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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Spike

    Off Topic

    Ask Ben Shapiro about Jewish involvement in Bolshevism and anything concerning the grey-morality of Israel. Very intelligent fellow but is blindingly loyal to the cock-cutting-cult of Judaism.
  2. Spike

    Off Topic

    My first weekend in two weeks. So relaxed right now. I'm thanful I managed to fix my computer before my weekend as that was incredibly stressful. I had to splurge on a new graphics cards though, which isn't what my wallet wanted.
  3. It doesn't say anything because there is no context. Football is too complicsted to reduce it to a single statement.
  4. Liverpool forward Sadio Mane has been injured. 

  5. I drank a bottle of Gatorade with Messi on the bottle the other day. Please don't tell Madridistas this
  6. Spike


    Not if people stop watching.
  7. Spike


    He is getting the wrong type of boos. 'Go away' isn't the same as 'I can't wait till he loses'.
  8. I almost changed my avatar and signature to Xavi and Puyol to really wind up Balon, but I decided against it.
  9. The worst part was is that I didn't even say I hated them. Just that one or two things they've done have irritated me. I don't hate any footballer or club.
  10. Spike


    Don't tell that to an Indian.
  11. I know right. It is like I talk about them like I would any club.
  12. Spike


    You answered your own question mate! People like it because it is a circus act.
  13. He should get 'concha de tu madre' framed as well.
  14. Spike


    Easily the worst Wrestlemania I've watched. I haven't watched wrestling in about eight months.
  15. A shame you didn't have collards. It looks like crappy boiled cabbage but with the right chef it is something amazing. The flavours of the ham hock and spices is something unique in the pot likker (the jus it is cooked in).
  16. I hope you tried some authentic deep-south soul food. Collard greens, BBQ, grits, fried green tomatoes, ahh the fusion of African-American cooking and traditional Southern cooking really brought out something unique.
  17. You need to spend some time in the deep south. Don't let anyone tell you America doesn't have a culture
  18. I was actually choking my nephew, thank you very much.
  19. Nah this is me and the mrs from last night. A family get together, stateside of course.
  20. Henry Rollins But I do strike the same sad facade.
  21. @SirBalon me working at starbucks (shaved head and all)
  22. Well, my wife did have a crush on him in high school... and she did call me 'abrasive' when we first met. So you probably aren't the only one. She thought it was hilarious when I told her.
  23. Spike


    Screaming out like a bunch of wild baboons always annoyed me more than sledging. Though sledging should really only be in the context of the player and the sport 'you're a bit of a fat cunt mate, you need the runs', 'you handle that bat like your cock', etc. It's when people take it too far like racial slurs, insulting family members, making it personal, needlessly aggressive and what not that I draw the line.
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