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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. I was reading this morning that Drinkdriver & Bakayoko will not be part of Lampard's plans... https://metro.co.uk/2019/07/28/frank-lampard-decides-sell-chelsea-flops-tiemoue-bakayoko-danny-drinkwater-10473564/
  2. Right, might explain the low review scoring then...
  3. @nudge Another Life ( 10 episodes ) probably more up your street than 'The Boy's' at least..
  4. Just getting thunder now in the distance... hoping it rains to cool the place down a bit..
  5. Bluewolf

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    I have been up since 4.45am Thursday morning to be more precise... so that's nearly 24 hours I can never get to sleep when I am not on shift, I suppose it's the idea that I can just crash when I want and also partly because I like to make the most of my time off where I can... The missus reckons I never did get rid of the night owl in me..
  6. Bluewolf

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    No, just up late.... spent 10 years across 2 jobs working nights and that's enough for me... enjoyed it though, It does have it's perks
  7. Bluewolf

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    How come you need an online calculator to work out your overtime then... What happens when a member of your staff comes up and says I think my wages are wrong this week Mr Josh.. Do you tell them to google it??? I bet you send them to Payroll to sort it out... I can just see it now.. Senior management were all in a tizzy because they have too much work and not enough people and from the end of the table a lone man stands up, "I will be your hero" you say," You pull your shirt open and there is a big big J emblazoned on a T-shirt underneath.. "Get that man a medal" someone shouts... There is a small but brief standing ovation and then relived they fuck off home sharpish for the night leaving you in charge... You wander off to spend time on the internet while all the minions do all the graft, meanwhile you believe you are in line for employee of the month and your pockets are lined with double time gold...
  8. Bluewolf

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    Use this one.. scroll down for the calculator https://goodcalculators.com/overtime-calculator/ You clearly have the time if you are piss balling about on here for double your normal rate instead of actually doing any work.. Clearly the place lacks a good management structure where it can weed out those who get double pay yet only do 50% of the work...
  9. Bluewolf

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    Love is a lot like a fart... If you have to force it it's probably shit...
  10. Been so hot today I was working in the freezers with just a T-Shirt on to keep cool.. crazy heat
  11. Yea, somewhere between 6th and 9th for me, despite Hazard moving on we still have a lot of potential in the side to be pushing top 6 but I think it would be unrealistic to think an automatic top 4 is a given this season, the difference for me obviously being Hazard who was very much a game changer for us and not having anyone else in the side that can have that same impact currently but that's not to say we won't, but we need to find another way of making that happen or finding someone else who can influence the outcome of games that keep us from getting draws and turning them into wins.. As Cicero pointed out we still have players that need to come back into the side yet from injury like Kante, CHO & Reuben Loftus-Cheek who for me can be the driving force for the future but it will all depend how quickly they can be back... It will be a bit of a hit and miss season, some good results and performances and some not so good but I am not really worried about that.. What does worry me is that Lampard like every other manager before him needs time... and like every other manager before him I doubt he will get it.. Still looking forward to the season though even if it ends with no silverware... We are some way off City and Pool currently so don't expect us to be closing that gap in the League anytime soon and Lampards inexperience as a manager in Europe might see us making an earlier exit but with a good run in the Cups who knows??
  12. I can just imagine you going out foraging while I finish our log cabin in the wilderness and you coming back with a load of mushrooms and no pants.... "What happened" "Oh I met a bloke over the other hill and swapped them for some magic beans.. "
  13. Saw this earlier... luck or not it was a sweet strike and what a way to win a match...
  14. Yea I watched it... you will probably enjoy it mate I did
  15. Bluewolf

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    @CaaC (John) always did have a bit of a glass jaw... I hardly caught him and he went down like a sack of spuds..
  16. Lost 1-0 to a team named after a motorbike.. Lampard Out!!!! Didn't get to see the game but sounded like we struggled a bit up front, The team are going to need a period of adjustment while he tinkers about with formations and players and that won't come overnight, not too worried about pre-season friendlies to be honest.. nice if we start clicking early but not a disaster if we don't, at least not at this stage...
  17. At least it's keeping things reasonably interesting as you move along.. Although I would be more than happy to plough my fields for seeding and gathering wood for the winter I think I would start getting itchy feet.. my hair would grow longer, I would hear the howling of the wolf in the distance and wonder what plunder awaits me over yonder hill, I would wear thick bear skin coats and the skull of a dead ram on my head and put beads in my beard and paint my face... I would be all moody walking around camp growling at people while waving around my pointy spear trying to be the dominant male... There is only so much satisfaction I could get shouting and waving my fist out of my hut window "oi!! get orf my land" Throwing potatoes at raiders while I watch them trample all over my corn and making off with my sheep before I felt the calling of something greater, An army perhaps to crush my enemies, steal their livestock, enslave their women and expand my empire... I had a vision.... it came to me in the night
  18. Cheers for the heads up, I will check it out tomorrow...
  19. Nice I see you have decent little village there with defences in place.. what's the population??
  20. Gotcha.. the frozen one sounds quite tough, I should imagine that food would be a challenge in that environment
  21. Ok.. keep me updated please I would like to know roughly how many hours of gameplay you might expect from it...
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