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Posts posted by Mel81x

  1. 4 minutes ago, Eco said:

    Kasparov lost to deep blue, so my guess is that if they were to hold that match today, or even use Magnusson, that the human wouldn't have a chance. 

    Didn't he beat the first iteration? Thats kind of how I remember it but after it learned there was really no saving grace. Also have to remember that processing power has come a long way since then.

    Yep looked it up. The 1996 edition wasn't as good as it should have been.


  2. Terribly vast topic but also equally fascinating. Not so arsed about the interactivity portion of it more so the actual patterns and code that go behind making these things happen. I remember reading months ago about a system that learned to laugh at jokes and remembered my time in college where we had a professor who specialized in the topic talking about machines learning humor and deciphering enough to understand the even bigger problem with AI which is context. The machine can learn numerous ways of parsing a language based on decisions trees and language maps but what it really has to learn through trial and error with a lot more decisions is how to use the maps in the context they were meant for. 

    Its also nice timing since this just came out.


    That AI is learning very very fast. Its one of the most complex games to map and I sometimes wonder if Deep Blue had that kind of backing whether Kasprov would have even stood a chance.

  3. Saw the new Tekken this weekend and have to say they've done a lot of things right with this edition that might bring non-fighting game fans into the mix as well. The control schema is better and the timing between combinations is far easier to understand as well. Plus I found it strange that they hadn't done this in the last edition but the breakers and grabbing avoidance system actually is far more responsive. Now all they need to do is take the team that did this, put them in a room and make another goddamn Soul Calibur game with the same love and attention this has been given. Gold medal game that would be.

  4. 38 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

    No, I heard that many bad reviews that I decided to pass. I don't usually listen to reviews when buying a game but with my back-log as big as it is I don't want to throw another mediocre game onto the pile. 

    Did you enjoy it in the end though? I seem to remember you saying it kinda' picks up in the middle to end?

    Its a weird game because the start is terrible then it has some redemption before falling flat on its face. Putting it mildly I had more fun playing something as boxed as Bomberman than I did with this game. Shame really in a year where we've had games like NiOh, Horizon, RE7, Nier, Persona 5, etc and you'd expect a company like Bethesda to do so much better in this particular category too.

    Just saw that there's a new Divinity on the horizon too and I personally loved the first one. I felt it was better balanced than most other games in the same genre. 

  5. 5 hours ago, LFCMadLad said:

    12 years today since Istanbul! How time flies. 


    I put our game against Dortmund (even if it was just a semi-final) very close to that night in Istanbul where the stakes were higher. And you're right when you say that European nights are very special with Liverpool in them.

  6. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/22/destiny-2-how-a-fresh-start-let-bungie-make-its-biggest-game-yet

    How many people played the first one? I played it for a long time till I got tired of just playing expansions and moved on although have to say when you paired with friends to hit the Crucible it was loads of fun and some of the videos of teams that practiced to get the kinds of scores and loot they got was fun to watch.

  7. After getting my head into a space to finally play through all of Prey I can only say this "Its a horrible attempt by Bethesda and should be avoided at all costs unless they can fix all the problems it has". I was unfortunate enough to get the stupid save issue and that put me off a bit but I figured I'd still try and get through it till the end only to realize meh what was that all for. The game mech is very good when you get to later parts of the game but I expected so much more from a company I believe makes some fantastic games. 

    Back to MK I go. So far this year Sony has had the best of the crop when it comes to games and that's always weird considering they generally do one or two good titles in a year.

  8. 13 hours ago, Azeem98 said:

    I have to say its not that easy as i expected it to be 

    I don't remember it being easy either. The other game I enjoyed playing from Lucas Arts was Curse of Monkey Island. That's another classic that brings back some good memories.

  9. 52 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

    Finished INSIDE. Great game but my head is mashed from that ending. I can't decide whether it was a real letdown or brilliant because I just can't decide what I think it all means. Overall I think LIMBO was better but Inside for me would defiantly get a 9/10 which means it isn't too shabby at all, I'm going to go back and get all of the collectables (I only found one on my own) before putting it on the shelf.

    What did you think the ending meant @Mel81x?

    I think once you get to the tank it goes haywire because I was confused as to why the boy would even go there. The last part even gets weirder when you start to smash through stuff and then it ends so abruptly that you're left wondering about why they'd end it that way. From what I can gather the boy is simply going home to help the blob get out of the facility and to free it. Once that happens the sole purpose of that blob is to escape the facility but I think even that fails in the end. So many parts of this game make no sense.

    • The sound area
    • The water area
    • The whole woods area at the start of the game and how animals are just lying around and the guys are chasing you

    In the end I think they really just threw a slew of ideas together to make a game that was good and then at the end they needed to end it in a way that would leave the players thinking about what the game was really about. Don't get me wrong the whole mind-control thing was very nice as a puzzle element but that's pretty much where it ends from a real story perspective. Did you see the alternate ending? If you haven't go take a look on YouTube its also very strange and you'll see why when the end happens. 

    P.S. I wanted to put this in spoiler tags but couldn't figure it out.

  10. 2 hours ago, Cannabis said:

    Currently playing INSIDE on the Xbox One which is the second game from Playdead after the infamous LIMBO. I'm about three hours in and loving it so far, it plays very much like Limbo and whilst the story hasn't been revealed yet (nobody speaks) you can tell something massive is waiting for me at the end. I'll probably get it wrapped up before the weekend before diving into YouTube for the conspiracy theories like I did with Limbo. 

    Has anyone else done this game?

    Played it last year and think I even posted about it on the old forum. Its a great game in my book because it creates the environments well, game mechanics aren't overtly hard to grasp and the puzzle-oriented gameplay keeps you engaged. The only gripe I have with this and Limbo are that they're just too damn short. If I am not wrong this one actually worked its way up the ladder to a GOTY award nomination too and they rightfully deserve it. 

  11. So after playing Prey for a while now I can say its a lot better than I initially hoped it would be. The survivor style action gaming is good and its not going to be a GOTY by any means but its entertaining enough to keep you playing.

  12. 9 hours ago, Cannabis said:

    Have you bought Prey or is your review based on the demo? I haven't got it myself but was considering picking it up.

    I bought it. It gets a lot more interesting later on but it just feels laggy for some reason. I am going to play it through and see whether it gets better.

  13. Played the new Prey today from Bethesda. For all the hype it nearly generated the game disappoints in the FPS level. I'd have imagined with the other game about space aliens (Doom) that they'd have gone with a far more action oriented adventure style game but so far it seems dull and slow. The skill tree is very nice and the fact that you can create weapons and fabricate stuff is a nice novelty but I can't see this being anything other than a game I play now and then to see how far it goes. People are comparing it to BioShock, SystemShock and Deus Ex but I can't see how they draw those parallels when those games kept you engaged from the start.

    Persona 5 on the other hand is high-octane fun.

  14. News flying around that we're breaking the bank to get Virgil in the summer? I can get behind that because hes a rather solid defender and will do the backline some good as well. Of course there's always the chance he'll come here and struggle initially and get lambasted for not being able to do his job as well but what the hell.

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