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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Haven't played since high school tbh, so you're right
  2. Spike

    Off Topic

    I eat my chicken rare. I'm classy like that. I look down on people that like to eat food in a manner different to me.
  3. And with that begins another five years of Wenger mediocrity.

    1. football forums


      I really hope you're wrong. As much as I respect Wenger and admire his record but Arsenal need a new direction to take them forward. They'll need to find the right person to take over to avoid pulling a United.

    2. football forums


      This is what they call prolonged suffering.

    3. football forums


      It is chemotherapy for the terminally ill.

  4. People talk like they know the man himself.
  5. I see it as a choice of falling on your sword know and let the healing process begin, or falling on your sword in five years but without the extra pesos! No matter what happens Barcelona are doomed to stumble and stutter or an unspecified amount of time when Messi leaves or retires. I actually wouldn't mind watching Messi play football in Italy in his twilight years, just for something new. It's just a romantic fantasy but imagine him smashing in goals at il San Paolo or finishing the Divine Ponytail's job at Artemio Franchi.
  6. It would be ultimate cruelty for someone to make 15 sub appearance in the season and total up twenty minutes in total game play time and receive a medal but another person that only played 20 minutes in the last game but scored the league winning goal to not receive a medal.
  7. Controversial post incoming: Let's have a look at a hypothetical situation. Barcelona receive a record bid for Lionel Messi, a bid so high it'd be madness to turn down but also hard to accept because Messi is head and shoulders the best player in the world. All sentimentality aside, I believe it'd be beneficial for the club in the long run to accept the bid. Now, I know what I'm saying is sacrilege but hear me out. Lionel Messi is irreplaceable, that is an undisputed fact. This however, is a double-edged sword. Messi is so talented he brings Barcelona to a new level whenever he plays, but the negative is that when he is injured or suspended he does the opposite because of how irreplaceable he is! The problem with relying on such a unique piece to the puzzle, when the aforementioned piece is missing the whole puzzle falls apart. My proposal is that if in the situation Messi is sold then Barcelona would change from 'Messi and Friends' to simply 'Barcelona' again. It would create an atmosphere that would allow other players to seamlessly slot into other roles; which is currently impossible due to the uniqueness of Messi. Luis Suarez and Neymar while special players are far easier to 'replace' than Messi; nobody can fufill the duties and the role that Messi does. While Barcelona wouldn't be as fantastic as a team without Messi, they could be a more 'well rounded team' without the reliance of the mercurial magician. Would I sell Messi if was on the board of Barcelona? No, I would not. However, there are benefits to a team that 'interchangeable' as opposed to a team with a 'marquee player'.
  8. At least I can stay awake for the full 90 mins for a Liverpool or Spuds game.
  9. Talk about giving a new meaning to 'los galicticos'
  10. Didn't know Joleon Lescott played for RM.
  11. It's bad but the City Football Group is the ultimate stain on football.
  12. Rasenballsport Leipzeg is corporate megalomania? I guess I can see your point, averting the 'Red Bull' label but keeping the 'RB'.
  13. Football agents are scum.

  14. More for being a dumb bastard that got a tattoo during the season instead of waiting till the off-season.
  15. You'd think Kroos and Modric would just get in eachother's way.
  16. I hope Celta keep on chugging. Nice to see clubs from small areas like Villarreal and Celta do well.
  17. United spend £1,000,000 p/w on three players. Two of whom are past it (well Zlatan is getting there) and the other never had it!
  18. Not exactly 'news' but I did read during the Bataclan massacre that a pregnant woman's womb was eviserated with a knife and man's genitalia were amputated and placed in his mouth. Not the just the usual Kalashnikov story we were fed.
  19. One of the joys in life is watching a woman think they are untouchable and hitting a man only to smacked right back.  The look of shock on their face is worst a million bucks. Same goes for blokes that talk shit and can't back it up.

  20. Understanding given that Jesus knows he will be injured for the majority of the season.
  21. Spike


    Looks like somebody got worked. Fucking smarks.
  22. Bridge wasn't married to that chick. He wasn't even in a relationship with her.
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