cords we all have unless you take it upon yourself to question the motive and the detals contained within the argument. It's art, but on execution it's not that difficult to dismantle and seperate education from intelligence! This is bloody hilarious!
  14. Both mate, both Priti Patel and Dominic Raab. This next tweet is from one of the most respected and leading experts on British Constitutional law.
  15. He's just a tool in and amongst some very dodgy and dangerous people (one of them we can just throw the fact he's self serving and that's it). The funniest one of the lot now that David Davies is out of the picture is Dominic Raab... If you want to have a real laugh just bring up 90% of his quotes since 2016... It would make a one of the greatest comedies ever. One of his latest ones on stating that Northern Ireland are getting a great deal, "the best of both worlds" because they remain tied to the UK and their future Customs regulations but ALSO they will remain a part of the EU with frictionaless free trade. You literally couldn't write it if he hadn't said it. How do these guys get their foot in politics but even worse, the Cabinet of the Government of the United Kingdom!
  16. I just thought I’d politely and lightly place this here. I knew about it a long time ago but in a group Whatsapp someone sent me it so I’m sharing it with you guys.
  17. People power! Who knows what will happen but it’s consoling to know there are great people here amongst us!!! People from all over the UK by the way... I was amongst Welsh, Scottish and a bunch of lads from Birmingham.
  18. Of course there is. There are two ways... One is extremely unlikely which is if the Lib Dems win a GE as in their manifesto they won’t even take it to the people and just revoke A50 and remain and the second is very likely although difficult to implement unless a decent amount of time is offered on an extension which is the second referendum. That would end with remain guaranteed right now.
  19. It doesn’t mean they’ll vote on the deal, but if you mean that they could if it turns out to he beneficial, then yes. But it won’t as has been said by insiders. It’s a shit deal, worse than May’s.
  20. And EU source this very afternoon in Spain said that Johnson’s Deal is terrible for the UK, specifically for the less privileged and would even effect middle classes. He added that Johnson had had to concede on many areas so as to create a deal that was acceptable for the EU at such short notice and that at no moment or anywhere in this revised May’s Deal has the EU conceded on anything as the Northern Ireland fix was one they offered to Theresa May who rejected it as it would lead to the break-up of the Union. Anyway...
  21. Not really as that would take forever considering it's almost 600 pages of legislation and wishlists (curiously workers rights has come under wishlists)... Each part will be scrutinised as seen fit by MPs in the HoC and then once the EXTENSION has been applied for and granted, only then will they vote on thr deal. BoZo is trying to force the meaningful vote for Monday but it's pretty damned sure that until the extension is granted and agreed that John Bercow won't allow it.
  22. I've explained it pretty well in my previous posts. Many ministers asked for an assesment on what Johnson's Deal could pertain due to the fact they were given a 500+ page deal to study in 48hrs and then vote on. Now, if I have to somehow state my own opinion as singular on how that's ridiculous then I am indeed baffled. Due to this Oliver Letwin (Tory MP who had the whip withdrawn for voting against No Deal in the Ben Act) put through an amendment to be voted on before the Meaningful Vote on BJ's deal today meaning that he (Johnson) would be FORCED to seek for an extension due to the fact the Ben Act would expire after today under the proviso that the Government come up with a deal before the deadline date and hour. In other words, MPs like Letwin didn't trust the Government and habitual liar Boris Johnson on the fact this was a trick to execute No Deal which is what BJ said a few weeks back that "I'd rather die in a ditch than not execute No Deal". This also opens the pathway for a Second Referendum on a side note. Letwin (curiously) after his amendment passed today said that he will be voting for Johnson's Deal when it's put before the HoC. Impact assemsnts can now be scrutinised on this deal. That's what's going on. The problem here is that joe public seem to continue to think this is a binary issue when it isn't and never has been. WE WILL NOT LET OUR LIVES BE ALTERED BY IDIOTS! That's the crux of it.
  23. So BoZo says he will NOT obey the law (Letwin Amendment just passed by the HoC) and will put his shit deal before the House next week. This is hilarious... What a BoZo The best bits are to come these following days where the charlatans are laid bare on all sides of the spectrum in British Politics. It’s End Game for all and everything relating to Brexit and our politicians of the day.
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