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Honey Honey

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Everything posted by Honey Honey

  1. Honey Honey


    No vax Djokovic's bonkers dad is the gift that keeps on giving. Now compares his son to Jesus crucified on the cross.
  2. Honey Honey


    The best thing about this is how off his rocker his dad is
  3. After accounting for masterbation frequency that % drops from 7 to -20
  4. What you saying? That it wasn't total baseless made up shite?
  5. The Imperial college study suggested 11% milder if unjabbed and 50% milder it jabbed. They're not equal implying jab makes big difference in Omicron mildness. Both British studies come with a lot of limitations, caveats and further questions. One being that it could be statistically milder for the jabbed than delta because it is more likely to breakthrough the vaccine. As in, the jab is more likely to prevent you actually getting covid full stop with delta which biases the data when looking at those jabbed who have been infected delta vs Omicron.
  6. Go to a walk in mate. I couldn't find any good times for booking a jab at the GP, popped down the walk in yesterday afternoon, no queues at all, straight in.
  7. Looks like the only demographic still on Facebook to me
  8. The article doesn't look anywhere near as dramatic as your post. They say the outcome is lose lose. Suggesting if Omicron public health responses show to be more than required, there could be a loss of trust in public health authorities that could roll into future threats making them harder to deal with. I think that's a reasonable thought which could become of strategical consideration to that field. They are not saying they want it to be bad nor what is worse. Merely that whatever the outcome isn't going to be entirely positive from a public health point of view.
  9. Happy Blue tagging Artful Dodger into the thread
  10. Blair warning in the Sunday Times that some African countries can't cope with the amount of vaccines they are receiving. South Africa sitting on a 15 million stockpile and having to turn more away. Infrastructure not in place to cope.
  11. Haven't seen that twitter account in years but I think it's just a coincidence because our Voice of Reason was actually quite placid. Whereas I recall the twitter user being very strongly opinionated and ranty?
  12. Oh man, forgot about that gem. Voice of Reason was it? I wonder if he has gone down the rabbit hole or whether he still lives and dies by whatever Richard Littlejohn says in the Daily Mail.
  13. Think your first two sentences sum it up well. Truth is at any club all anyone wants is progress and to see their club going in the right direction. How that is expressed is neither here nor there, that it is expressed is what counts.
  14. I'll be honest I stopped reading Waylander's post as soon as I saw "Bill Gates" and "dark forces". Things have gotten so weird these days with the emergence of alt right topics. The 5 year spell where all anyone spoke about on here was Islam is starting to look like an intellectual golden era.
  15. More people are dying of covid in central and Eastern Europe right now than the rest of the World combined. Trying to jab more people instead of handing all vaccines to Africa is not a surprise really.
  16. If we're talking about countries with a less than 20% vaccination rate that aren't war torn you're talking about almost exclusively African countries. Everywhere elses vulnerable should have been double jabbed by now unless the vaccines were given out to someone else in those countries, which in some corrupt places probably has been. Some African countries probably only need a 5% vaccination rate to cover their vulnerable population, if that.
  17. No agenda. I find you bend things to the point of them being close to if not complete lies. ONS, most recent month of data September, leading cause of death Alzheimers, then heart disease, then third is covid, pneumonia is 9th. Taking a yearly average with the same data pneumonia again does not surpass covid. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/monthlymortalityanalysisenglandandwales/september2021
  18. Misinformation wum posting articles about cause of death in July and one week in June. You do have to ask whether it is socially responsible to allow some of the turd posts in here to be public or if this section should be behind closed doors.
  19. Not agreeing with a pre-empetive measure doesn't mean that the measure is irrational. The future is uncertain by definition. Whilst you can call an action knee jerk, the pandemic is also a story of non action and decisions which we know in hindsight cost lives. I'm not saying if a measure is right or wrong, but that whatever it is comes from the right place. With the exception of some Boris Johnson decisions.
  20. When data will be out was a separate comment he made later in the interview, the key part of what he said was that we need to wait for the data. Always a red flag when an article doesn't actually provide the full quotes that surrounds the dramatic one they choose. A government is not going to shut down because of what he said. Governments have a multitude of advisors, agencies and scientists. They take advice from multiple channels, not a line or two printed in the financial Times, then further manipulated by the medicalxpress. Ultimately he is saying what we all already know that 1. Efficacy will go down with new variants, 2. We have to wait for the data before we know what this will be, 3. There a big noises across the scientific community about this.
  21. He did say we need to wait for the data. That medicalxpress article just chose to omit that. “There is no world, I think, where [the effectiveness] is the same level . . . we had with Delta “I think it’s going to be a material drop. I just don’t know how much because we need to wait for the data. But all the scientists I’ve talked to . . . are like ‘this is not going to be good’.”
  22. The chief minister of the region “Ninety-nine-point-nine-nine per cent of the BS that is flying around on the internet about the Territory is coming from flogs outside the Territory – mostly America, Canada and the UK, people who have nothing better to do than make up lies about us because their own lives are so small and so sad. “If anybody thinks that we are going to be distracted or intimidated by tinfoil hat wearing tossers, sitting in their parents’ basements in Florida, then you do not know us Territorians" One of those occasions where the Australian inability to mince one's words is pure perfection
  23. Ever since coming in this thread I'm getting adverts on the forum for Liverpool's 3rd goalkeeper kit at £70.
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