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Posts posted by Rick

  1. Shaqiri played well, it's the most running I've ever seen from him. Looks to have taken on the right attitude straight away and in his celebration seemed well intergrated with the rest of the lads. 

    Somebody who continues to do well is Sturridge. I'm absolutely happy for him to stay and try and fight for a place. He's worked hard in pre season and it's the sharpest I've seen him in the last 3 year's.

    Van Dijk just looks a beast everywhere on the pitch, really wish he was captain.

  2. Teso went quiet fast. 

    I know utd were missing players but your squad depth is terrible. Another thing, all our players were playing with the same philosophy. Regardless whether it was Salah & Mane or Ojo & Sturridge, the same quick pass counter press football that Klopp loves. Utd didn't have anything going on, their players looked like complete strangers towards one another. 


    Nice result and encouraging stuff in general. Pereira & Shaqiri goals were great.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Gunnersauraus said:

    That sucks mate. How much you getting on the sick? I got signed of work once and got about£50 a week :(

    I get 10 weeks with full pay at my job, so that'll run out on the last week or two of my sick note. I'll be going back to work in September. So for me it's worked out for me well.

  4. It's so far beyond a joke now I can't find the words to aptly describe the state of the situation. 

    Mike Ashley is a fucking fat, greedy pig and it's disgusting that the FA are sitting back and letting him ruin a great club like Newcastle. There should be sanctions for his treatment of that club. No signings, making less money commercially than a decade ago, sitting on a shit load of prize money. When you've got clubs like Fulham (with a third of the stadium capacity and nowhere near the fan base) spending 30m+ on a player and then your only buy this summer is a goalie for 3m then it's a fucking laugh. 

    Feel so sorry for everybody having to endure that fat bastard, hopefully some oil baron gets his hands on you lot.

  5. 2 hours ago, Stan said:

    Dortmund's 3rd.

    Pulisic's shot perhaps could have been caught but if not, the worse thing Karius could do (and did) was palm it in to the centre of the 6 yard box where Larsen was waiting. Not on the scale of error as a couple of months ago and the one against Tranmere, but an error/mistake nonetheless.

    I'd say that's barely an error. The shot came is so quick he did well to get a palm to it, 90% of keepers do the same. But obviously, it's now magnified.

  6. 2 hours ago, Stan said:

    Karius made another mistake last night in the friendly against Dortmund.

    Surely his confidence is about 0 on a scale of 0-1000000. Obviously the CL error and now knowing he's going to be replaced by Alisson. His head must be all over the place (not just because of the concussion). I feel for him but surely the best thing Klopp can do is not put him in the limelight even more for a bit?  Give him a break and leave him out of the public eye for a bit?

    What mistake did he make? I was only able to get a stream working round the 55 min mark.

  7. 52 minutes ago, Bluewolf said:

    Yea I can imagine... Not nice to have it at any age but worse when you think you would be young and fighting fit...  Got to take it easy and try and work back to normal, Frustrated the hell out of me when I had it.. moving around so slowly, scared to twist or bend in case it went again.. even sitting down was a 5 minute job and then it was monumental effort to get back up again.. if I dropped something on the floor that's where it stayed... 

    I remember the first time I did it and I needed help with getting my jeans and socks on and all that and you feel like a useless idiot.. I got my self settled in bed on the first night and something woke me in the early hours and I wanted a piss.. I shit you not it took me about 15 minutes to inch my way up into a sitting position and by the time I had done that I was so worried it would go again while trying to get up I just gave up and inched my way back down into the laying position.. I thought fuck it, if I piss the bed I piss the bed it was that bad.. xD lucky for me I managed to nod back off and all was well... 

    Oh I know exactly what you mean with everything. I've had the same issues that you've listed there. Its sods law that when you lose most of your mobility that you start needing a piss in the night. Before all this I always slept through but then all of a sudden I needed two pisses a night 😂.

  8. Jus

    3 minutes ago, Bluewolf said:

    You have my sympathies... Had a couple of back issues a while back that were painful/ambulance related but not anything that involved surgery fortunately and until you have a serious back issue no-one can tell you just how much pain that is to go through.. 

