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Bluebird Hewitt

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Everything posted by Bluebird Hewitt

  1. Well I'm about a 30 minute drive from Merthyr Tydfil so if it starts to spread outside of the area then quite possibly.
  2. One of ours in North Wales is meant to be a similar scenario as well. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-53282714
  3. I'll keep an eye out for that, cheers. I've been eyeing up Dead Cells for a while as well but just haven't had a lot of time to buy and play it.
  4. Cracking stuff. Anything Hot Fuzz related gets an instant like. Also, we're opening pubs and restaurants (outdoors only) from 13th July, but no plans to open indoors just yet. As far as I've read, Northern Ireland opens fully tomorrow, followed by England on the 4th, Scotland (outdoors only) on the 6th and then indoors as well on the 15th. This is why I feel like banging my head against the wall with the Welsh Government. I have no issues with the cautious approach but we're being far too cautious. We opened non essential shops while still having a 5 mile guidance in place, then asking Ryanair not to use their airport for a few days because of the same guidance that should be removed from the 6th. Our lot didn't have an idea when pubs, restaurants and other hospitality areas could open because 'we don't know what will happen in the weeks or months ahead'. They're simply too scared to make any big decisions of there own (hence us lagging behind everyone else) while happily taking potshots at the UK government at every opportunity (basically playing politics in a pandemic, though this is nothing new), then at the same time begging Westminster for more money.
  5. While Leicester goes into lockdown, our health minister has said that there's no evidence of the Merthyr cases being in the wider community. It'll be interesting to see what happens in the coming days.
  6. Twitch, YouTube, does the same thing.
  7. Similar on YouTube as well. You get the same age group become million Aires just for playing Fortnite or wanking over a FIFA pack to encourage underage gambling.
  8. Wasn't sure whether to put this as a separate topic but will mention it here instead. Not sure if many have heard but there's been a few articles and tweets surrounding the games industry in regards to sexual misconduct (of which @Mel81x provided a link for the streamers side of it) There are a few stories out there around this, but thought this video might sum up some of the shit fest that has been happening.
  9. Rebecca Long-Bailey has been sacked from her position as shadow education secretary for sharing an article containing 'an anti-semitic conspiracy theory'. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-53183085 Wonder if Starmer will get stabbed in the back from the likes of Momentum and those who were firmly in Corbyn's camp.
  10. Pretty much this for me as well. Really don't like the idea of going for a meal or to the pub with distancing and everything else in place, especially as you'll have idiots who simply won't listen in general. Haircuts are fine for me as I just shave it off anyway (not to @DeadLinesman extent though).
  11. On a different note, it appears that a new Crash game is in the works for Xbox One and PS4 at least, ironically called It's About Time (seeing as we haven't had a new one for a few years, excluding the remakes). Will apparently be official on 22nd June. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-06-19-crash-bandicoot-4-its-about-time-leaked-by-taiwan-ratings-board Interestingly, they're saying that the game will be based around 1998 and is actually a numbered title (Crash Bandicoot 4). Wonder what that means in regards to a story. I also may be looking too much into that seeing as it's not exactly a story driven game. About as worthwhile looking into as any Mario platformer.
  12. Give him a break. He was at least 100 when he played StarFox.
  13. Technical masterpiece at the time.
  14. With EA around, that can easily change unfortunately. Have fun. I got a Switch as part of Black Friday sales in 2017 and am ashamed to say that I've hardly used it much. Nothing to do with the games at all. Just lack of time between work, socialising (though that's practically gone now) and the PS4. If you want a game with a challenge that's very well presented, I'd consider giving Cuphead a shot. True but even so, surely you don't announce your brand spanking new console with a 7 year old game.
  15. You know the drill with me unfortunately. Anything with EA on the front has to be taken with caution until release. Also, while I haven't seen the full PS5 reveal from beginning to end, I did hear that they opened with GTA5. Why?
  16. I haven't yet. I'll have a look through articles shortly.
  17. I've never played any of the Animal Crossing games but the part in bold is the vibe I get when seeing the games (ie. a general chill out game).
  18. Our lot atetrying to price us out with the minimum unit pricing in Wales as part of improving health here.
  19. For the old bastards among us, Alex Kidd in Miracle World is getting an official makeover. After viewing the trailer, I'm a tad mix on how it looks, but then I was the same with Streets of Rage 4 and that ended up looking very good.
  20. That's pretty much the mindset of Wales in general. Polls like this are meaningless as people will always vote Labour regardless of what they do (such as shutting A&E's and fobbing it off on the health board by insisting they can't do anything about it, not sacking a chief executive despite a big maternity scandal that lasted a few years, a health being being in special measures for the past 5 years, scrapping the much needed M4 relief road and using some of the money on 'alternative methods' that don't exist, demolishing a bus station in Cardiff a few years ago and still not even coming close to starting work on a new one, wanting to charge a congestion fee for driving to Cardiff despite a lack of public transport infrastructure, giving loan after loan on the government owned Cardiff Airport while those who got fucked by the floods got pittance overall by comparison, only for the Welsh Labour Government to beg Westminster for £150m and trying to politicise it, giving a huge middle finger to the Welsh public by going against them during Brexit, the list can easily continue) and 'anyone but the Tories', as the usual saying goes At the same time, the Tories themselves have not helped matters in this pandemic really with the PPE fiasco (that the Welsh Government also had issues with but barely got a mention) and the Cummings malarky.
  21. Hence why I said you'll be out quicker than us. We're taking a more cautious approach and will that's commendable, it's getting to the point of being in lockdown for too long by the time the review happens and something will have to give.
  22. For England, yes. However, as healthcare is devolved in the UK, I have to primarily abide by the Welsh Government rules. While the essential rulings (such as shopping for food) are the same, we are still under stricter lockdown rules. At present we can: 1. Go to a garden or recycling centre or go to a library. I think we can do golf as well though I need to double check that. 2. Exercise as much as possible within the local area (basically we must start and finish at our home) 3. See family members from a different household, but only outside or in a private outdoor area such as a garden. However, the guidance says we cannot go further than 5 miles (in rural areas, 5 miles gets you marginally closer to civilisation, let alone seeing someone), but this is a 'rule of thumb' and to 'use our own judgement'. In other words, as many people laughed at Boris Johnson about, you can't go 5 miles but you actually can. Other than that, we're still in lockdown until the next review on 18th June, which by that point will be 13 weeks.
  23. You'll probably get out of lockdown quicker than us.
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