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Everything posted by Danny

  1. Some media rhetoric is that they want to be hero’s, but those pesky unions keep preventing that..the complacency that is setting in feels maddening
  2. Danny

    Off Topic

    When playing it taps into apart of your brain you just don’t feel like you’re using when playing other sports...playing consistently makes it a better watch on the Tele cos you’re aware of what’s happening more and more
  3. I’m not an expert and definitely not well versed in this so I won’t drag an argument on...but the article makes valid points in how personal and national circumstance can often be ignored when claiming obesity, and often obesity as described as being over a certain BMI to be an issue. There is also a growing movement amongst health and medical professionals who would support that rhetoric such as this exists as weight stigma as opposed to it being concrete.
  4. I was referring to the parts that questioned the way obesity is connected to Covid19 in that the obesity rates generally match national obesity rates, which in itself doesn’t show obesity as being particularly harmful just representative of national averages. It also pointed out how obesity rates are generally higher amongst the working classes and these are the same group of people likely to contract Covid. The research done also doesn’t delve into health issues or occupations either, essentially just sees a large portion of obese people and assumes that’s a health risk rather than the reasons behind why there might be a larger pool of obese people
  5. Good article on obesity and coronavirus https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/coronavirus/obesity-covid-19?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social-share-article&utm_content=20200430&fbclid=IwAR0pa36R0GRG14lcwLLAEkFZ5_NdPSTPSHDgKXqNJtt2G7vs7glMjYbeERc
  6. Danny

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    I haven’t played golf enough the last few years to go out and enjoy it without spending a few hours at the driving range first....as it is that grass wouldn’t look so pretty
  7. Not a surprise Doesnt really highlight that the services were cut back because like most services it is operated by generally lower socio-economic employees who have children and families that they need to protect...and also to protect themselves
  8. Danny

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    Ever have reoccurring dreams of an old job that you had? That you work there again? Just seen an advertisement for a warehouse I used to work in and that reoccurring dream could be a possibility again
  9. This is shocking but not surprising and the poor nature of what they done is definitely not party specific, it’s an issue that effects politics deeply and I’m not just referring to the smear campaign when I say that https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/labour-leaks-report-antisemitism-racism-diane-abbott-butler-a9468521.html The fact is very little will be done, they might be sacked, someone else will come in and the culture that allows all this shit to happen will remain
  10. Unions for transport workers considering shutting down trains and buses for their employees and the public’s safety. Would be the right thing to do seeing as the government sent everyone out to work without a care
  11. Johnson responded stating that Starmer was misleading the public now as he did not include that the advice at the time was based on the assumption that the spread of coronavirus was not happening within the community. A poor response imo seeing as 11 days after the 12th March the entire country went into lockdown. I don't think Starmer has misled anyone, as of the 12th March and before the government should have been aware of the potential this pandemic had to kill people seeing as it was already making it's way around the world. You would assume it would be very negligent of an official stance that care homes would be unlikely to be hit, with the effects of the virus on show in China and Italy...to then 11 days later introduce an unprecedented national lockdown, followed by further unprecedented measures such as a national furlough scheme due to the spread of the virus. Not to mention that further issues such as lack of PPE gear and lack of testing, which has been encouraged by the WHO from the start, would have added to the deaths in care homes.
  12. Danny

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    One good thing with Facebook is that it's a lot easier to curate your feed by blocking/hiding people, Twitter you end up seeing tweets because someone you follow likes it. I've got to the point now with Twitter that I just create lists, I've got a football journalist list and essentially you click on the list and the entire feed just becomes their tweets and theirs only...football galore.
  13. Very happy to see somebody properly holding the current government to account:
  14. Danny

    Off Topic

    There is a benefit if you can keep it lighthearted, keep up with people, see family photos etc but in general it can be very addictive
  15. News organisations blaming commuters for taking public transport “even though” Boris said to avoid it...really chips away at that hope for accountability tbh.
  16. Danny

    Off Topic

    Anyone deleted social media apps off their phone? Had Twitter deleted for a month now and it’s a very good change of pace, the amount of arguments you’re open to seeing is ridiculous. Just a negative algorithm in general. Also deleted Facebook too, though it’s a lot easier curate your Facebook page as you can just delete/hide people whose political opinions you don’t want to see.
  17. I think it’s more people who just like to see shows of strength, a new slogan for a new lockdown, Boris getting animated in his speeches. Donald Trump lite. There’s a large generation of people in the country who have that Empire mindset, Britain shall never be slaves, stiff upper lip, stick up a flag, start shouting and have their bellies tickled by being told how great they are. Great Britain...the Great British public....it’s an entire generation who’s worth is built on a perception that they are part of the best country in earth vs a generation of people growing up who are globalised, grew up talking to friends all around the world on the internet, less barriers in the way, identity not built as much on flags and barriers but connection to people. Maybe the split there is naturally Labour/Conservatives but it was definitely seen in the Remain/Leave camps imo
  18. No, completely different newspaper. News of the World hacked her phone and as a result were closed down, Morgan was the editor of the Mirror. There were accusations that the Mirror hacked celebrities phones but I don't think it was ever proven. I imagine that's where the confusion has come from and the story that he hacked her phone has stuck. Morgan was fired by the Mirror for publishing photos showing British soldiers torturing Iraqis, the Mirror said that the photos were maliciously hoaxed and so Morgan had to go. Morgan however said: "I was fired. I refuse to apologize. And I refuse to accept that they were necessarily fakes. To this day, nobody has ever been prosecuted for it. They never found out who took the pictures. They arrested somebody, a soldier, but at the last minute, rather than go through with the prosecution and the faking of the pictures, they chose him as a prosecution witness in another torture case, thereby implying that he had credibility. I will apologize if firm evidence ever materializes that they were 100 percent fake, I will apologize." https://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2013/01/piers-morgan-on-phone-hacking-iraq-photos-154551
  19. Morgan didn't hack a dead girl's phone, that was carried out by the News of the World. He is a massive bellend though who stirs ignorance and hatred to draw in his viewership
  20. Looking back on it her wanting that crop of academy players who are now largely lower league footballers to be made regular first teamers was probably the craziest opinion that she has posted on here...and she has denied the holocaust happened
  21. Yeah you’ve got to commit to washing your shopping when you get home too
  22. Issue with gloves is that it makes little difference in terms of washing your hands. If you’re going to go into a shop and wear a pair of gloves specifically for it, shop inside and when done chuck them as soon as you finish then you’re less likely to spread anything or catch something yourself because youve only worn the same gloves in the shop. But if you’re gunna wear gloves all day then really there’s no benefit over not wearing them as the gloves are still going to attract the disease the same as your hands would and they would remain on your hands for as longs as it takes for you to take them off...it’d be cleaner not wearing gloves and just washing your hands regularly
  23. I must have missed the part in the dictionary where stay alert didn’t mean stay alert but meant follow the rules...idiots
  24. Completely this, it will be their psychology of scaring the public into a lockdown by sacrificing people as the disease spreads again....is what the “cynic” on me is saying...
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