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How self-opinionated are you?

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I would generally class my self as not that self opinionated. I mean I have opinions on lots of things but I generally realise I don't have all the facts and so I quite willing to change my mind and listen to other ideas. However I do have quite strong morals and that would maybe be the exception.

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I am an easy-going guy and as I got older I am still the same old guy as always if I have an opinion I will say it and keep it if I have a strong feeling about something but I will listen to other peoples opinions and if I see sense or logic in it then I will go with the tide.

Like Paul Pogba, Woody Woodpecker and the Glazers are a load of shite and need tossing in the Mersey, I won't change my opinion on that one. :D  

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Not really argumentative if that what your referring to? Sometimes you argue with people who you know are wrong and deep down they carry on arguing for the sake of arguing. Hard for some people to swallow their pride and admit their wrong. I just get around it by cracking jokes and having a laugh, because getting involved can just eat you up and drag you down to levels you don't want to be.

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I was quite a moral person in my youth and my friends all smoked cigarettes and talked quite loosely about their women etc, sharing details with the boys. I stood out by staying clear of it and probably dished out a few narcy remarks when they tried to get me to join in.

I'm much more understanding and empathetic these days. Live and let live. I don't know what other peoples lives and experiences have shaped them how they are. Good luck to each and every person.

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i'm very opinionated but I've learned that just because I have the right to an opinion doesn't mean it's always worth sharing. Nowadays I tend to weigh up whether stating my opinion is worth the amount of hassle it might cause, regardless of whether I am 'right' or 'wrong'. In addition to that, it's important to remember that the many forms of social conditioning we are all subjected to in various degrees shape our views, beliefs and, to an extent, our morality so attacking people for their views, especially if you had those views at one point, is a bit pointless really. 

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