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Posts posted by Rick

  1. Haven't got a bad word to say about Sturridge. He's been a proper professional even when he wasn't getting picked. Wish him all the best. 

    To his credit, Moreno has never really kicked up a fuss but he's nowhere near good enough to be even deputising Robbo. Watch him go back to Spain and be a beast just like Aspas did. 

  2. Fekir played 39 games last season. As a quality player who can improve our squad I think he'd be a great addition. This summer might be "small" compared to last summer but we still need improvements. This squad isnt likely to repeat this season in the league, while City have the resources to improve an already bloated squad. We need to keep up, and that means buying the top quality.

  3. 5 hours ago, Harry said:

    Mate this argument which is pretty pervasive on social media reeks of misinformation and being strung together from a bunch of half true tweets and articles. It's too convenient for me that a bunch of social media commentators from the outside can all simplify and diagnose the root cause of all our pain and frustration down to a single scapegoat. Things are rarely ever that simple.

    Especially when the decision for 13 episodes was announced long ago and none of the many articles spoke about that being because the D's were just over it and wanted to get out. They took 3 years to make these 13 episodes rather than the usual 2 years to make 20. 

    Why are the producers the only ones we'll believe wanted a new project not everyone else who's worked just as tirelessly on the show for just as long?

    It's all too simplistic for me to pin all this blame on the two guys who's years of effort and passion suggests to me care more about the show than anybody.

    There's not many things bigger than Game Of Throne. But a Star Wars trilogy is one of them. Can you imagine telling Disney "oh yeah, we want that but we will see you in five years once we tie up this". No chance that deal stays on the table. 

    Sometimes rumours are right. And I've heard it from the mouth of people in the business on podcasts, so I tend to believe there's elements of truth about it. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Harry said:

    I feel for the producers tbh. Not sure they knew what they were getting themselves in for when they limited it to 13 episodes but I'm willing to bet it was budget related, and whilst HBO didn't constrain the episode count they did constrain the budget.

    This show deserved to make more money than the Lord of the rings movies or the Marvel franchise but it's on that same level of awesome. I'll bet it didn't make a patch on that. Hence the budget constraints still being a limiting factor.

    For sure it felt a bit rushed, (about on par with the Harry Potter movies for me in terms of pacing) but within the confines of that they did a pretty great job.

    The internet has been Savage, which is understandable given the love people have. 

    But let's not forget these are the guys who holed GRRM up and persuaded him to make a tv show about his unfinished books, who already knew enough about the series to call the R+L=J thing this passing GRRMs test, and then put together a fucking sensational show which continued to be pretty damn amazing even after they went way way beyond the source material. There's been ups and downs but All time levels of respect from me.

    Mate, HBO wanted 10 seasons and offered them more money. They refused because they want to fuck off and do star wars. And hbo could replace them because GRRM won't let anybody else do the show, he has an agreement in place for that. 


  5. 2 hours ago, Cicero said:

    What would of been a better resolution? In your eyes. 

    Just to be given more than six episodes to flesh out the ending. The show deserved it. 

  6. 48 minutes ago, RandoEFC said:

    I have my issues with the season but I don't know what else people want from the last episode. It's hardly going to be jam packed with action, this one is more about resolutions and that's what we got. 

    Nobody wanted action. We just wanted a better resolution. 

  7. 17 minutes ago, Cicero said:

    "As the same goes, "every time a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin". They must have dropped the one for King Aerys. For at first, he seemed to have dodged the family madness. But as he grew older, he began to see conspiritors everywhere and where there none he worked to create them. "

    But not in 1.5 episodes. 

    • Upvote 1
  8. Again, we don't have an issue with Dany becoming the mad queen. We absolutely have an issue with how it was handled. 

    From fighting to save westeros to burning the capital and it's inhabitants 1.5 episodes later. Horrendous storytelling. 

    • Upvote 2
  9. Fucking shit show this. I'm appalled at how poor this ending has been. We've had 3/4 amazing seasons, followed by three good to very good ones but unfortunately topped off by this garbage. 

    HBO forcing great writers into tying up so many stories is so little time is one of the biggest mistakes in television history. Way to ruin a legacy you fucking cunts. 


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  10. 44 minutes ago, The Artful Dodger said:

    Yes, there's definitely a resentment towards a confident, young black player that seeps out in the media and the narrative of 'lazy', 'ungrateful' primma donna. Pogba gets more stick than fucking Sanchez for god's sake.

    Sanchez has been out injured alot since he joined it's to be fair. If he was starting as often as Pogba he would be getting as much if not more stick.

  11. 39 minutes ago, Danny said:

    Pogba was never great at Juve, he just played with great midfielders who didn’t rely on him. This side relies on him and he can’t deliver.

    Great players lift poor teams, you’ve only got to look at what Gerrard done for years at Liverpool 

    Pogba gets a lot of negative attention because he’s black, no doubt about that. But he’s also a record signing who has failed to make an impact consistently. So far the entire Pogba saga for United has been an absolute flop

    You can get to fuck with that last point. He gets negative attention because he's not that bloody good. He doesn't perform anywhere near the level you'd expect of from a Utd player. 


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