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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Spike

    Rugby League

    lmao MY best mate was on a team with all black guys once and his nickname was 'Wendel Sailor'. The irony being that Wendel Sailor was the only black fella on a white team at the time. Classic stuff. Gotta question for you mate, why are the NSW players (particularly the ones from Sydney) always such grubby cunts? Except Nathan Hindmarsh, only heard great stories about the cunt.
  2. Well you know, it's actually quite hard to get some good bangers in the states. Most are either Italian or German and they just aren't that great to have with mash.
  3. That is what the Nazis meant by masterrace
  4. I see. Well I don't know how others would feel about it and I would never tell anyone how to feel but I'd be continuously irritated if I was constantly reminded of the death a loved one. My grandfather died in front of me on my 14th birthday and that was quite horrifying and I find it quite upsetting every year someone asks me about it. Yeah well, I don't want to think about how he died all the time, I'd rather remember his person. So what I'm saying is; surely there are a group of people that want to move past the yearly remembrance?
  5. Does Liverpool do the whole schtick with Heysel as well? Never hear too much about it. Kinda odd that Heysel isn't as entrenched in Juve's identity as Hillsborough is to Liverpool.
  6. If the bloke gets ID'd he should be banned from Spurs games. There isn't anything wrong with a bash up if both parties wanna go but smacking a bloke unprovoked and permanently damaging his eyesight is cuntery of the highest order.
  7. How do you say 'thick cunt' in Yiddish? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-39729568
  8. Fucking hell is right. The guy while insane, has brought to light how horribly inept the German authorities are concerning refugees. The insanity of the times we are living in are bringing the worst in people/
  9. Take a loan from Bayern and watch your 15,000 crowds develop in 115,000 and regain the tag of 'most passionate fans in Europe'.
  10. We are about to witness some of the classic 'Storts damage control'.
  11. You're just jealous that Fergie's genius didn't translate into success in the Peace Cup.
  12. Americans can't fucking queue.

    1. football forums


      We don't "Queue" we barge in and take what we.... oh I see what you mean...

    2. football forums

      Devil-Dick Willie

      Shoot first, line up later

    3. football forums


      You obviously haven't seen Indians. We are the worst.

  13. I think that is a far more fitting name.
  14. Deny all boat people asylum and they'll stop coming. Nobody will make a trek to a nation that doesn't accept them. Australia isn't some boundless land like America, barely any of it is actually suitable for human life. It's a bloody first world country and it's still a struggle to get clean water to people, it's not going to get any better if the population triples.
  15. For the German lads, does Germany have a right-wing movement similar to France, the UK, and Italy? Isn't there a lot of social conditioning in Germany to react negatively to nationalism and right-wing politics? Or is that just a myth perpetuated by the Anglosphere media?
  16. Higuain is a balding fat cunt that can't even score against Barcelona. Go back to France, we Argies have no use for such mediocrity.

    1. football forums
    2. football forums


      @Fusion No need to destroy Skype, it's kinda funny.

  17. Spike

    Off Topic

    Speak for yourself cunt.
  18. I literally see 'James 10' jerseys hanging from the walls of Colombian cafes.
  19. Well, by good I mean 'watchable' and not absolute gash that is unintentionally hilarious or unwatchable. I almost need two scores. Twilight for instance is horrible but I enjoyed it immensely because of how bad it is. As a film it is a 3/10, as a bad film my enjoyment was about 8/10.
  20. In my books 5/10 is a good score. It is the average score. Anything higher is better than normal, anything less is trash. Most people seem to think good scores start at 7 or 8.
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