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Everything posted by IgnisExcubitor

  1. Watched the Invisible Man. A decent take on an old concept. Not great but not poor either. Just an average flick, which has its moments. Also watched The Gentlemen. Now this was a fine return to form for Guy Ritchie after the pile of shit that was Aladdin. This was an old-school Guy Ritchie flick. However, it takes a while to get going and the accents seem toned down, but when it gets going it is like a typical Guy Ritchie movie.
  2. Yes. Even I read that online. Still, their handling the pandemic has been good so far.
  3. This the problem everywhere, unfortunately. @topic We have begun to see a spike here in India, thanks to people's continued stupidity. On aside note, nice explanation of a simple concept by a scientist who is currently working on Malaria and Tuberculosis.
  4. This is exactly what we are trying to do here, the tracing part - authorities are tracing each and every person that comes in contact with the infected person and urging them to isolate. Now under stricter law. I wish we had more testing, but I understand where the rationale for not doing that in such a hugely populated country. We are slowly ramping up the production of testing kits, before doing that. I think the government here wants people to fall sick in small numbers to save the hospitals from being overwhelmed. Thankfully both the government and private bodies are building temporary hospitals for the eventual tsunami of patients when the big spike happens.
  5. I fear we will see similar numbers soon from other countries, including ours. Arseholes everywhere are still not taking this seriously. On a side note, Germany is doing something right. 0.9% of death reported.
  6. There is a sense of inevitability to this thing. You get a sense that the government here is hoping people fall ill in small groups, rather than what is happening in other countries where it is happening in overwhelming numbers and thereby putting unimaginable strain on their hospitals. Which means someday I am going to get this, and more worryingly the elders in my family. I have to best hope that when that happens, the hospitals are not crowded and the elders survive. And this seems like the best plan everyone has.
  7. Terrible woman. Her husband was at home recovering from a stroke. Her friend, whom she visited, was 78. And in the end of the call the woman when asked about danger of death, casually stated 'so what, we have lived our lives.'
  8. Yep. Everyone followed voluntary curfew impeccably on Sunday. Today was horrendous. Some of it is understandable. Daily wage labourers who live on the borders of big cities coming in for work. But the behaviour from educated or privileged ones is infuriating. All throughout the day, state after state imposed stricter laws. Now most states are under forced lockdown and cops have been given power to deal with idiots who step out of their homes unnecessarily. People are not going to change until they actually witness their loved ones suffering. And by that time, it will too late. We have jumped from 396 to 499 positive cases in a day. We are well on our way to getting screwed. @topic Meanwhile, one patient in South India who returned from Middle East was told to remain in quarantine. Instead he went to two weddings, a funeral and a football match. He is directly responsible for at least 6 more positive cases (a number which could rise above 50 cause 100+ people who came in contact with him are now qurantined).
  9. @Mel81x is your Municipal cooperation giving you names and addresses of the quarantined people? It is been done here wardwise. A PDF file for every ward has been spread on WhatsApp. It's helpful for public then to avoid going to those apartment buildings. I think in general Indian families are big. We do live with our parents. And in some cases there would be your children, brothers of your father and their children. So, basically a big family and therefore no chance of social distancing within the house. Still, my concern wouldn't be that. Because if they remain inside, then this could be stopped. My bigger concern is religious places. Don't wanna turn this into an anti Muslim thing. But while temples and churches here have largely been closed, masjids have gone ahead and stated that they will remain open. Or the pointless sit-in protests that are continuing to exist in Delhi and Chennai. But like I said, it's not just confined to Muslims alone. On 25th there is Hindu (Maharashtrian) new year festival, and I as a Maharashtrian I am absolutely dreading this. Though we have been sending loads of messages to everyone to not publically celebrate on 25th, I think some idiots are just not going to get the message.
  10. They have gone a step further. Their media houses are pushing the blame on US army or even Italy as the source of virus.
  11. After following voluntary curfew orders impeccably yesterday, idiots have come out from their houses. Men and women going out for walks. Children coming down to play. People roaming on bikes. It is so infuriating to see this.
