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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Ahahaha. Hah, fuck mate it doesn’t exist. That country is half parking lot, there is probably more bitumen for parking on the square metre than the entirety of Britain and Ireland has land. Philadelphia has eight car parks per person.
  2. At least you have trains. It takes an hour plus to get from the fucking Chicago suburbs to the city proper on their pre-fucking-industrial trains.
  3. @DeadLinesman Easily the worst train I’ve been on. Two canceled, three carriages instead of six, and someone fucking died or had a medical incident on another carriage in Dewsberry or whatever it’s called. I had to stand holding luggage for two people, had commuters up my arse, the mrs looks like she is going to chunder from motion sickness, and four codgers are sitting pretty on their little table talking shit about the Australian cricket team.
  4. If it makes you feel better, I didn’t do much on Monday night because everything was closed and the weather was shit.Then last night I just walked around the northern quarter and got drunk at a bunch of shitty bars. The only thing you missed was me getting angry about only card payment.
  5. I was posting all about it on the discord. I do feel bad about it, honestly. If you want to take a terribly overbooked train to Leeds
  6. Just been in Manchester. @DeadLinesmanI forgot to tell you
  7. Spike


    Not really. The score is 34-32. Australia hasn’t won in the UK since 2001.
  8. Spike


    Bairstow hook to square leg, out on first delivery.
  9. Spike


    I thought he was more confused about the LBW call and the ball still being live. Carey was even quicker than Pope! It was immediate.
  10. Spike


    I don’t mean to be sour-grapes or banging on about something that is over and done with but I cannot find anything much on when Ollie Pope did the exact same thing as Carey to Colin de Grandhomme last year during an LBW review. It’s hard to find footage or even articles talking about it, I think it just drives home that he media circus goes into overdrive when an Australian does something. This is pretty much all I can find https://www.guerillacricket.com/3655,video-ollie-pope-shows-great-presence-mind-run-out-colin-de-grandhomme
  11. Spike


    I didn’t say you said that but it’s the general consensus of a lot of people. The laws are the laws except when they are not. Even Patty Cummins said that Bairstow had been threatening the Aussies with the same thing and had attempted it several times. I know it wouldn’t be controversial if it had happened to Warner, because Australians are the bad guys and whenever even the most minor incident happens it’s ten times worse if an Aussie does it. it’s no different from mankading, give them a warning and them stump em. I’m sure Carey was in Bairstow’s ear.
  12. Spike


    When Carey three the ball Bairstow was behind the line. Bairstow has also tried to do that before, as has Foakes. England ‘that wasn’t a catch, laws of the sport’ also England ‘that wasn’t a stumping, against the spirit of the sport. I don’t care about technicalities’
  13. Spike


    Lords is seething. Hurling boos at Khawaja during his post-match interview. The members had a meltdown in the long room, saying me posh prick is going to get a formally written letter by the MCC. ‘Dear sir, One must refrain from heckling the colonials in the long room. We must show our lessers the proper conduct of cricket. Sincerely, MCC’
  14. Spike


    It's another 'England get dragged kicking screaming to win by a Johnny Foreigner' episode. Bloody hell, Stokes sold his soul to the devil for this innninng.
  15. Spike


    It is shocking the quality of Stokes’ batting. That is why is he is the skipper. Wish he played for NZ
  16. Spike


    Stokes is going to win this alone what the fuck
  17. Spike


    Stokes is on fire, wow
  18. Spike


    Fuck me dead how often was Bairstow walking out of his crease to preempt Carey immediately tossing it at the wicket before he even walked? English will be mad at Australia but they should be mad at Bairstow. How many days has he fucked up for England just these Ashes?
  19. Spike


    What is Bairstow doing? Why would he immediately start walking like that? Is he drunk? He is a bloody wickie himself.
  20. Spike

    Off Topic

    what’s that, mate?
  21. Spike


    It’s a welcome spark of life for the Ashes, so shan’t complain too much.
  22. Spike


    We are just disagreeing here on basic interpretations of the wording. I think the writing is very vague and nebulous, very poorly defined. It doesn’t specify how much ‘finger’ needs to be under, so can it be just fingertips? I’d say yes if it doesn’t specify. They explicitly say that it doesn’t matter if the ball touches the ground as long as fingers touch underneath, it is so ridiculous, but that is what the umpires say. I’d also argue that ‘momentum’ would be more appropriate than ‘movement’. I’d say everyone that is fully capable is always in control of their own ‘movement’. If I were were fall off a ladder, I’d still be in control of my body own movements but not the momentum of gravity! The problem isn’t that it is or isn’t a catch the problem is that the laws create the argument.
  23. Spike


    Because it’s the flaw of the laws. When does the catch start and end? He had it in 100% in control in his hands, thats the catch, ball is dead. He throws it up in the air for the celebration, hits the floor after the celebration, but it is a catch. The whole ‘in control of the body’ phrasing is nebulous nonsense, equally as nebulous as ‘fingers under the ball’, which they were, not a lot of finger mind, but they were still under the ball. Everyone that isn’t from England thinks it was a terrible umpire decision. Whatever, it’s passed, I’m sure the next non-catch will be given as a wicket to even things out again.
  24. Spike


    Yeah, he should have used his face instead of his hands to break his fall. Fingers were under the ball, caught with two hands, if he had caught the ball and chucked it up in the air before landing they would have called it a catch and you know it.
  25. Spike


    Ridiculous that Starc’s catch isn’t a ‘catch’. It was in his hands for two bloody seconds before dragging the ball on the ground. If Cameron Green had a catch against India, how is Starc’s not?
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