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Posts posted by Rick

  1. IT (2017) - 7/10 

    It's good, but I feel it's massively overrated. Though, the guy who plays Pennywise was brilliant. I am looking forward to the second one with adult actors, a couple of the kids really fucked me off tbh 😂

  2. Been back to the doctors today since the painkillers I was given a week ago may as well have been tic tacs. He has given me different pills, and has also signed me off work for a fortnight. It's not what I wanted but if it helps me get sorted then I'm all for it. I just hope the mri is scheduled in the next fortnight so I can get some answers. 

    Work is so short staffed and I feel terrible for the timing of all this but I literally can't move around to do my job. Doesn't make me feel any less guilty. 

  3. @Dr. Gonzo @Cannabis

    Sorry for the late reply, but yeah I've been to the doctors on Thursday. I've always been able to do pretty much anything (apart from running) while having the sciatica. I mean, it would hurt but it didn't stop me from living my life. That was until let's say 6 weeks ago, it seemed as though all of a sudden it was really hard to walk short distances without getting really bad pain and pins and needles in my leg and it was a struggly to get out of bed. 

    Initially I stupidly put it down to "maybe sleeping in a weird position" so I gave it a week or so to fix itself, while I continued to do my stretches everyday in hopes that they would speed it up. Didn't work, in fact over the last 3 weeks it has deteriorated so quickly. With work being very busy & stressful at the moment, I just struggled along not being able to make the doctors appointments, but I took last Thursday off work and I went to see them. I felt so ashamed getting the bus up to the clinic, it's one stop away from the one I got on and about 2000 ish yards, but I just couldn't walk that far. Anyways, I spoke to the doctor about the loss of full mobility, the constant pain, pins and needles and how I have a full time job being affected. He said that it's a concerning situation, gave me stronger painkiller (not working) and said he would arrange an mri scan to be done to see once and for all what's going on in my back & leg. 

    So Friday I wake up in terrible pain, unable to get out of bed so I have to call in sick at work. Saturday, my mum gives me some of her painkillers and I manage to hobble into work. But then yesterday and today I've had to call in sick again. My manager hasn't took it well, and to be honest I'm raging with her. It's as if she things I'm just laughing my head off at them, while drinking a cuppa with my feet up. When in fact I'm struggling to put weight on my leg, and I'm near enough bed ridden with the fucking thing. Honestly never know pain like it, it's absolutely unreal sometimes and I'm not embarassed to say I've shed a tear or two out of pure frustration.  It just ruining my life, hopefully I get this scan real soon and start to have some answers.

  4. 2 hours ago, Cicero said:

    Was actually interested in seeing this film until they practically showed the whole film in the trailer. 

    Hate it when they do that. 

    To be fair, they don....actually, yeah they do. They pretty much do anyways. 

    The biggest issue is that its just a bit dull. I think 6/10 is me being really really generous because I like the idea of the franchise and there were a few effective scenes in the film. 

  5. 'Ye' is the best thing Kanye has done since MBDTF. I'm really loving it, annoying it's so short. 

    The Pusha T album was mint too. Looking forward to 'kids see ghosts' and the Nas album he's produced. Both out within the fortnight I think.

  6. Being down two full time staff members in a small (But incredibly busy) post office is proving to be so stressful. I'm literally non stop from 8 30-5.30pm. Not one break in the endless stream of customers, as we are the only office in about a 15 mile radius now (there used to be 4) we get customers from all those old branches too. I'm just constantly tired now, so lately ive been nothing with my artwork outside of work.  Which is really anti-productive, because I'm hoping that I can one day have my art be my main stream of income. 

    Plus I'm crippled with my back and legs. I can barely walk now with being in terrible pain, I was diagnosed with sciatica a couple of years ago, and for the most part it's been okay to manage. The last month or so my back and legs have deteriorated and I'm pretty scared that one of my disc have either collapsed or eroded. 

    So all is going well 😂

  7. It's a shame that Kanye is such a mong. 'Lift Yourself' has a great sample and killer beat, ruins it with that ridiculousness at the end.

  8. I'm sure Pieters is a LB? And Cedric is a RB whenever I've seen him. 

    Yeah, looking at my list Yacob, Rondon and Pieters are probably bad shouts. I was looking as filling the squad numbers, but the back ups still need to have quality. 

    Think Romeu, Sobhi & Redmond would be good though. Redmond might be 24, but that's still young. I think our style would suite him. He'd be quite pricey though with being English and young. 

  9. Bertrand wouldn't join as back up I don't think. 

    Who id take for the squad if a price was reasonable. 

    West Brom - Yacob (underrated, solid CM with a bit of bite) Rondon (excellent hold up play whenever I've seen him, would be more useful than Ings imo) 

    Stoke City - Pieters (somebody who would probably come in as lb cover, and he's better than Moreno)  Sobhi  (looks to have a good bit of potential, and we need wingers )

    Saints - Cedric (having a poor season but we've seen that he can do a lot better. Rated him for a while) Romeu (very very good CDM, could be a great addition to sit and protect the back four) Redmond (reckon he would thrive under Klopp, bacmgs of potential and a winger like we need)


  10. 41 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

    Hate J Cole with a passion. Never heard his music but it always makes me think that Joe Cole has quit football and started writing music.

    What? 😂 thats just bizarre. Weird cunt x

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