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Everything posted by nudge

  1. This is a great visualisation of what's there - just mindblowing: http://astria.tacc.utexas.edu/AstriaGraph/ And yeah, people in the industry keep on thinking about possible solutions to dealing with space junk, but kinda miss the main one - stop fucking generating it in the first place...
  2. Several thousands of satellites, and more than half of those are defunct space junk. So yeah, it's true - as if there's not enough trash on the planet, we also have to put rubbish around it, too. With satellites getting cheaper as well, I assume it'll only get worse - the rough estimates say about a thousand new ones are expected to be launched into orbit every year in the near future, and that's not including Starlink that hopes to have over 40 THOUSAND satellite constellation once it's finalised! Add Amazon's Project Kuiper and Airbus's OneWeb on top of that. It's ridiculous really; of course communication, navigation and scientific sats are an important part of infrastructure, but you surely have to draw a line somewhere? It's a disaster waiting to happen.
  3. Not a concern at this point, as it's just a tiny cubesat with an LCD screen and a selfie stick which will be used to film the screen and livestream it on the web, but the intent is definitely there and it is just so fucking stupid. I hope that before it becomes viable, orbital ads will be made illegal, putting an early end to such nonsense. On top of that, we need more regulation on satellite launches, in general.
  4. What... How dare you! I'm basically a Disney princess!
  5. I'm a few episodes into Season 2 now, and I must admit that while I like the idea of the plot, this whole hallucinations/psychosis/mental disorder stuff is not for me, really. I'll probably continue watching as I'm curious what the outcome will be, but overall, it's starting to get on my nerves
  6. I love this kind of movies!!! Give me adventure, exploring, treasure hunting and mysterious curses anytime...
  7. A mystery... So the drilling was succesful, the drilling hole is there, but the sample is not in the container tube
  8. Tides (2021) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6506264 An indie sci-fi/post-apocalyptic movie. Glad I watched it. Unreasonably poor reviews, but the movie was very enjoyable and I also liked the message. Great casting and acting, great cinematography, and the story, while predictable at times, was still solid. German/Swiss production. 7/10
  9. I hope that selling them + Jojo & Osako means we can reinvest at least 6-8 million into the squad, but I honestly doubt it. Our financial situation is precarious.
  10. Sure. Austria, Switzerland, Scandinavian, Balkan countries and the likes. I agree with you there. But I would say that it's still not easy to find players there who fit into our preferred profile (young, with enough potential to develop in the future, but also good enough already to help us instantly) and then convince their clubs to sell them for peanuts. Just seeing how negotiations over Kastrati went with Zagreb, it looks like we're not in a position to be offering more than ~2 million Euro for a player.
  11. I wouldn't want to be in his position, to be honest. A bit hard to sign quality players with no money available
  12. 11m transfer fee + 3m in bonuses for Sargent, reportedly - similar to Rashica's deal. Not bad, especially in our current situation; hope there's a sell on clause included as well. Osako's transfer almost done, then we probably can expect Kapino, Friedl, Augustinsson, Eggestein, Veljkovic to be sold, too. Baumann said he expects to announce some new signings next week. As it stands now, still a lot of areas that need strengthening badly. DM (Aursnes?), two wingers, at least one striker, a RB. A lot of work to be done.
  13. Huh? It literally says they will be playing in the Premier League in 2021/22, after having won the Championship last season
  14. Pretty sure they are not a 2nd division team anymore this season...
  15. Not confirmed, but yes, Norwich is reportedly the destination. If true, then it's pretty cool, considering that Rashica is already there, too.
  16. This is incredible. Meet the most powerful, the tallest ever assembled, and the only fully reusable rocket ever. First fully stacked Starship
  17. As reported yesterday, Sargent's transfer is close to being done. Not in the squad for the Pokal match anymore.
  18. Let me know what you think when you finish it... I absolutely loved it.
  19. I just worry about the quality of the replacements. I'm not a fan of Osako at all, but he surely had enough individual quality for the 2. Liga. Sargent is decent, has quite a few shortcomings but works hard and is still very young, so I still see a future potential in him, and I reckon he'd score about 15 goals if he stayed. If all of them leave, we're left with always-injured or out of shape Füllkrug. The only name that has been linked with us so far has been Simon Zoller hardly a huge improvement, and already 30 years old. I don't like the look of things.
  20. Perseverance to take its first core sample today.
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