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Posts posted by JoshBRFC

  1. Just now, CaaC (John) said:

    @JoshBRFC, off-topic but you are a boxing man, that young lad in the pic was our eldest grandson when he was 10 years old, he is now 15 and in a junior boxing tournament in Motherwell, Scotland, he fought in the quarter-finals tonight and won and is in the final tomorrow, happy old man I am. 

    He fought this guy last week who was taller than him and won, he has a great pair of hands and the future looks good and his trainer/coach said he has potential. :D



    Amazing pal, you should be very proud. Good luck I wish you both all the best for tomorrow :) . The sweet science is great for kids and is a fantastic way to teach them about respect.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Just going through some of my old works do photos from the company I left before Christmas. Met some good people there who I’ll be definitely be staying in touch with including these in these pictures. Yes I like ripped jeans and no I haven’t fallen over. 

    It was a messy day and night :x


    • Upvote 3
  3. 4 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    It's been... 10 years roughly, I think.

    It's kind of a long story, but I was going mental working at the family business after uni. For a bit I got another job that sort of put me on a different path and on that different path I was basically made aware another degree could open up a lot of doors for me and I was recommended some schools to apply to, including a couple of schools in the US. So I applied to some schools - and the best one I got into was in the US.

    I didn't really want to go, but after talking a lot with my parents/other family members I got a lot of encouragement to make the move. And then while I was getting my degree I ended up getting an internship where I'd end up getting a job offer by the company that would sponsor my first working visa in the US that was offering me a lot more money than I was getting the one job offer I had back home (if I was getting any UK offers at all, I got so many rejections it was really disheartening).

    So I took the option with more money, which was also nice for me because at the time I'd also started dating the woman who I'd eventually marry. Now I've ended up pretty settled here, even though when I first came over I thought I'd be back in the UK ASAP xD

    Interesting mate, fair play to ya. Sounds like you’ve lived quite the life thus far and the calculated risk paid off. You ever any plans to bring the Yank Missus back home :ph34r: ? 


  4. 5 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Like @Spike, I'm not an American... but I live here, so I can maybe answer.

    Tbh, I don't think Biden is "as bad" or "worse" than Trump. With Trump there was just a tsunami of scandal, it felt like every week there was a new issue... and still today, the other parts of US government are still trying to deal with the behavior of Trump that often times broke many US laws.

    But I don't think Biden is a great president - but tbh, I never expected him to be that great of a president. I liked him more than Trump, but politically he's pretty much a bland middle of the road/business as usual type US president. And Kamala Harris is someone that I think has a better reputation with Democrats outside the state where she was elected as a Senator.

    But my biggest criticisms of Biden go beyond the big criticism that a lot of the more right-wing media like to hammer him for. They go after things like: inflation & the economic aftermath of COVID, which is his fault to an extent because he's President... but a big part of the issue there is he inherited a mess from a President that didn't really take steps to properly mobilise against the virus and even encouraged people not care about the pandemic. And then shit like petrol prices, where the President doesn't really have more power to do anything.

    My biggest criticism of Biden (and the Democratic party at large) is that he's kept a lot of Trump's foreign policy the same, while also responsible for the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan that is a direct result of the US invasion, occupation, and sudden withdrawal. And I don't think "well I'm the President, so I had to stick with my predecessors deal with the Taliban" really flies when the guy before him didn't stick with his predecessors deal with an also shitty but less shitty group of people in the region.

    And with his domestic agenda, he and his party have sat on their slight advantage and managed to barely get anything meaningful passed. Trump only really got one meaningful law through congress - his big tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy... but at least that was a cornerstone of his agenda. Biden campaigned on a lot of things but it doesn't look like he'll get any meaningful legislation passed on his watch... and it's looking like Republicans will take the House and Senate again, and then he'll definitely not get anything passed.

    But he's basically been the President I expected him to be. Moderate Democrats might as well be the moderate Republicans of 10 years ago, so it's not surprising that he doesn't seem too different to Trump.

    Thanks mate. Pretty much answered what I was asking and more. I’ve just heard a lot recently but wanted to hear it from someone first hand. How long have you lived over there for? And why? I forget after not posting for a while xD.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Tommy said:

    Many years ago in Germany still from the "old" forum. SchalkeUK was there, liverbird, Relling, that polish guy Kloppische, Panflute, that unique Canadian we once had (Tonio or something). 

