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Everything posted by Spike

  1. It’s a shame he caused about 12,000,000 deaths with his international diplomacy
  2. Tell that to the extra 7 years of war in Vietnam and then extending conflict to Laos and Cambodia. Tell that to supporting Indoenesia’s pogrom on East Timor. The man was a warmonger devoid of ideology besides tightening his personal power.
  3. Lmao https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/henry-kissinger-war-criminal-dead-1234804748/amp/
  4. *Unless you are Mexican Cuban Honduran Colombian El Salvadoran Puerto Rican Palestinian Cambodian Filipino Syrian Afghanistani Iraqi North Korean Vietnamese I'm sure I'm forgetting a few
  5. Yeah it's tiring, you can't even have a discussion on political theory because it's so debased from reality. It melts people's brains that liberalism is conservatism in the USA because liberalism are the foundations of American political thought dating back to the founding fathers, it's just that somewhere people figured that liberal = progressive social policies, when it isn't at all. The democrats and repubs are just different crowds of the same liberalism ideals, personality responsibility, small government, low regulations, and so on, they just pander and contort those basic free-market principals towards their voting base, urbanites, religious cunts, whatever. The culture war is just a diversion of chewable debates and problems to distract people from critical assessments of problems that are fundamental in the systems they live in. Wanking over abstractions doesn't improve the material conditions of people's lives, moaning about an NFL team doesn't change rampant poverty and alcoholism in Indigenous American communities.
  6. Spike


    Interesting to see a different view on Hasidism because you really only get horror stories about sexual abuse, domestic abuse, abuse from those in power (the rabbbis), though I've only watched the first five minutes maybe it gets worse...
  7. I heard he died after shelving too many ecstasy pills in Ibiza
  8. Corporations have more rights than people
  9. How is it okay that insulin is manufactured for about $5 a bottle and is retailed at $98, but than it is covered by a monthly insurance fee of $450p/month to reduce it down down to $14. So why do I pay a private company a $5,400p/a to have the right to still be overcharged for a product that my wife will die without?
  10. The USA is beyond the richest country in the world, one piss drop of the military budget would be enough to enact socialist policies that would dwarf most of the world’s GDP. Tell me why I should pay into a private health fund that selectively chooses what I am and aren’t covered on, who isn’t covered, and who I can see, when I could pay into a public health fund that helps everyone?
  11. He certainly does not lean left at all
  12. Biden is a socialist is the most hilarious comment I’ve read on here in years. Biden literally signed the biggest anti-union and anti-labour bill in the country’s history when he quashed the rail strikes. Biden isn’t left wing, the democrats aren’t left wing, they are economic liberals to the core.
  13. The SASR has been under scrutiny in Australia but mouth breathers aren’t bothered because they think it’s justifiable
  14. I thought Venezuela had intense trade sanctions from USA pressure, like Cuba; which has caused the crisis.
  15. Spike


    The neck protectors that are used are kinda lame though, well that's what my mate that plays says. You'd know what he means.
  16. ta mate, but it’s 2pm still
  17. you’re sucking the life out of me mate, besides you picked chess which also gets into double digits…
  18. Less often than 15-Love
  19. That’s a ridiculous outlier
  20. The opening score in tennis is 15 ffs
  21. Mass shooting in Vermont, 22 dead and likely more
  22. Spike


    Because England picked winning instead of the 'spirit of the game' last WC. Maybe the felt spiritual today?
  23. She also had the audacity to request a seat on The Voice if it passed.
  24. Yeah I witnessed first hand some bullshit online and I did my best laying smackdown on the Soggy Baguettes of Boganville, but of course they know better. I would encounter faux-bleeding heart smugness ‘well first nation people aren’t voting for it so I won’t either, I’m not a racist that thinks he knows better than them, and I won’t racially divide this country’, despite the fact nah you just are racist and two they aren’t voting because they want sovereignty and you bloody well don’t support that mr. dumb-smartarse. what is colonialism, cultural genocide, and stolen generation. Just because you didn’t do it, just because you aren’t responsible doesn’t mean it didn’t happen and it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything to help. It doesn’t even compute at the end of the because yes or no, it isn’t going to affect you mr. Jaxxon Pelly-Smithson from Parramatta, but a yes may help some people that have it real bad.
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