  12. Italian mayors losing it. I completely understand their frustration. People around the globe are behaving like idiots.
  13. Positive cases have almost doubled in two days. It was 206 on 20th March and 396 today on 22nd. The only solace is that, most of these cases are of people who have returned from outside of India. However, community spread has began (some cases), so in a way we have entered into the dreaded third stage. State after state has been under voluntary lockdown since Friday. Now everything will be enforced. Rules are harsh. It's needed. This coming week is going to be mad and absolutely terrible to face. One of the best things my city's authorities are doing is sending PDF documents with names and addresses of people who are under quarantine on a daily basis, and asking us to spread them on our WhatsApp groups. This makes sure that no one visits these people who are meant to be under isolation. Also if those quarantined people leave their homes, then cops can be informed by the neighbours.
  14. I am from Mumbai, which is extremely crowded on any time of the day. But it has been absolutely empty today. The voluntary curfew was followed to perfection. But the country has been slowly pushed into a lockdown, which is necessary. Now, all offices, public transport have been closed till 31 March. Most states are in lock down now. Unprecedented scenes, but it's necessary. We are begining to see spike in cases, because the people who arrived from outside behaved like arseholes.
  15. Amazing scenes here. A little respite in this environment of fear. People observing voluntary curfew impeccably and now everyone was suppose to clap, cheer or make noise for 5 minutes at 5 PM from their windows as a mark of respect to doctors, police, etc. It went on for 15 mins instead. Never have I seen anything like this. @Mel81x how was it there?
  16. I already had couple of tiny dry, grey patches on my palms way before this started because of my constant hand washing thing. I had reduced them by controlling myself after my dermatologist had warned me. I used to also put coconut oil on them before shower on weekends, to reduce the dry patches. Now my hand washing frequency has again increased, and my palms look absolutely wrinkled, with few grey patches. And I have almost fallen off the bus twice, because my mind refuses to let my hands grab the handle while boarding or alighting from the bus. Not to mention the constant fear of everything being contaminated. Reckon I am going to turn into something similar to what happened to Leo's character in Aviatar when he locked himself in that room.
  17. Different kind of idiot. Nice to see the authorities calling him out publically.
  18. Just look at the numbers he is stating. I am officially scared now, and worried about my mum and my in-laws, all of who are diabetic. 1 fucking million deaths in India alone by July. I don't have any words left to say.
  19. To be fair to the first world countries, they don't constantly deal with outbreaks (here we dealt with Nipah virus and Encephalitis), which would allow them to gain experience on how to deal with epidemics. Secondly, it is very difficult for their governments to be authoritative with their citizens. Like our governments, they can't put out harsher laws without facing huge backlash and opposition from citizens. Lastly, let's not turn this into a dick measuring contest as to which country has been better at handling it. Everyone is losing people in big numbers and we all are going to be in an economic shithole for many months or couple of years.
  20. So I used to hate pets and was never really interested in owning any. A lot of it was also down to me being germophobic. Until, this little bundle of joy around my office kept approaching me during lunch hour. So our friendship started with me tossing few bits of food towards her, in a hope that she keeps away from me. But I guess with each passing day I began to enjoy her company. In fact on certain days when she wouldn't show up, I would be disappointed. She has indeed had an effect on me, considering I now spend a lot of time on YouTube watching cat videos (and sometimes dog videos as well). So here's presenting Maau, my office pet. We still haven't got to the stage of me holding her in my hands, but we will get there eventually.
  21. Our entire elected government and the opposition could be fucked, because of a single individual's stupidity. Her neighbour has tested positive now, and so her entire apartment building is under quarantine.
  22. Yep. And I don't want to reduce this into a left VS right debate, but that was only possible because several left leaning activists went out of their way to help him. He even received 10k amount and a sewing machine to start his business. Last heard he was married. I understand the importance of reformation of criminal as well. But frankly some people don't deserve that. And more importantly, he never faced punishment for his crime. The sole good thing to come out his case is that the law was reformed. And now if the crime is heinous then a minor (around 15-18 years) will be tried as an adult.
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