Yeah it's tiring, you can't even have a discussion on political theory because it's so debased from reality. It melts people's brains that liberalism is conservatism in the USA because liberalism are the foundations of American political thought dating back to the founding fathers, it's just that somewhere people figured that liberal = progressive social policies, when it isn't at all. The democrats and repubs are just different crowds of the same liberalism ideals, personality responsibility, small government, low regulations, and so on, they just pander and contort those basic free-market principals towards their voting base, urbanites, religious cunts, whatever. The culture war is just a diversion of chewable debates and problems to distract people from critical assessments of problems that are fundamental in the systems they live in. Wanking over abstractions doesn't improve the material conditions of people's lives, moaning about an NFL team doesn't change rampant poverty and alcoholism in Indigenous American communities.