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Posts posted by Rick

  1. 10 hours ago, Harry said:

    Two things I'm getting from this...

    1. The Group think mentality of the internet is powerful

    2. How many issues you can find with something when you flip that switch to start looking for things that are wrong.


    Or, ORRRRRRR the writing this season has been poor and everything has been rushed to fuck and awkward. 

    • Upvote 2
  2. The more I think about these episodes, the more I dislike this season. They have dropped the ball completely, but they had their hands tied by HBO stupidly ordering a short season. If it was 13 episodes, I think the quality would have been on par with the rest of the show. What a cock up. Next week there will be a big battle, so basically we have one episode to tie up numerous stories. Great. 

    • Sad 1
  3. Gonzo hit every single point perfectly. This season has been a fucking horrible one. We have done more than enough to win the bastard league, but City and their bottomless pit of resources has fucking ruined it. Fuck them more than ever before. 

    I don't particularly dislike Kompany either, he's the model pro and you have to respect what he's done. That being said, I absolutely fucking hate him for that stupid goal he scored last night. City needed a screamer to beat Leicester, and of all people it's the fucking old centre half that does it. Annoying beyond words.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, LFCMike said:

    "He will not be ready for Tuesday and the rest [of the season] we will see," said Klopp, whose side face Wolves on the final day next Sunday.

    Obviously doesn't sound great but still a chance he makes Wolves

    Ah fair enough, I'd read that he'd confirmed after the game he was out. Can't remember where now.

  5. I watched the episode again yesterday. My initial viewing was too emotional to make a decent judgement of everything but having had a chance to see it again I have to say that I agree with the majority of complaints. 

    The plot armour for some of these characters was ridiculous. Brienne, Podraig, Davos, Greyworm and Missandei should have all been killed off. I can only assume we have another epic battle left (Emilia Clarke hinted towards 5 being that) that will finish some of these characters off because otherwise it's ridiculously watered down. 

    I loved the final sequence with the night king walking towards Bran. The score made it; what an absolutely fantastic piece of music that was. That being said, his death did a great disservice to him. The night king should have been so much more and Jon should have been there to at least fight him somewhat. 

    There's part of me that hopes the night king isn't gone, but considering how dumbed down this show became (still highly entertaining) after they past the books, I don't have high hopes 

    • Sad 1
    • Upvote 1
  6. Vardy up against their defence (which isn't all that, never has been. They get away with is because teams are too scared to go at them) is something Id like to see. 

    I think Leicester can do them. Just depends which Leicester turn up. The really good footballing Leicester, or the shit can't string two passes together Leicester. 

  7. 31 minutes ago, Mel81x said:

    You know what I liked most about that episode. The music when things start to go to shit, I really like how Ramin Djawadi creates tension from simple progressions. First, Light of the Seven and now the Night King piece. I still think Light of the Seven is a far better piece for all the chaos it masks but that last composition is great too.

    Yeah, the music was amazing in that episode.

  8. Just now, 6666 said:

    Has someone hacked Tommy's account?

    It would seem so.

    For the record, I think Maisie Williams is very attractive outside of the show. In the show, the hair pulled back and costume does her no favours. She looks loads younger.

  9. Just now, 6666 said:

    Without the s at the end.



    Don't get the complaints about the night king dying "easily". He isnt a god. He is a man who was given powers. A formidable opponent, absolutely. Unbeatable, I never thought so. Not too arsed about knowing a backstory either. Does he have to have a motivation other than death and destruction? 

    I liked that it was Arya who did it an all. Thought for a moment that him and John were gonna have a fight (with John being on fire) but in the end it's another important character who did the deed. Fan service? Maybe, but this fan service worked. 

    The only complaint I have is the lack of deaths. Brienne and Sam should have died for certain. Makes no sense to keep them alive as they feel like they have served their purpose. Game of Thrones went from a show that didn't have loyalties to any character to one which is scared to kill fan favourites off. Bit annoyed by the shithousery on show from the show runners. A few hard hitting deaths would have made the battle feel that bit more desperate. 

    Other than that complaint, I was very happy with the episode. What a spectacle it was, the most impressive episode of the show so far for me. It was absolutely epic.


  10. 26 minutes ago, RandoEFC said:

    Put spoilers in square brackets at the start, then /Spoilers in square brackets at the end.

    Cheers man. 

    [spoilers] didn't work? [/spoilers]

  11. 21 minutes ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:

    Why? And to do what? Rematches against the likes of Khabib or Diaz would see Conor lose. He won't get instant title shots either, and no way he's coming back to grind in the division again. He's done. 

    Trilogy against Diaz or Khabib rematch. Of course he will get a title shot straight away. Dana juggles his bollocks in his mouth, and he is still the biggest draw for the UFC. 

    Let's not forget how good he is either. He's only lost to Khabib & Diaz in the last few years, he's still an excellent and unique fighter. The question is whether he wants to build a legacy, but he's probably too coked up to give a shit about that anymore which is a shame, cause he could have been a great. 

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