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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Crocs are fast on land but they have really poor agility, I’m slow with poor agility, so all I have to do is die after thinking I can zig zag a croc
  2. Two Aussie brothers died in a a bomb strike on Lebanon
  3. Brian is just pragmatic critical support while @Dr. Gonzowe are being idealists. I do stand by my earlier statement of fuck Milei and people like him.
  4. Poverty in Argentina has already increased because he fired like 30% of government workers and rolled back social programs.
  5. Mate Libertarians do nothing but commit crimes against other’s liberty, it’s the fundamental flaw in their ideology. Libertarianism instantly collapses when it is juxtaposed to another Libertarian.
  6. What is his economic plan besides firing a lot of people and privatising industry? Argentina’s economy has already been decidedly worse since he took over, record inflation under Milei already.
  7. Look I don’t disagree that Peru is better than what it was under Garcia but my point isn’t that it has improved or not it is that Peru should be in an even better state than it is. Fujimori is able to get away with massive theft against the Peruvian people because the scraps that were afforded were better than Garcia’s. Mate it is not okay that Fujimori embezzled, it is not okay that trillions of mineral wealth were taken by foreign multinats, it doesn’t matter that he served time, that won’t change how Fujinomics will shape future Peruvian generations. Losing all that wealth for stability will only harm Peru in the future. Imagine if even 10% of the mining was taxed, how much more money Peru would have over a decade. Argentina is in bad shape, and the shape has gotten worse since Milei came in. I really don’t think the sheer desperation of the Argentine people means they deserve a crypto-fascist, they don’t. If Argentina comes out the other side in good shape excellent but to me I just don’t think someone with his nonsensical economic and social views can save that country. The cognitive dissonance is too strong, ‘I believe in total freedom, but don’t protest or I will send in the cops’ ‘You’re body is your right, unless you are a woman’
  8. Don’t forget the new mobilisation of police to stop protests
  9. Now they don’t get paid. Starving to death because the president knocked the food from your hands isn’t leadership, it isn’t helping the people, it’s colluding with the private sector for governmental support. The new excess in workforce will force earnings down in an already massive inflated economy. I’ve read about Fujinomics and I can’t say I’m impressed. Stability? Yeah that’s nice it really is, but Peru paid way to much for stability, one of the most corrupt governments in history embezzling billions, and the complete privatisation of Peru’s mineral wealth to be extracted by foreign multinationals. Peru was sold 24k karats of gold, got 12 and is thankful for it. He got poverty down to 40% but probably could have made it 0% if he weren’t so corrupt.
  10. A tumour isn’t removed by shooting it with a gun. How many people have already lost their jobs under this guy? That isn’t helping poverty or the economy. Not only is this guy banning abortion which is an attack on women, especially poor women, he wants to remove all government programs which includes bloody education! It’s not about being foreign or not it’s about seeing the tell take signs of a fascist, which Milei definitely displays in short bursts. Apologetic for the military junta, anti-abortion, anti-immigration, pro-private sector, pro-military. Just because the previous governments were incompetent isn’t a justification for what Milei is and what he wants. Argentina has bought into something they can’t afford.
  11. https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/21/argentina-new-leader-extreme-abortion-gay-rights-javier-milei Milei is a snake-oil salesman who is promising to stare down inflation with drastic libertarian measures. Members of his party have already said they expect their drastic policies will result in massive protests. They have also said they will call in the armed forces if necessary to restore “order” – always that word. I’m confident that our democratic interlude will extend past 1983-2023, but it’s likely to take one hell of a beating during Milei’s presidency.
  12. Argentina is fucked lmao imagine voting for a Libertarian, about 1% of the population is gonna get filthy rich and the rest are going to have to save up for the monthly subscriptions for water and oxygen. Haha, what a joke ‘you can do whatever you like except what we don’t like you doing’. Fuck Milei and his supporters, they are gonna get exactly what they deserve.
  13. Hark! Ye foul daemon in man’s clothes. I banish ye to the firey inferno whence thy came. Begone! Thomas was a man of virtue true nae a thief and liar like ye! I beseech the begone!
  14. You made a suicide joke already, I think you should both leave.
  15. Do you even understand what jihad is?
  16. Don’t you know The Rabbi is in cahoots with The Ayatollah
  17. Isa Guha is literally my fav cricket commentator
  18. I think from observing how Guardiola’s teams play I’ve learned a lot on how the game has changed. People like to say he is an overrated chequebook manager, and there is a truth to that, but I fully stand by the statement the man is a genius, only so few can claim to have reinvented the wheel but he has. His strategies and tactics exploit spacing, focusing on vertical positioning instead of the typical horizontal is exceptionally novel. It really changed my perception
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