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Posts posted by Rick

  1. 1 hour ago, Lucas said:

    Is this where someone like Bellingham comes in?

    Precisely who we should be looking at. Would blow most of our summer budget, unless we convince them to take Keita as part of the deal. 

    @LFCMike I didn’t necessarily mean boot him out the club, but we are going to need somebody more reliable as a mainstay to the midfield. I just don’t trust Chamberlain at all, Jones still has a lot to prove, Keita blows hot and cold and Milner is at the end. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:

    I feel very strongly about the circle of absolute clowns eating this up like it's entertainment. And I'll push back against anyone I perceive to be engaging in that behavior. I'm not happy with everything old Rando said, but definitely made him out to be much worse in my head than he actually is in reality, for which I am sorry. 

    The media (which we all know I fucking hate to high heaven) is spoon-feeding the masses piles of dogshit, grounded in tragedy and death, and the people can't get enough of it. It's sickening. 

    Nobody here is eating this up like entertainment though, all of us would rather go back to our normal lives, discussing how fucking useless Harry Maguire is as a footballer. But it’s a major situation unravelling closer to our homes and something that could directly affect the majority of people on this board if it spills over into a NATO country. Which isn’t exactly outside the realms of possibility when you have a mad cunt like Putin as the aggressor. 

    I feel heartbroken for all those poor fuckers in Ukraine having to fight for their land, and it’s not because they aren’t brown. 



  3. I don’t think it’s too hard to understand why European’s would give more attention to an invasion happening in Europe. Especially when the aggressor is one who has made threats by way of nuclear warheads being used.  

  4. 9 minutes ago, LFCMike said:

    I've quickly forgotten about most things that happened during the lockdown games to be honest. It was basically a different sport.

    Going back to Rodgers, I don't think that Villa semi final gets the attention it should in terms of how bad it was because of what followed with the Stoke game. We went 1-0 up and just capitulated against a side who finished 17th in the league that season. 

    Yeah, I agree Mike….but fucking Burnley!!! 😂

  5. Losing the title to City despite our gargantuan points tally & losing the CL final to Madrid are the two most hurtful things in recent memory. BUT,  fuck me, that 6-1 loss to Stoke and Burnley ending our unbeaten record at Anfield last season both hurt pretty fucking bad in their own right. I remember feeling shame that those scruffy bunch of trotters were the ones to end the run last year, made me physically sick. 

  6. It was only a couple of months back I was saying that Poch would be dying to get the Utd job, because there are plenty of very talented players in that squad. And I still think that they are very talented, but you can’t ignore the fact that there is something massively wrong going on in that dressing room. Talk all you want about the problems from top to bottom at the club, but when we get to the squad, we see players like Sancho, Ronaldo, Rashford, Fernandes, Pogba, Shaw, Varane, De Gea etc. Those players are good enough to be thrashing Middlesbrough, yet they end up dumped out of the FA cup last night. 

    I’m not sure I would want this job if I’m Poch. It just seems like a poisoned chalice, completely toxic in that dressing room. Unless he is given full reign to bin off the problems and bring in his own signing and given a long contract then I would say to him don’t bother if you’re wanting to build a team. If you want a good payday, take the contract but a long term project it isn’t. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, DeadLinesman said:

    Whilst this is commendable for what it is, I want to play devils advocate for a moment. Do this just make more of a case that footballers are more special than the rest of society? For instance, does this thing happen as standard in apprenticeships up and down the country in various job roles/descriptions? Just food for thought. 

    Thought this myself. They were released for a reason, and it’s like everybody else who ever had an unsuccessful work trial or apprenticeship. It’s not like it’s the end of the road for them either, if they were good enough to be in the Palace academy, there’s a high likelihood that they will be able to get a spot in the lower leagues. Say they end up playing League 1 football to start with, it’s still a much better lifestyle than most “normal” people have. 

    • Upvote 1
  8. 37 minutes ago, Storts said:

    ‘Humiliation’ hardly mate. It’s Liverpool and Barcelona. Traore we were never fully convinced by hence setting up a deal and waiting and see what else is out there before coming back to it late. When Barca came in he’s always going to go there.

    Its also Mendes - just uses our name when it suits. Diaz was always just flushing Liverpool out here, you’ve been linked far longer than we have. Just forcing your hand. 

    Im reserving judgement until the window closes like anyone should. At that point I may be angry but for now just wait and see. 

    Do you believe you’ll have strengthened the squad significantly come Monday night? Enough to appease Conte? 

  9. If I’m Conte, I’d walk if we end up signing Luiz over you’s. That’ll be two public humiliations with Traore as well, where other sides have swooped in under your noses and signed the players you were wanting. At some point something has to give and the top and bottom of it is that it’s 3 days until the end of the window and Conte hasn’t been backed whatsoever by bringing in players when he made it clear it was needed. Just scream of Levy being a snake again. 

  10. Halloween Kills - 5/10 

    Most of that score is because of how well done the flashback scenes were. I HATED the whole lynch mob plot though. Can’t say I’m at all interested in seeing the third. 

    Face/Off - 2/10 

    I switched it off about and hour or so in. I know it’s mean to be over the top , but I couldn’t stand how over acted it was by both men. The pacing was terrible, the script was a joke and the action was forgettable. I really don’t understand the love this film gets from a lot of people. Fucking rubbish. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    FSG need to pay Salah, the cheap cunts

    I don’t get why there is such a delay in it. Salah has talked about it publicly twice now, putting a little bit of pressure on the club. FSG surely expect that he is going to be asking for a large pay packet, he’s arguably the best player in the world on current form and has been absolutely vital to us since the moment he stepped foot into the club. Clearly we are being cheap cunts and it’s ridiculous, pay the man and let’s have it done. 

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