1. You used intersectionality incorrectly. It is discrimination/privilege dichotomy not victim/oppressor, and it is a specific idea from certain feminists movements, not necessarily a leftist ideal.
2. Yes, you do. Quite often actually given many right wing ideologies have antisemitism as a tenant. And just so you know racism is fundamentally in opposition to leftist theory, any expressions of racism are a contradiction. Lefties did not give power to IRI that was Jimmy Carter @Dr. Gonzo.Mojahedin was a footnote on the revolution.
3. How convenient that you can’t procure any evidence. Also a genius strategy of Yemen to propagandise about 0.1% of western people that identify as Marxists.
4. Liberalism and Islamism aren’t Leftist ideas. Once again you have no idea what you are talking about. And no, Jewish people aren’t the exclusive victims of universal racism, grow up.