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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Argentina is fucked lmao imagine voting for a Libertarian, about 1% of the population is gonna get filthy rich and the rest are going to have to save up for the monthly subscriptions for water and oxygen. Haha, what a joke ‘you can do whatever you like except what we don’t like you doing’. Fuck Milei and his supporters, they are gonna get exactly what they deserve.
  2. Hark! Ye foul daemon in man’s clothes. I banish ye to the firey inferno whence thy came. Begone! Thomas was a man of virtue true nae a thief and liar like ye! I beseech the begone!
  3. You made a suicide joke already, I think you should both leave.
  4. Do you even understand what jihad is?
  5. Don’t you know The Rabbi is in cahoots with The Ayatollah
  6. Isa Guha is literally my fav cricket commentator
  7. I think from observing how Guardiola’s teams play I’ve learned a lot on how the game has changed. People like to say he is an overrated chequebook manager, and there is a truth to that, but I fully stand by the statement the man is a genius, only so few can claim to have reinvented the wheel but he has. His strategies and tactics exploit spacing, focusing on vertical positioning instead of the typical horizontal is exceptionally novel. It really changed my perception
  8. Specialisation is a thing of the past, the clear delineation between positions and whatever FIFA/Footballer sub-position is a thing of the past. A varied set of skills is more important than being the best crosser in the world, but bad at shooting. That’s why Brydog is right about wingers, they aren’t the old midfielders playing out wide like Beckham and Giggs, they are forwards and need the skills to score goals as much as passing and crossing, but they still need the qualities and skills Beckham and Giggs had. It doesn’t matter if they are 170cm if they have the technique of header accurately they will score eventually. For example fullbacks are barely strict defenders anymore, they are transitional players that move the ball vertically, more like a well rounded midfielder, well that’s where I think they do most of their work anyway.
  9. Anybody new is better than the same old codgers saying the same boring observations ‘the little magician has a magic left peg like’
  10. West Australia would be more appropriate.
  11. It’s popular but they don’t have the necessary authority to secede. I think there was a court case years ago that it either has to be a revolution (lol) or be recognised by the 49 other states.
  12. It won’t be federally recognised because it doesn’t meet the requirements set for seceding.
  13. They have been great at union busting. What they do is they put massive pressure on the individual store managers to fuck with employees that are trying to unionise. You need 40 hours? Here is 30. Also you will close the cafe at 10pm on Saturday but Sunday you need to be in at 4am. One minute late? That’s grounds for termination.
  14. Of course sports washing is real, how naive do you have to be to rubbish the concept of positive association and reinforcement? It's one of the most basic mind tricks.
  15. The USA and the allies are one part of the play, There are more actors than just them, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Qatar, and these conflicts have repercussions in Central Asia, Asia Minor, Armenia, Azerbaijan, this is more complex than simply American intervention, which was more of an incubator that fostered these conditions.
  16. The only way Jihad can be defeated is if everyone awakens to Islam and submits to Allah’s will. Okay? Now do you prefer Ali or Abu Bakr?
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