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Everything posted by Rick

  1. I'm a bit worried that there are no real murmurs of anything. We absolutely need re-enforced if we want to go up against City again.
  2. Good Time - 9/10 Robert Pattinson and the guy who played his brother (also one of the directors) are both excellent in this.
  3. Rick

    Health and Fitness

    @nudge I was just coming in here to ask the same question. I've got a glass knee and I'm needing some suggestions on what to do. Swimming isn't an option for me either.
  4. Happy belated birthday to our Egyptian prince. Happy current birthday to our brilliantly mad boss
  5. Exactly. It's not like we are signing Jack Wilshere. If he's 30m or less, I'd be all over it.
  6. Hopefully Saturday night has changed those plans.
  7. Haven't got a bad word to say about Sturridge. He's been a proper professional even when he wasn't getting picked. Wish him all the best. To his credit, Moreno has never really kicked up a fuss but he's nowhere near good enough to be even deputising Robbo. Watch him go back to Spain and be a beast just like Aspas did.
  8. Fekir played 39 games last season. As a quality player who can improve our squad I think he'd be a great addition. This summer might be "small" compared to last summer but we still need improvements. This squad isnt likely to repeat this season in the league, while City have the resources to improve an already bloated squad. We need to keep up, and that means buying the top quality.
  9. The Lyon president saying that Fekir will be allowed to leave the club this summer. With only 12 months left on his contract we could in theory get him for a good bit less than the 50m agree last summer. Think he could do a job in behind the front three for us.
  10. There's not many things bigger than Game Of Throne. But a Star Wars trilogy is one of them. Can you imagine telling Disney "oh yeah, we want that but we will see you in five years once we tie up this". No chance that deal stays on the table. Sometimes rumours are right. And I've heard it from the mouth of people in the business on podcasts, so I tend to believe there's elements of truth about it.
  11. Mate, HBO wanted 10 seasons and offered them more money. They refused because they want to fuck off and do star wars. And hbo could replace them because GRRM won't let anybody else do the show, he has an agreement in place for that.
  12. Just to be given more than six episodes to flesh out the ending. The show deserved it.
  13. Nobody wanted action. We just wanted a better resolution.
  14. Load of fucking crap.I want to personally thank the two Davids for ruining the show. Cheers cunts, hope your star wars films bomb.
  15. Again, we don't have an issue with Dany becoming the mad queen. We absolutely have an issue with how it was handled. From fighting to save westeros to burning the capital and it's inhabitants 1.5 episodes later. Horrendous storytelling.
  16. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pajajk/game-of-thrones-ruined-nearly-every-character Sums it up.
  17. Fucking shit show this. I'm appalled at how poor this ending has been. We've had 3/4 amazing seasons, followed by three good to very good ones but unfortunately topped off by this garbage. HBO forcing great writers into tying up so many stories is so little time is one of the biggest mistakes in television history. Way to ruin a legacy you fucking cunts.
  18. Sanchez has been out injured alot since he joined it's to be fair. If he was starting as often as Pogba he would be getting as much if not more stick.
  19. You can get to fuck with that last point. He gets negative attention because he's not that bloody good. He doesn't perform anywhere near the level you'd expect of from a Utd player.
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