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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Iran definitely needs change but I don’t see why Cuba does? Nearly all their woes are externally inflicted upon them with draconian punishments from the USA stemming from the Cold War. Even the problems they have now are largely exaggerated by the press. Is it perfect? Fuck no, but Cuba is definitely in a better place than the 90s and in the 50s when it was literally a mafia run state. Their number one export is doctors and their medical science developed their own Covid vaccine. Cuba has a massive capacity for good.
  2. Uhh mate it’s RTX now lmao. Wait till people start googling that neat black sun logo being used by militias.
  3. Trump could not be more establishment.
  4. They are incredibly effective, because Cuba and Iran are miserable, that's the goal. Cuba for instance has all the infrastructure in place to be an effective country, it just doesn't have the materials.
  5. They should not have let Chavez die. Or maybe they should have IDK, Venezuela was okay for about a decade, but you know maybe they should have taken the oil profits and reinvested them in fields that would make Venezuela self-sufficient, rather than relying on the purchasing power of oil. Why import food? Why not invest in agricultural infrastructure? It makes no sense, it's just short-sightedness.
  6. 90,000 of the 100,000 in the British jailing system are British. 15% of the British population was not born in the UK. Do the maths big guy.
  7. It has a meaning, and it's a great meaning, it's just that dumbcunts don't understand that meaning, because it horrifies them that people have different experiences in the same systems.
  8. The tax pool scales with the population. It’s always the same ratio.
  9. Well mate you need to understand that public healthcare would be funded by the collective tax of individuals and corporations, so it wouldn’t be more expensive for the individual at all
  10. They aren’t state controlled, they are literally all private entities. Businesses culture profiteering.
  11. Business being famously corruption free.
  12. No it can’t, liberalism and libertarianism are right wing economics, that’s just a definitive fact. You can’t be serious? Big Businesses have no vested interest in your well-being, just your labour and money. But you do trust Chiquita?
  13. Labels and the left/right dichotomy are the most useless time wasting, arbitrary and asinine political discourse.
  14. Libertarianism is literally the most right wing economic system and to pidgeon hole him, if you want to waste time with semantics, he’d be a neoliberal
  15. It’s a shame he caused about 12,000,000 deaths with his international diplomacy
  16. Tell that to the extra 7 years of war in Vietnam and then extending conflict to Laos and Cambodia. Tell that to supporting Indoenesia’s pogrom on East Timor. The man was a warmonger devoid of ideology besides tightening his personal power.
  17. Lmao https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/henry-kissinger-war-criminal-dead-1234804748/amp/
  18. *Unless you are Mexican Cuban Honduran Colombian El Salvadoran Puerto Rican Palestinian Cambodian Filipino Syrian Afghanistani Iraqi North Korean Vietnamese I'm sure I'm forgetting a few
  19. Yeah it's tiring, you can't even have a discussion on political theory because it's so debased from reality. It melts people's brains that liberalism is conservatism in the USA because liberalism are the foundations of American political thought dating back to the founding fathers, it's just that somewhere people figured that liberal = progressive social policies, when it isn't at all. The democrats and repubs are just different crowds of the same liberalism ideals, personality responsibility, small government, low regulations, and so on, they just pander and contort those basic free-market principals towards their voting base, urbanites, religious cunts, whatever. The culture war is just a diversion of chewable debates and problems to distract people from critical assessments of problems that are fundamental in the systems they live in. Wanking over abstractions doesn't improve the material conditions of people's lives, moaning about an NFL team doesn't change rampant poverty and alcoholism in Indigenous American communities.
  20. Spike


    Interesting to see a different view on Hasidism because you really only get horror stories about sexual abuse, domestic abuse, abuse from those in power (the rabbbis), though I've only watched the first five minutes maybe it gets worse...
  21. I'd say one foot past is offside, but I agree with feet placement being the qualifying factor of offside or onside. I really don't care if someone is leaning forward or backwards slightingly and the bloody head is offside, that's just ridiculous pedantry.
  22. There is 0% chance that anyone considers Pedri a Barcelona academy player, it isn't even a question. He is barely even a Las Palmas graduate, he was only there for two years.
  23. There is nothing to like about winter
  24. Renting is more expensive than mortgaging in certain USA markets. My mortgage is less than my coworker’s rent, he just doesn’t have the liquid capital for a down payment.
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