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Bluebird Hewitt

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Everything posted by Bluebird Hewitt

  1. Firstly, I thought FUT was effectively pay to win anyway (unless you grind the coins forever and a day to get packs that are fully randomised anyway). Secondly, why the fuck would anyone pay hundreds of pounds A WEEK for a bunch of virtual player cards? It's no wonder EA are laughing all the way to the bank and the games industry is turning to shit with plenty of gullible wankstains pissing stupid amounts of money down the drain.
  2. Bluebird Hewitt

    Off Topic

    I see nothing wrong with that whatsoever.
  3. Forgot he got out of Zohore's pocket in all honesty.
  4. Funny you mention that. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-02-07-why-bakayoko-is-the-worst-player-in-the-premier-league-but-the-best-player-in-fifa
  5. Shamefully, I haven't got round to playing Doom yet and really need to.
  6. The irony of this is that due to the feminazi's wanting this, the grid girls are now out of a job. Same with the girls in darts and most likely the same with boxing, UFC and at Crystal Palace in the future.
  7. Remember that 'holier than thou' attitude that was mentioned earlier in this thread? I think this article pretty much sums it up in a nutshell. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-42833132
  8. It wasn't that bad. I need to get up to speed as I haven't played it for a couple of years now.
  9. I'll give you a kicking at some point.
  10. Still currently playing Mario Odyssey when I have the chance, but following Amazon's 'Big Thanks' offer and a gift card, I got Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (I'm an idiot I know) and Horizon Zero Dawn on the way as well. @Mel81x I think you had Mario Kart 8 on Switch didn't you?
  11. Cheers. Need to actually look up more of Denmark as I thought they used the Euro. Yeah, I prefer a break in cities for a few days rather than doing clubs and shit like that.
  12. Might be heading off to Denmark in September for the Wales game. Nothing booked yet though.
  13. Pft. Too scared to fight cats.
  14. Pretty much this for me. Got no problems if they want to be a veggie or a vegan, but the smug attitude pisses me off. Hell, they kicked off because the new five and ten pound notes contain the tiniest trace of tallow on them.
  15. Seen what some waves can be like. Brings back horrible memories of playing Starcraft and Command & Conquer (the latter before EA..........'EA'd' the series) online.
  16. Bluebird Hewitt

    Off Topic

    That sounds as bad as someone I work with putting sugar in the fridge.
  17. Been seeing a few clips on Youtube. Looks pretty decent and a little different as well.
  18. Bluebird Hewitt

    Off Topic

    All I've done is clean up a little bit since the turn of the year (been on leave this week). Sorry to hear about your dog (same with @Bluewolf which must have been heartbreaking at that young an age) Mine was put down in the middle of last year at 16 and a half after having her as a puppy. A variety of issues such as a knackered back leg (she basically couldn't get up on her own and when helped up, would spin around on the spot before landing hard on the floor), a swollen front leg and when checked by the vet, there were signs of internal blood and possible traces of cancer. Given all that and her age as well, there was no other choice.
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