    MUFC was not around back then, thankfully. :ph34r:

    Sounds good. Liverbird - what a woman she is. I see her pop up from time to time on Instagram, very nice and likeable person. Would love to get a new meet up planned. :D 

  6. 38 minutes ago, Tommy said:

    Ever since I was a teenager I was a bit on the chubby side. Once in my mid 20's I weight almost 100kg. Then I started working out and lost a lot of weight, but was still a bit chubby-ish as you can see on the pictures of the forum meet-up we have somewhere around here. But when the first lockdown started and I started to gain weight again, I started working out seriously, and without breaking my workout routine. Now for the first time in my life I am quite athletic. Feels good and comes with so many benefits. Better mental health, more confidence etc. 

    I could never do more than 20 push-ups as well. But if you stick with it your body improves and adapts so quickly. 

    You had a forum meet up? Where was that? Did you get any feet pictures? Asking for a friend @MUFC.

    I would never have thought you weighed 100kg more than you currently do, you look well in all the pics I’ve seen. 

    • Wow 1
    • Upvote 1
  7. 36 minutes ago, Spike said:


    - why biden bad?
    - what makes you ask this question?
    - me watch two podcasts
    - can you explain what they say in these podcasts
    - *gets angry and confused*

    I don't know what you want. I tried to help you, I just needed to know what stuff in particular about Biden you saying Americans don't like. I can't read your mind.

    Are you even a yank? Basically how has it been under Biden? Stop trying to be a smart arse, only room for one of us. 

    PS - I don’t get angry ;)

  8. Random question here after watching a podcast of an American.

    From an outsider before the elections I was pro Biden and against Trump. 

    However, from an outsider now it sounds like Biden is just as bad if not worse? How do the Americans on here feel about Biden so far? I watch regular podcasts but don’t necessarily keep up with the mainstream news. 

    Just curious as I find it interesting! :) 

  9. 11 minutes ago, Tommy said:

    Great. 60-90 minutes cardio three times a week. 200 press-ups every other day. Sometimes some dumbbell training. Feeling good. 

    That’s good. I had a break over Christmas.

    Just starting again with the basics, I’ve never gone to the gym in my life but I’m considering it this year. To maintain a health and balanced lifestyle you don’t need a gym anyway, but I just want to try it out.

    I’ve always been naturally good with cardio and I’m back in the swing doing a few miles every few days. However I’ve started the more physical side now, only baby steps… and you’re right what you said in the other topic regarding push-ups. I started managing 20 the other day and I’ve never done them.. few days later into the 30s now. I know that’s nothing but when you’ve hardly ever done them in your life before.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Who's watching UFC271?

    Sun, 13 Feb, 03:00
    Middleweight·Main event
    21 - 1 - 0
    24 - 5 - 0
    Sun, 13 Feb, 03:00
    26 - 8 - 0 , 1NC
    14 - 3 - 0
    Sun, 13 Feb, 03:00
    14 - 5 - 0
    23 - 7 - 0
    Sun, 13 Feb, 03:00
    9 - 2 - 0
    16 - 8 - 0
    Sun, 13 Feb, 03:00
    28 - 12 - 1
    13 - 4 - 0





    The heavyweight Co Main will be fun - expect a KO within a round!


  11. It's such a weak and negative characteristic when you have to resort to personally insulting someone. I wasn't active to know or see what was going on, but it's something i feel strongly about and see in real day to day life and i've had it against me.... losing an argument or a debate, i'll resort to personally insulting you.


  12. 12 minutes ago, 6666 said:

    Some great moments from the past. xD


    Ha love it. Weirdly i've been watching similar the last few days. After i watched Stone Cold's podcast with Taker, the first one, where he mentions trying to get Taker to break character and it never worked and they showed a few clips. I ended up watching a lot of random videos. A funny one is where they miss with the moves yet the wrestlers still react. xD

  13. 2 minutes ago, RondónEFC said:

    To be fair, Lewis drove conclusively better than Vettel in 2017 and 2018. Even if Vettel had matched him, though, Ferrari never had the goods compared to Mercedes in the development race. That's the story of the hybrid era though. The best driver on the grid in the best team on the grid in an era of F1 with very few cars breaking down and DRS making it pretty easy to recover from adversity if you have a fast car, one big recipe for the absolute dominance we end up seeing.

    If Lewis was in that Ferrari he would have won the title. 


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