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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. After today's awful result this at least cheered me up...
  2. One of his jobs was a tanner... probably where he acquired some of those ideas... couldn't hold down a job so clearly went down the self employed route
  3. Bluewolf

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    Kids... Just popped over the road for 5 minutes come back and find an empty box of my Viennese Whirls on my bed... There were 4 left and after carrying out a thorough investigation I narrowed it down to 2 suspects.. Leelah being the instigator and Mooms being the accomplice.. they have scoffed them all.. not a crumb left!! Laura tried to deny that she had been in our room so I asked her to explain the blue balloon on our bed?? she had no answer Going to have to start locking the door now... she is always in here robbing my stash of goodies..
  4. Sounds like your biology teacher was one step ahead then... allowing the turtle to explore and mix with others was vital to it's physical and mental growth, just goes to show that if you nurture a pet in the early years it can live a fulfilling life... I have to seriously question any owner who basically imprisons his pet in a glass cage only to be leered at once or twice a day... Might as well be on Death Row If that turtle has any intelligence it will learn to bounce on that ball and leap the glass and make a run for freedom at the first available opportunity...
  5. Well I am not suggesting taking him on a bear hunt or anything too risky... the library would probably be a good start.. ease him into it first before exploring other avenues.. might take a while before he has mastered the art of keepy uppies so need to keep him occupied in the meantime
  6. Do you ever cater for his dreams and aspirations though??? Can't be much fun being stuck in a glass cage all day while you go off on tours and what not.. he probably has ambitions and you could be stifling him..
  7. Bluewolf

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    Happy Birthday mate.. have a good one
  8. Bluewolf

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    If I get a number pop up I don't recognise then I ignore it normally unless I am expecting one obviously..
  9. Bluewolf

    Members Pictures

    Lovely picture mate..
  10. Bluewolf

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    I never open fuck all with an attachment and sure as hell don't click any of them 'start here' to claim bits.. I have had 2 in the last 3 weeks, one for a supposed refund on my TV Licence Fee and the other for a Tax Refund.. You can normally spot them a mile off.. That FBI one seemed genuine though... I only say that because about half an hour ago a Swat van drove past my house really, really slowly and they seem to have cordoned off both ends of the street for some reason..
  11. Bluewolf

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    Well they won't pull the new grass up so not too worried about that.. that will save me a bit of graft, they will just think it's sand under there
  12. Bluewolf

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    Can't talk now Stan, got 2.5 tonnes of talc to shift from the sheds out somewhere else... Do you reckon they would bother looking in Leelahs play shed or not?? better not take any chances just in case...
  13. Bluewolf

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    Just going through my junk e-mails and stumbled on this... That's annoying.. going to have to find another way to get my er... talcum powder money back home now.. Last time I trust FedEx with anything.. worse than Royal Mail they are...
  14. Bluewolf

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    Used to have loads when the kids were younger.. looking back I am surprised I managed to fit so much in with a family and work but not so much these days, funny enough with 4 on and 4 off I actually have loads more time to indulge in such things with the kids being older but find myself just chilling out in my spare time.. still got one or two on the go though... On another note I see the 'snow bomb' has arrived.. the way they were talking I was expecting to be up to my knees in it but just been out the back and hardly any out there... won't stop them cancelling trains and transport etc.. we are rubbish at handling even the lightest snow in this country.
  15. I didn't see that before replying... Great minds think alike.. what a great crew..
  16. All aboard the Arcadia... prepare for take off..
  17. Bluewolf

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    The day I have to hand over a roll of cash or give my credit card number for a womans company is the day I will dig my own grave climb in and let people throw dirt in my face...
  18. Bluewolf

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    I would never pay for company.... it's beneath me to stoop so low.. I was thinking that if I had a private island with beer and whiskey it would be good to spend some quality time with someone at least
  19. Bluewolf

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    Yea.. I could go for that..
  20. Bluewolf

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    And perhaps some good company...
  21. Bluewolf

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    Whats the alcohol content of one of them then??
  22. Bluewolf

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    Another shift over and payday tomorrow... now what should I spend my money on??
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