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Everything posted by JoshBRFC

  1. JoshBRFC

    Off Topic

    Haha yep. So many people I know are saying they’re not getting the vaccine. I’m not biting for now as everyone has their god given choice. It’s when people start saying “you’re all sheep” bla bla or “you’re stupid for doing this” bla bla that tempts me to bite. The best one is “don’t believe the media” yet believe some tin hat Facebook expert.
  2. JoshBRFC


    AJ offering his support for DDD.
  3. Hahaha wow that's hilarious Sent to my Everton fan mate. Who the **** randomly thinks... i'm going to work that stat out!?!?
  4. Did anyone see the BBC last night in Wuhan? They’re back to their day to day normal lives without masks. Also I believe that China are now trying to say the virus didn’t originate in their Country?
  5. Great news. And if the bottom part of his tweet is true then that’s something for us as a country to be incredibly proud of.
  6. Did you get yours @Mel81x ? You said you were a week away... but also prior to that you were getting a series x iirc?
  7. Not yet, but I will! I think you’d know if I had as i would have posted excited pictures in the PS5 thread
  8. Wow really... that’s good news. Cant wait to play it on the PS5.
  9. The justice department says there is no evidence of widespread fraud in presidential election
  10. Enjoyed Carra and Neville‘s debate about VAR and other rules after the West Ham-Villa game just now. Carragher’s Sly comment to Neville. “I bet you was the Milk Monitor in school” hahahahaha
  11. Haha that’s brilliant. I’m stealing that video I think it applies to a lot of teams, it’s a strange season so far for obvious reasons. I heard a stat in the post match analysis about your home form which I found quite surprising considering how high up in the table you are. I think it was 4 home games lost all last season and 3 already? No fans affecting some clubs more than others, clearly.
  12. Gary Neville speaking sense.... as always. Such a good pundit.
  13. JoshBRFC


    Yeah it was 2 8 minute rounds. They also reduced the ring size which suited Tyson’s style much better. Tyson looked well for 15 years out of the ring and a 50 odd year old man. Hopefully he got rid of some demons by doing the exhibition
  14. JoshBRFC


    It was what i expected to be honest given their age. Tyson should have won though... i was shocked with the draw. RJJ was doing all the hugging and boring tactics which i thought the ref should have stopped.
  15. JoshBRFC


    How do you know he's a prick? Do you know him personally? The hate bandwagon for Eddie is bigger than any set of fans in boxing. It's quite bizarre. I also have never come across fans of just matchroom, just boxing fans.. and i've been to several live shows from various promoters and different stables. People slate other promoters, and i get drawn in myself sometimes.. often when defending against the Hearn hatred bandwagon. But the only fanboys i tend to see are the Hearn hatred bandwagon fanboys. It's actually the exact opposite of what you're saying..
  16. Hahahahha is it bad that I genuinely believe you?
  17. JoshBRFC


    I don't have anything against you mate. I've enjoyed your input on a lot of topics over the years, boxing included. And i know i can be annoying But you're wrong, i don't think the Man is a saint.. far from it. I just like the guy... and respect what he's done. I just love how honest and open he is.. and actually quite vulnerable. He knows full well why he gets hate, but he remains positive and passionate about the sport. But he's fucked up many times and had some stinker of shows. Some dreadful ones... like at the weekend. Jacobs Rosado was very bad. The world would be a bloody boring place if we all disliked and liked the same things/people. And if we all agreed on every single thing. I respect a differing in opinion to myself and try to stay open minded.
  18. Seems like it's Cech who deserves the credit for making this deal happen! What a signing he's turned out to be. Are Kepa's days numbered? Can't see him sticking around on the bench.
  19. JoshBRFC


    God imagine being even feeling anything about how another male refers to another male. What do you want me to call him, Edward?
  20. JoshBRFC


    I’ve seen interviews where he has admitted it? I complained about Frank and BT and a Judge and you’ve turned it into Eddie Hearn. Haha obsessed man. You and so many people... why are you so full of hatred and bitterness? Eddie is a positive individual who’s in your face with that positivity. I love it. I personally couldn’t let another positive individual annoy me so much and also people who appreciate that positive individual... I couldn’t let them annoy me either you and 800 other people could jump on me and my mindset and opinion and positive mentality would not change. So crack on... Who is embarrassed? Because I’m certainly not
  21. JoshBRFC


    And?? Unfortunately, It’s happened on shows all over the world. Do you and the other obsessed Eddie hater above understand the difference though? Eddie himself would be the first to say that’s wrong and he has done in the past. As would I.. However the same honesty cannot be said for other promoters.
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