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6666 last won the day on November 10 2023

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  1. People are out there doing evil shit that you would struggle to even think up. Psychos. https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/may/07/british-woman-admits-global-monkey-torture-network
  2. So you're saying he would've been perfect?
  3. Dortmund beating either Bayern/Madrid in the final would be great to see. Strange that they're so good in Europe while being average in the Bundesliga. Bayern getting there while being poor by their standards would be weird as well. Maybe the Bundesliga is... good?
  4. I have to win one of these leagues.
  5. This is you trying to justify Israel's genocide. Won't work. Your "If Israel's crimes are challenged, then so should everyone else's" statement isn't much of a defence. It's you saying "Israel should be allowed to commit genocide in peace". Human rights are easier to come by without a violent occupier killing and oppressing everyone. So ending that would be a good start. Thankfully there are fewer and fewer people just going along with governments that try to protect Nazi Israel.
  6. Hopefully one day countries that claim to be good aren't palling up with horror show leaders of countries like that of Saudi Arabia & Israel. Maybe those countries that claim to be good could start off by not having horror show leaders themselves and by no longer arming these psychos in their wars... Those dickhead leaders in Saudi are also trying to clamp down on criticism of Israel. Evil protecting evil. And your last sentence applies to every religion when just judging by the book. Doing a whole "this religion doesn't, but the ones I identify with does" isn't the logic that works with anyone that isn't trying to feed their bigotry. People, regardless of being religious or not, regardless of which religion they follow, can be progressive/conservative based more on how they've been brought, what they've learnt and who they've interacted with in their life. This is something that humans with at least an ounce of awareness know. Also funny that you suddenly care about being progressive... Obviously you're not just playing that up to justify your bigotry. Hopefully you do care about unfair punishment of activists though and are against the mistreatment of the activists against Israel's genocide.
  7. Dominant performance with little trouble. Man City dropping points at this stage of the season is extremely unlikely but there's always hope.
  8. Tories losing close to 50% of their seats. A good election for the Tory Labour party. As the count currently stands, the Lib Dems also have more seats now. Independents doing well as well. Both are good things going forward to challenge the Tory & Labour establishment.
  9. How can a country be this much in another country's pocket? Going totalitarian for another country isn't something I've seen before.
  10. Identity of the attacker and his victims revealed. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68941125 Nothing as of yet indicating what his motive might've been.
  11. People that protest against Israel's genocide are not the same as people that protest against critics of Israel's genocide. Let's not create this false equivalency. The latter, quite simply, are cunts.
  12. Hoffenheim 0-2 Leipzig Dortmund 3-1 Augsburg Wolfsburg 1-1 Darmstadt Bremen 0-1 Gladbach Stuttgart 2-2 Bayern Köln 1-0 Freiburg Union 2-1 Bochum Frankfurt 2-1 Leverkusen Heidenheim 0-2 Mainz
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