    How old are you Rick if you don't mind me asking?? 

    Only just turned 29, so you can imagine how much more frustrating it is to have issues like this.

  9. Well, I suppose I'll update the situation with my back. 

    Turns out I had two slipped discs. I couldn't get out of bed on my own on the last couple of days leading up to going into A&E. Went in and had an emergency MRI, and it showed that I had two slipped discs and they were pressing on the nerves that control my bladder (I could barely manage a dribble even when pushing till red faced...apologies for that image).

    They put me straight in an ambulance and rushed me through to Newcastle Hospital for emergency surgery. I went under at 9pm and didn't wake until 3.30am, and the doctor said later on that morning that it turned out to be a very difficult surgery. So I went in the friday and finally got home the tuesday night. Ive basically had to learn how to walk again over these last 3 weeks, my legs have been so weak and I'm still struggling with stairs and in general walking round like a 85 year old man. But the numbness and pins and needles are slowly but surely dying down.

    Honestly, although I hated the general feeling of being in Hospital, I can't praise the staff enough. From the Nurses, to the general staff in there; they all made my stay as welcoming and comfortable as possible.

    So yeah, I'm off until the end of August. I reckon that'll be enough time to recover for a return to work. I've made a load of progress in 2.5 weeks so another 5 should be more than enough to get back to near full mobility, I hope. 

    • Upvote 1
  10. "We don't care what the world around us is thinking," Klopp said.

    "Like Manchester United didn't care what I said."

    The German added: "It is only an opinion in that moment. Did I change my opinion? Yes. That is true. But it is better to change your opinion than never have one.

    "We have the players we want."


    There you have it folks, like most humans on earth have done sometime in their lives, he changed his opinion.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Marc said:

    But exact money is the point because when a Liverpool fan says they still spending he coutinho money they are talking about 145m.

    if coutinho was 105m and VVD was 75m then they only made 30m profit in that transfer window.

    But Coutinho was 145m wasn't he. So we were in the black by 70m, plus the VVD fee was also made up by transfer fees from other players we had sold, him signing wasn't reliant on us selling Coutinho. 

    This is such a ridiculous argument anyways, I don't get the point being made? We as a club are not bankrolled by our owners, unlike City & Chelsea in the past. We spend our revenue, and even then the net spend per season under Klopp has been very low compared to our competitors. We have made progression under Klopp, whether you lot like to see that or not, and we've done it by being smart.

  12. 39 minutes ago, LFCMadLad said:

    To be fair Mike, you are the most downbeat, suspicious, negative, absolute downer that I've ever come across xD

    It's good how you have come round to the fact FSG aren't the devil but you do still try and find every opportunity to moan like a slag. 

    He's far from negative. He's just not a delusional knob who eats up everything Liverpool as if it's the best thing ever. Sometimes we do shit, sign shit and the club makes shit decisions. Every club is the same, and there's nothing wrong with pointing it out.

    • Upvote 1
  13. I think he was probably a little concussed but let's be honest. He fucked it up because he's young and he didn't handle the pressure of the game. It's not because he's a shite keeper, because he's clearly not shit. If he hadn't of made those errors on the biggest stage then I'd be happy with him as our first choice this season, but I think it will have massively affected his confidence and every rival crowd are gonna be on his back. 

  14. Justice League - N/A 

    Got about a hour or so in and switched it off. Load of absolute wank. I'm stuck in hospital and I'd rather sit in silence than finish that bollocks. Warner Bros just haven't got a fucking clue what they want to do with these characters. Don't get me wrong, I'm sick to death of the over saturated superhero market, but at least Marvel have a plan and still deliver good films. DC & Warner Bros are failing so hard. They could do with another reboot as ridiculous as that sounds. 

  15. John Wick Chapter 2 - 9/10 

    Better than the first, just a bloody fantastic action film. Keanu Reeves is just a beast. Loved all the new characters and elements to the world. Very much looking forward to the new one. 

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